AoS: Lord Agragax's Fyreslayer Thread

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl, Apr 17, 2018.

  1. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Before I being, thanks very much to @Crowsfoot for pointing me to where I could put this thread as the army lists thread is purely for Seraphon.

    As you probably all know, I’ve been researching Fyreslayers for as long as Fjul-Grimnir has been growing his beard, and have come up with this friendly tournament army list, hoping that it is competitively strong enough to win some games and yet not too OP:

    Allegiance: Fyreslayers
    General: Auric Runefather on Magmadroth - Exemplar of the Ancestor, Ancestor Rune
    Auric Runesmiter - Forge Key, Igneous Plate
    Auric Runeson - Ancestral Waraxe, Meteoric Axe
    Auric Runemaster - Ash-Plume sigil
    Battlesmith - Obsidian Coronet
    Grimwrath Berzerker - Volcanic Rune

    10 Vulkite Berzerkers - Pairs of Handaxes
    10 Vulkite Berzerkers - Pairs of Handaxes
    10 Vulkite Berzerkers - Pairs of Handaxes
    10 Hearthguard Berzerkers - Broadaxes

    Additional units
    10 Auric Hearthguard

    Allies: Dispossessed
    10 Quarrellers - Clan Banner
    10 Thunderers - Clan Banner
    20 Warriors - Clan Banner

    Lords of the Lodge
    Warrior Kinband

    Total: 2000 on the nose
    Leaders: 6/6
    Battlelines: 4/3 (Hearthguard Berzerkers are Battleline with Runefather General)
    Behemoths: 1/4
    Allies: 400/400
    Wounds: 130

    This army is designed to be the ultimate melee army. I plan to set up all my units except the Quarrellers and Thunderers around the Runefather (All the Vulkites on one flank and the Hearthguard Berzerkers and Warriors on the other with the Battlesmith and Runemaster on the inside near the Runefather and the Grimwrath and Runeson close to the front and in the thick of it when the melee begins) so they benefit from his command ability and command trait, and also to prevent flying units sweeping around behind to engage my Runefather in melee in an attempt to knock wounds off him, while having a tiny space between my units at the front to allow my Runefather to fight in melee - maximising the damage output and minimising enemy damage to him in return. The Quarrellers and Thunderers will stay back to provide some much-needed missile support and the Runesmiter and the Hearthguard will be kept off the board, as a Runesmiter on foot can deep strike himself and any one unit onto the board anywhere within 9” of enemy models, which will be useful in trying to knock wounds off Death Star characters early on in the game or for supporting my melee line if they come up against something that is somehow beating them in combat. My army is virtually immune to Battleshock as the Fyreslayers units don’t take Battleshock tests if they are within 12” of the Runefather (which all except the Auric Hearthguard will) and the Dispossessed units halve the number of models that run away with Battleshock with their Clan Banners, augmenting their already high Bravery. The Runemaster will be great against Sylvaneth because he can make their Wyldwoods dangerous for them and also against Stormcast as he will be able to force the opponent to virtually sacrifice one of his units (as Stormcast have all elite units). The Hearthguard Berzerkers will be able to attack twice as long as they are near the Runefather, Runemaster or Battlesmith (which they will) and the Vulkites will be able to throw their throwing axes twice as long as they are near the Runeson (which they will hopefully) and will be able to pile in additional D3” inches as long as they are near another Vulkite unit (which they will as they will be all on the same flank).

    I will also get a bonus to my dice roll for one turn to see who goes first from Lords of the Lodge which is great if I want to get a double turn to use two of my army runes (one that allows me to add 4 to my movement and the other to add 8 to my throwing axe range).

    For 1500 points I can remove one Vulkite unit and the Warrior Kinband Battalion and halve the size of the Hearthguard, Hearthguard Berzerkers and Dwarf Warriors to give me 1510 points (Don’t know if that’s legal or not as it’s just over).

