It is hilarious. Just don’t be surprised if others call it a biplane. (Snoopy’s Bird was the Sopwith Camel = two wings = biplane.)*** You must rent the movie!! Those Magnificent Men And Their Flying Machines is one of the best films of all time if you like multi-wing, single engine, canvass covered aircraft. You must see it. Cue it up on Netflix, make a bucket of popcorn, put your Ork triplanes on the coffee table, add beverages and enjoy. Seriously. ^ Those four sentences are Dr. Pendrake’s official prescription. ***Sopwith did make a Triplane. It was the first triplane to be used in combat. It inspired the Germans to build triplanes which led to the Fokker Dr.1.
True enough... I neglected to notice this difference on my reference pictures as most were of snoopy flying around on his doghouse I got my pictures of my savage orc boys as well! Its a tiny start to a Mordheim Savage Orc warband! Excuse the bases, they need more work. Plus they are round... I got six of them in total, these two could function as the "leadas" armed with a spear/shield and choppa/shield: Two of the grunts, with spears (stikkas?): I used a sampling of lizardmen bits on these guys too, as they would not be out of place in the jungles of Lustria: And lastly two arrow boys: I want to add some tattoos and stuff, but am too nervous to attempt it
After a full day of casting and assembling, the Flying Circus has grown by five more triplanes! All the pieces prior to assembly: ... and all put together! On @pendrake 's suggestion and @Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl 's inspiration, I was watching the Magnificent Men and their Flying Machines will I worked on this project all day. Pretty funny movie! Granted it was an older one, with a ton of Hollywood cliches and a ton of European/American stereotypes, but it was a funny romp Triplanes Phase 2 is in full swing!
Honestly, I absolutely adore these. So inventive and innovative, and not only making some but casting some more as well! I’m honestly not worthy! Yes Magnificent Men is a very funny film. About the stereotypes, I believe they were mainly done to make the comedy even funnier, especially Gert Frobe’s marching German Officer, who’s probably one of the best characters in my eyes. I dare you to design an Ork aircraft racing game based upon the film - that’s your extension task!
My brother cast his treeman kit some time ago, and while he visited I finally took the time to assemble it: Most of it is resin and a couple plastic bits, with plenty cast Bretonnian shields, plus some chain lengths and bits of wire for the fingers and rope. Since I don't own any wood elves I decided to make this guy part of my Bretonnian force. I got the idea from Kings of War, whose Brotherhood Knights faction has a creature known as a "Forsaken Beast." It will be named the "Gallows Oak" on account of that one scene from Robin Hood (big tree in the background's name, not actually a character): Inspiration also came from the old Arthurian legends of the Green Knight I believe... at one point a famous knight would take the shields of his defeated challengers and hang them in a tree. My converted version is what would happen if that tree came alive! Spoiler: Assembly and Priming More assembly shots: Shields hanging from the arms: After priming: You can see the rope nooses hanging from the other arm in this shot, putting the "gallows" in "Gallows Oak": And here is my newly assembled and primed treeman with three of my brother's custom cast versions (one with whip-hand, second with four arms and two heads, and third is Groot!) Here is the Gallows Oak after a quick initial coat of brown, plus the mud paint on its base so it fits in with the rest of the army. Fun model to put together!
Thanks! Got a good picture with the next layer of paint, giving a better idea of what the oak is going to look like:
You are a fan of the green dudes right? I’ve just found a bunch of my old ‘squig’ projects - going to do some of them (like I haven’t got a long ass list of things to do already) Looking good, like his stance too
Nice! I am a fan of the green dudes, both the scaley kind (my lizardmen) and the orky kind (both 40K and the savage variety).