Hello there, I've been playing 40k for the last few months and odd as it sounds in my area it's hard to get games while he fantasy group always has nice full tables. So I decided to buy into fantasy, getting a battalion and a stegadon to start me off. I have ~10-15 each of older edition (5th I think) Saurus and Skink models so I figure what's next ought to be a unit of Terradons maybe a salamander in order to work up to 2k where I can field a slann. Any suggestions? Oh yea, that and a rulebook so I don't have to keep bumming off of others. Anyhow, thanks for having me here.
Welcome to the Forum. You are on the right track with the Battalion and Stegadon. A unit of Terradons will be useful. I think a Salamander or two is a fantastic addition as well. Honestly, since you are planning on getting a Slann I don't think suggesting another battalion box is out of line at all. That would give you all of the Temple Guard you could want, 10 Cold One Cavalry and full CoC command groups (basically all the CoC you'll ever need), a couple dozen Skinks (I'd make them all skirmishers with blowpipes), and 36 regular Saurus with two musicians and two standard bearers. At this point you could run some of the most popular setups in the 2000-3000 point ranges. Throw in another Stegadon or two and you'd be looking at 4000 points from which to pick and choose. At that point you are looking at running the Slann, 2 EotGs, Skink Chief on Ancient with War Spear, Terradons, Salamander, a nice little CoC hammer with Scar-Vet mounted, and your core with two units of 18 Saurus and two units of 10-12 Skink Skirmishers. Of course, that's if you decide Lizardmen are everything you want in an Army after playing them a while. I happen to love them and feel that they are probably the second most versatile army out there. On top of that, they are one of the cheapest to acquire as well. Best of luck!
Thanks for the advice, that sounds like a very stable purchase plan and is broadly on track with what I was thinking. Right now my plan was to try and get to 2k and then get everything painted and decide if I am having fun. As far as what I have so far I am modeling all the skinks as blow gun wielding skirmishers, the Saurus with spear and the steg as an EotG. Should be more than enough to field 1k