    Hope you AoS players like my army idea and let me know what you think! :)
    Bowser, Sudsinabucket, Wazz and 3 others like this.
  2. Xasto

    Xasto Well-Known Member

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    I don't know that much about Fyreslayers but what I've seen from lists around events is that the Runesmiter comboes really well with a unit of 30 Vulkite Berzerkers. You deep strike them onto anything you want to die, and 30 VB are REALLY tough to chew through with their multiple save/shrug off wounds and mortal wounds.

    I would probably split the 10 Hearthguard Berzerkers into 2x5 and make one 30 man blob of Vulkite Berzerkers, which would give you your 3 battlelines and I think you would even get a horde discount from the 30 man unit? Not sure though.
  3. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Thank you for taking the time to comment!

    It is an interesting concept, but it would mean that I wouldn’t be a able to use the Warrior Kinband battalion, as it requires an Auric Runeson and 3 unit’s of Vulkites. This battalion is a useful part of my army as it will allow the Vulkites to shoot twice. Which would be especial,y devastating when I use them to shoot in the turn when my throwing axes are 16” range. Also I wouldn’t be able to fit anything in as a replacement as I’m all out of character and ally slots and there are no Fyreslayer units that cost 90 points or less.
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2018
    Bowser and Crowsfoot like this.
  4. Xasto

    Xasto Well-Known Member

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    I understand what you mean! I did not know about the Warrior Kinband battalion and what it did or contained, I can see now that it is a big part of your strategy!

    All I know about Fyreslayers is that the top competitive lists often run 3 x 30 vulkite berzerkers as their battleline, as they are absolutely amazing at withstanding enemy fire. I'm not saying you should do that, I'm really just stating that I don't know much about the army and their different battalions and synergies!

    I like the idea of your list, especially in a friendly environment! Could make for some great games!
  5. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Once again, thank you for commenting!

    While I hope my idea of an army will win some games, I'm not out to win them all, so my build isn't supposed to be uber-competitive. It's just meant to be a fun army that is competent in the game and will have a mixture of wins and losses. I have also been thinking of strategies against each army:

