Yeah that sculpt shows that it is possible to make even such plain skeletons look cool by giving them interesting poses and details.
The skeletons look great, but I really just love the perfect green jade color you have mastered on this guy's shield. Wonderful work
Thanks! I was surprised that it was so easy. My only major gripe with it is that it looks great under a bright lamp and if you are closer than arm's length to the model, but if you are a step away you cannot see the highlights so it looks a bit boring. It is always a tradeoff between looking great up close and great from a bit away. That's for example something I dislike about edhe highlighting. It often looks great from far away but it is hard to make it look good up close.
Finished (except the base). The white hair was a last minute decision because black or grey hair lacked contrast IMO.
And yet another endless spell WIP: Quicksilver Swords And while I was at it with the yellow glaze I also started working on the Prismatic Palisade:
Those look good! I have been severely tempted to purchase some. I'm just not sure how they'd work in a game? Are they just markers? Are these spells "Remains in Play" spells, requiring the markers? I'd really like to know.
It is a nice system actually. You basically spend a few points and use a spell slot each to summon the spells, and then they stay on the table, as models. So they aren't only markers, they block movement and line of sight. They cannot be attacked, they count as friendly models for both players. At the start of each battle round the players take turns to move the spells that can move, so after summoning they don't belong to one army anymore. A player can use a spell slot to dispel them, or you can move them off the edge of the battlefield.
Yeah, the above wasn't by any means a complete rules description. The player that goes second in a round can move the first spell. In the two AoS2 games I played that actually played a role when choosing, twice. I deliberately didn't take the double turn to get that Purple Sun away from my Skeletons and instead smash it into the attacking Brutes in one of the games. The other time was in the second round when I saw that the enemy army was far away enough to risk them getting a double turn but I knew my Quicksilver swords had a decent chance to finish off an enemy wizard and drop a Behemoth to second level so I took the risk and went second.