7th Ed. Fight in Ranks Question

Discussion in 'Rules Help' started by Arsenal, Jan 29, 2010.

  1. Arsenal
    Temple Guard

    Arsenal New Member

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    In a combat, where a unit of spearmen are charged, and the 1st rank is wiped out, does the 2nd rank still get to strike back? Or can they not strike back as there is no man in front of him 'in contact' with the enemy until the round is done and the unit is cleaned up?

    Also, I assume whatever the ruling is on this applies to all special rules, like with Kroxigors, who can strike whomever is in contact with a Skink in from of them.

    Thanks in Advance!

    Note: I asked this same question on the Librarium, I just wanted to see what the consensus was here as well.
  2. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Yes and Yes

    You are correct sir. :)
  3. msinosic

    msinosic New Member

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    We play it as Yes they can strike back.

    The bonus of Spears is that they can fight in 2 ranks. The second rank CAN fight behind the first one, they CAN fight with a model in combat to the front of themselves. It isn't that they MUST fight with a model in front of them else how would the front rank get to attack!?

    Ohh Sorry guys you have spears! You men there can't fight as your in the front rank and well technically you need to have someone in front of you, just stand there and look pretty, perhaps dance instead?

    You over there in the second rank! Yes you! Your mate George in front of you seems to be dead, nasty wound that! You thought you were going to get to fight? No, sorry, doesn't work like that as your now in the front rank and well, technically you have no one in front of you. Better luck with your spear next round mate!

    Whats that? Someone in the 3rd rank wants to talk? You're saying you are behind Phil who is, no wait, was behind George who is of course dead so you are technically in the second rank now? That's just stupid and your making things unecessarily confusing!
  4. Arsenal
    Temple Guard

    Arsenal New Member

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    Is that how it's played in tournaments, such as the Indy GTs or Fields of Blood or anything? I want to post this link to a pal of mine who would beg to disagree. In our last match I was robbed of a combat with his interpretation, though I did manage to not get run down, rally, recharge, and get both ranks to fight, even though it was down to less than 10 saurus.
  5. msinosic

    msinosic New Member

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    I don't play tournaments so I can't comment on them.

    Hopefully you didn't allow your second rank to fight on the turn you charged? On the second round of combat after you have charged they can attack from the second rank.
  6. Arsenal
    Temple Guard

    Arsenal New Member

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    No, didn't use the rule on the charge, but on the turn after. It was a prolonged multi-unit combat. Lasted about 3 rounds, and was still there at the tally.

    I'm glad to know this for the next time though.
  7. Bibamus

    Bibamus New Member

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    the rule says fight in 2 ranks. seems pretty clear to me. the 1st and 2nd rank fight. when removing casualties in close combat they are removed from the 1st rank, this has no impact on he 2nd rank untill all of the 1st rank is dead.
    also, we are talking about the begining of combat, you don't get 20 attacks(2 nd and 3rd) if he kills all your saurii in the 1st rank

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