    Stormcast: The main strength of Stormcast is that they are strictly a 'quality' army - a smaller number of multi-wound models, unless they decide to Gryph-Hound spam or something like that. One thing I've noticed is that Stormcast haven't got many units with saves against Mortal Wounds, so the Magmadroth will be perfect for spamming out Mortal Wounds against these customers. They have flying units in the form of Prosecutors, but I'm thinking of leaving the Grimwrath with the Quarrellers and Thunderers. Some might say this is a waste of his combat ability, but it does mean that I don't need to set any other units back to protect the Dispossessed missile units and he is more than capable of taking down Prosecutors as long as he gets the charge. I'm hoping for this anyway as any tactically intelligent opponent would rather attack the squishy missile troops than the half-crazed Fyreslayer with the big axe next to them. I can then simply retreat whichever unit is being attacked and then countercharge the Prosecutors with the Grimwrath to make sure they can't pursue (a favourite tactic of mine in AoS). A Stardrake is more of a problem, but I'm hoping that there will be less of these around as they are ridiculously expensive moneywise. If there was a Stardrake in town, I would just have to focus on killing his other units as quickly as possible and then getting the charge in with as many units in my main formation as possible. The Runefather's axe and Magmadroth's claws will contribute a great deal in inflicting wounds on the Stardrake, especially as my Runefather gets Damage-4 attacks with his axe against monsters rather than damage 3 - he can potentially inflict 12 Damage in a single combat round, and that's before the Magmadroth attacks with its 6 Damage 2 attacks. Also as I've said before the Runemaster forces the opponent to nominate one of his units to be able to re-roll 1s to Wound in return for me to be able to re-roll all hit and wound rolls when attacking that unit, basically sacrificing it, and with Stormcast there are very few cannon fodder units to be able to assign this to, so it will hurt them all the harder.
    Daughters of Khaine: Quite a simple tactic for my army here - charge them before they charge me. I can do this by waiting for them to rush forward in the first one or two battle rounds (depending on the board size) and then using one of my 6 Runes to give me a burst of speed in my turn that will allow me to close with them a lot quicker and potentially be able to charge them before they can hit me. Fyreslayers have a little less in terms of killiness than Daughters of Khaine but are considerably more resilient. Basic Daughters of Khaine troops have only a 6+ Ward to protect them, while mine have at the very minimum a 5+ armour save and a 6+ Ward. The Battlesmith will also allow my units near him to be able to re-roll failed save rolls as long as they don't retreat, making it all the nicer for me. Furthermore, if the Battlesmith dies, I can choose to elect any number of my units to stay around the spot where he fell (meaning that they can't move anymore) but be able to re-roll all failed hit and wound rolls in combat, which is excellent against a primarily melee based army like Daughters of Khaine. I won't elect all of my units in the formation to do this though as otherwise they will be sitting ducks for any of those Melusai with ranged weapons the enemy might bring along, so I'll keep some of my units free to move to chase after those - those Melusai are primarily ranged troops so will probably be pretty bad in close combat. Morathi is the one nuisance as she can only suffer a maximum of 3 wounds per turn, so I can't beast her in combat with my Runefather as I can with other Death Star characters, so my best option is to deep strike the Runesmiter and Hearthguard in near her and blast her with lava to knock off those first 3 wounds. With luck she might then transform, meaning that not only will her magical capabilities be reduced significantly (less shadow magic to bombard me with so she has little chance of sniping any of my heroes) but also the number of wounds she has suffered will be doubled, meaning she will only have 6/12 left. This then forces the DoK player to gamble - either to send Morathi off after my Hearthguard which would mean sending her away from the main melee so she can't support her fellow Witch Elves or sending her into the main melee which then allows me to shoot her in the back again with my Hearthguard, potentially killing her in 2 more turns.
    Kharadron Overlords: I think they are actually one of the most scary match-ups against my Fyreslayers as as well as making me feel like a traitor to all Dwarf kind by initiating a Dwarf civil war, the Kharadron are incredibly shooty and fast, meaning that they can start to disintegrate my army pretty quickly as I'm advancing towards them. Probably the best way to sort them out would be for me to hang back as far away from them as possible to force them to move closer, then use the double combo of enhancing my throwing axe range to give my whole army a 16" range shooting attack to give them a taste of their own medicine and then giving myself the boost to my movement to get into close range where I can truly sort them out. They are terrible in melee for the most part except for Endrinriggers, Skywardens and the characters so once I get there it's easy pickings, but it's getting there that's the difficult part - I risk getting my army blown to pieces in short order, but at least most of my units have a Ward save to keep them going as well as an armour save.
    Sylvaneth: I'm really looking forward to crushing these monsters in battle - they've been deserving it for a while now. Their hideous revenants are actually pretty bad in combat so I'll have no trouble polishing them off. Kurnoth Hunters are trickier, but if I use my full weight of numbers then hopefully I can destroy them. Hearthguard Berzerkers and the Runefather will be most useful in getting rid of them. Drycha Hamadreth, Treemen and Spirits of Durthu will be no match for my Runefather with his Damage 4 axe that can permanently force them to reroll successful hits if he gets the charge. The Runemaster will be a real pain for them by making their Wyldwoods almost as dangerous for them as for me, basically forcing the player to choose whether to keep them in the woods to risk being melted by lava or move them out of the woods where I can easily charge and massacre his units. Alarielle will not be safe either providing I can get as many units into combat with her as possible, as if I can get all the Hearthguard Berzerkers and Runefather to charge her that is a potential 44 Damage just from those units, which is hopefully enough to kill her before she can regenerate or attack with that beetle, although she should be so severely wounded that the beetle's attacks will be few enough in number to ensure the survival of most of my men. If not, I can bring in my Auric Hearthguard to shoot her in the back to finish the job, although shooting her early on in the game will be a waste as she can regenerate, so I will be mostly using them to fire at units that refuse to come out and play from Wyldwoods along with the Quarrellers and Thunderers as the only real threat is caused if I try to charge units in Wyldwoods.

    I'll post more tactics here as soon as I think of them - again, let me know what you all think!
    Bowser, Sudsinabucket and Wazz like this.
  6. Dragonfire
    Cold One

    Dragonfire Well-Known Member

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    As a Kharadron player, I can tell you that your army will be at extremes against them. They can put out a metric poop ton of shooting that can ravage you but if the player is unlucky you will be on them and destroy them. Remember that their ships have a lot of abilities for inflicting wounds if they get the charge, so try to charge them first.

    The Thunderers will inflict damage from afar, so either try to deepstrike close to them or hope you can use terrain to your advantage.

    KO also relies heavily upon their characters, so wreck them to deny the army the buffs they need to turn their below average stuff decent and their above average stuff great.
  7. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Thank you for your advice!

    Certainly Kharadron are the most worrying of all the possible enemies for me as they have a good chance of shooting my units to pieces before they can make it into combat, but the one good thing about Kharadron is in most circumstances once my units get into melee I will be able to deal huge amounts of damage in return, especially the Runefather. At least with the most recent general’s handbook Fyreslayers do have the Rune that allows them to add 4 to their movement (and 4 to their charge move if I roll a 6) for a turn, so I could give a Kharadron player a surprise with a sudden burst of speed if he gets too complacent with the placement of his own units. Certainly against Kharadron my Battlesmith’s ability for when he dies will be useless as the Kharadron can just sit back and shoot those units that decide to protect his standard, but luckily it’s optional so I can simply ignore that ability. His other ability however will be useful as it will allow me to re-roll failed save rolls providing I don’t retreat, and against Kharadron it’s pointless to retreat.

    One other good thing about fighting Kharadron is that they have fewer melee units that would love to have a go at my Thunderers and Quarrellers, so I can be less wary about keeping those units protected. Those units also provide a measure of shooting of their own which allows me to concentrate fire on their lightly armoured infantry to get rid of them. One main disadvantage of Kharadron is that they have to take at least 3 Arkanaut units as they are their only Battleline choice. Arkanauts are dangerous at shooting but they have very little armour and are pretty bad in combat which will make them easy kills for me. Probably the scariest unit would be the Ironclad due to the huge amount of shooting it can spit out, but it is not only expensive in points it is also ridiculously expensive money wise so I’m hoping I won’t see many of them about.

    As for Thunderers, I have the Runesmiter with Hearthguard deepstrike trick that will allow me to blast 20 shots of lava at them , and if I use the throwing axe boost Rune it will allow me to throw 10 axes at them as well. Certainly they will be trickier to engage due to their retreat ability but my Hearthguard are strong missile units too.
    Bowser and Dragonfire like this.
  8. Dragonfire
    Cold One

    Dragonfire Well-Known Member

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    Yeah, with the exception of charging air ships and Edrinriggers, they really don't have decent hand to hand. Except the Endrinmaster! He's a hammer bro. He'll wreck stuff.
  9. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    As the new edition’s out, I’d thought I’d make an update to my Fyreslayer list idea. First thing is, now that magic has become a lot scarier in 2nd Edition, I’ve gone a lot more anti-magic on my list now, with a Runelord and the Alchemical Chain to make my Runefather a character who can unbind, so that I have the chance to unbind two spells a turn, and the Ash-Plume Sigil on my Runesmiter if there’s a particularly scary spell that needs to be unbound immediately. Additionally, because Fyreslayer battalions have gone up in price, I can only afford one now, and I’ve gone with Lords of the Lodge as once per game it gives me a boost to my dice rolls to see who goes first or second, which makes it more likely that I can steal a double-turn at a crucial moment. Another change is the swapping of my Dispossessed allied units for some Kharadron Skywardens, reason being that now that enemy units can only shoot at the unit engaging them in melee, I can try to zoom these Skywardens up the flanks of the enemy army, one unit on each side, and lock down a couple of enemy missile units before they can cause trouble or to inflict a bit of pain very early on, which will be great against shooty armies like Disciples of Tzeentch and also full Kharadron armies. Also it’s a nifty tactic against Idoneth as I can move these Skywardens around the flanks to try to get closer to those squishier units they will try to hide behind the ‘closest unit’, like the lightly armoured namarti who are the new glass cannons.

    Here’s my new army list:

    Allegiance: Fyreslayers - Mortal Realm: Chamon

    Aesir Doomaxe (260)
    Auric Runefather on Magmadroth
    - General
    - Command Trait : Exemplar of the Ancestor
    - Artefact : Alchemical Chain

    Aelfric Foespear (240)
    Auric Runeson on Magmadroth - Wyrmslayer Javelins

    Skorpa Brazenbeard (120)
    Auric Runesmiter
    - Forge Key
    - Artefact : Ash-plume Sigil

    Huginn Fyrecaller (80)
    Auric Runemaster

    Muninn Elderskald (120)

    Durlir Thunderbrand (100)
    Runelord - Allies

    The First Fyrd (120)
    10 x Vulkite Berzerkers -Pairs of Handaxes

    The Second Fyrd (120)
    10 x Vulkite Berzerkers -Pairs of Handaxes

    Aesir’s Huscarls (200)
    10 x Hearthguard Berzerkers -Broadaxes

    Skorpa’s Rangers (200)
    10 x Auric Hearthguard

    The Middenkeep First Scouting Division (120)
    3 x Skywardens
    - 1 x Aethermatic Volley Guns - 1 x Drill Cannons
    - 1 x Grapnel Launchers
    - Allies

    The Middenkeep Second Scouting Division (120)
    3 x Skywardens
    - 1 x Aethermatic Volley Guns - 1 x Drill Cannons
    - 1 x Grapnel Launchers
    - Allies

    Lords of the Lodge (110)

    TOTAL: 1910/2000
    WOUNDS: 98
    ARTILLERY: 0/4

    Note: On Warscroll Builder it says I have only 2 Battleline choices but I’ve edited it to 3 as Hearthguard Berzerkers are Battleline with a Runefather General (whoever programmed it is obviously not a Fyreslayers player).

    As always, I look forward to hearing comments on this new list! :)
    Wazz likes this.
  10. Wazz

    Wazz Well-Known Member

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    I like the new list! The lords of the lodge bonus on the turn roll isn't a thing anymore from what I understand, maybe they brought it back in 2.0? If you drop that you can make a 20 man unit of vulkites, the 4+ ward save is pretty awesome. If you did that I'd say try picks and shield, -1 rend possible mortal wounds on the charge and a 4+ save if they didn't charge is really helpful, especially with the Battlesmith nearby! The Runson is a really solid ranged choice with the spear, just remember he only gets one attack in combat! Awesome choice of names btw! Haha. Let me know how you like the Runemaster, I've been wanting to try one, but always default back to the Grimwrath Berserker instead lol.
  11. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    When did the Lords of the Lodge turn roll bonus not become a thing? Have I missed something?

    About the Runemaster, I haven’t yet bought the miniature or tried any games with him, but from his profile he’s a great counter to my least favourite army, Sylvaneth, as his Volcano’s Call ability forces them to risk damaging themselves in their own Wyldwoods, meaning that that forces the player to gamble - either keep his units in the wood and risk getting melted by lava or moving them out of the wood where they’re easy prey for my Slayers in combat. This can also be used on against any army where there's at least one scenery piece on the battlefield, but the Runemaster is just so good against Sylvaneth because they rely on scenery pieces to become what they think is 'competent', so using this requirement against them can really mess up their plans.

    Additionally his other ability is great against elite armies, as it forces the owning player to choose a unit to which all Fyreslayers re-roll all hit and wound rolls, i.e. effectively sacrificing it, and against all-round elite forces like Stormcast, this ability can never be directed onto chaff units (Gryph-Hounds might be seen as chaff but they're pretty good in melee - if they die its still a significant loss in melee combat potential). Against horde armies it isn't as good as your opponent can just choose a chaff unit to bear the Ur-Gold, but it will mean your Slayers can kill that unit even quicker than normal, meaning that they can get rid of that tarpit unit quicker and can more quickly turn their attention to stronger enemy units.

    The Grimwrath is especially killy, but the Runemaster is just as effective (which is why they cost the same points) only he needs to be used a lot more subtly, and I think this is why some Fyreslayer players pass on him, as they don't realise how he can mess up your enemy's army like the Grimwrath, just in a vastly different way, trading outright brawn for sneaky manipulation of the enemy's forces and the opponent's mind.

    Another character that's fallen out of favour but is still worth using is the Doomseeker - he's better than the Grimwrath against armies that require a single unit or character as their linchpin, like Flesh-Eater Courts or Disciples of Tzeentch, as you can choose that character to be the Doomseeker's chosen quarry, deepstrike him using a Runesmiter right next to said character and barrel him into melee against it - smaller characters like a Tzaangor Shaman will die pretty quickly against his 12 attacks, and while he's not likely to survive against monster characters, he'll still chop lumps out of them enough for another unit like deepstriking Hearthguard to finish them off and significantly lower the fighting potential of the enemy army.
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2018
    Wazz and Xasto like this.
  12. Wazz

    Wazz Well-Known Member

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    @Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl I think it was an FAQ where they said you can no longer change the dice roll for turn priority. I'm totally going to give the Runemaster a shot today, have 1000 point list I'm going to try if time allows for it after the Shadespire tournament. Thanks for giving me motivation to try new things! Lol
  13. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Anytime - let me know how you get on and what list you use - I may be able to give some pointers.
    Wazz likes this.
  14. Wazz

    Wazz Well-Known Member

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    Got to play yesterday a 1k game yesterday against mixed Stormcast. Here's the list.
    -Runefather with Amberglaive and exemplar of the ancestors as general
    -Runesmiter on Magmadroth with forge key
    -30 vulkites with picks and shields
    -5 Hearthguard Berserkers with broad axes
    For a total of 960/1000
    We just played kill each other my opponent brought
    Stardrake with Reroll wounds
    5 Sequitors
    5 retributors
    3 Prosecutors
    I won! He picked the stardrake to hold the ur-gold which was huge for me. 48 throwing axes and a bunch of attacks in combat chipped the Drake down pretty good and killed it in 3 turns! It would of been a quick game but we didn't realize that he couldn't have a unit full of great maces so the 12 damage he did to the runesmiter was only 6 lol. The retributors did work on the remaining vulkite(mostly bc he missed played the starsoul mace) so the Runefather and Hearthguard played clean up. I think I'm sticking with the pole axes with them. At least on stuff with good saves. Runefather killed 2 and I had rolled a 5 on the d3 so the minus -3 bravery made the last 2 run! So super long story short, I like the Runemaster lol. The Volcanos call didn't do much but I can see the utility, and the extra attacks were awesome.
  15. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Congrats on your victory! Volcano’s Call is only useful if you have loads of scenery on the battlefield or if you’re playing Sylvaneth, so I wasn’t expecting it to be of that much use in your report. The carrying ur-gold ability, however, is, as I said before, great against Stormcast as there’s almost no ability for your opponent to put it on a chaff unit - indeed your opponent made the biggest mistake of the game by giving it to the Stardrake as it made it so much easier for you to kill it. Broadaxes are good against chaff units as they deal 2 damage each so can be used to slaughter chaff units in droves, whereas I do see the value of Broadaxes against High-Save stuff with the mortal wound production, same with Vulkites with shields. I would have gone with putting the Runefather on the Magmadroth as his command ability gives you a good lot of rerolling 1s for things in a 24” range, as well as being a huge damage-outputter, but once again congratulations!
    Wazz likes this.
  16. Wazz

    Wazz Well-Known Member

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    Thanks! We had a bunch of terrain actually but I rolled bad for it lol. Once he picked a relic that let him reroll wounds, then picked the stardrake as the carrier I was like YES! lol. I thought about the Runefather as general, but with the Battlemaster, and Examplar of the Ancestors, I figured I'd spend the points on the runesmiter instead by I didnt want to deepstrike and have my forces split by of the small game Haha. Thanks again for the advice!
  17. Dragonfire
    Cold One

    Dragonfire Well-Known Member

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    Glad you won
    ! Your Dawi Zharr cousin over here cheers you on and toffs his big hat to you. ;D
  18. Wazz

    Wazz Well-Known Member

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  19. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Well, I bought the Fyreslayers Battletome today at my local GW and have been looking through it - certainly not disappointed! The artwork and mini shots are amazing, as always, and although there is a lot more of a bold-as-brass AoS feel to it, there are still a few ‘Easter eggs’ that hark back to the 8th Edition Fantasy army books, such as a single-colour piece of artwork being used for the cover inset, which is a nice touch. The lore sections look really interesting and will be especially valuable reading for me as I’m definitely thinking of starting a Fyreslayer army at some point (I imagine it’ll be when I get through the huge lot of Fantasy minis I’ve still got to make, the Necromunda/Shadow War terrain I’m currently making and have finished painting all those Fantasy, 40K and LOTR minis that I made when I was considerably younger and then put away without painting them - in those days I just wanted to make stuff and didn’t often paint a kit I’d just finished). The 3 scenarios presented look great fun to play and I’m eagerly waiting to see the Battletome for Moonclan when they get their release, as then I could stage the three Fyreslayer scenarios and possibly some of the Moonclan ones as a big ‘Slayers vs Night Goblins’ campaign with my dad, which will be great fun. I’m certainly looking forward to seeing what happens when Night Goblins start jumping from the roof of a cave down onto the battlefield (a suitably bonkers, and thus Night Gobliny, thing to do). It’s also nice to have a reference for all the miniatures profiles in one place (apart from the Doomseeker and the Chosen Axes) and it’ll save my printer a lot of work that’s would have been spent printing off the PDFs!

    I asked one of the staff on if there was any news on Moonclan and they said that nothing about them has been announced but it’s certainly likely that they will get a release soon because as we’ve been thinking, they’ve already released minis and books for two out of the four armies that got Harbingers during Malign Portents. When they do come out, though, I’m definitely thinking of getting the Battletome and possibly the matching dice too.

    I also explored my local Forbidden Planet shop for the first time and found that they had a pretty good supply of Star Wars figures and they also stocked quite a bit of D&D, which is great as I’m just getting into D&D. One product I was especially attracted by were the ‘Dungeon Tiles Reincarnated’ packs, specifically the City pack as it may have some good tiles to use in Necromunda and Shadow War alongside the terrain I’m making, like cobbled streets and open sewers.
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  20. Xasto

    Xasto Well-Known Member

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    @Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl As of late, I have come to really like the dwarf aesthetic in AoS, which is why I had recently posted about my Disposessed interest. However, the more time goes on, each time I start to wonder about what would be my next army project, I find myself always coming back to Fyreslayers. I think I have now accepted that I will, at some point, start a small Fyreslayer warband and so wanted to share this with you as I'd love to keep talking about them with you in a near future! :p

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