Ok so I am back! stumbled across another hax unit. Last time it was phoenix guard, this time it is Skaven Storm Fiends. specifically the ones with 3 miniguns strapped to them. They have: (Please delete this bit if there is a rule against posting rules) 18" range 3x d6 shots per model (misfires on a triple) Str5, AP Skirmishers Move and shoot No range penalty Stand and shoot charge reaction Still lethal in CC (not against a scar vet as it turns out ) Luckily my opponent only fielded 1 with guns, but he could field a unit of 3 for a mere 255pts! I have two questions: 1- They are an end times unit, can they be played in normal WHFB games or only games that are using end times rules? 2- If the answer to the above is "yes he can use them", what is the best strategy to deal with them?
Are these things a renaming of a rattling gun team? Are they a one-man one-rat version of a RGT? Where can I buy some?
Only in games employing End Times rules. The End Times is an expansion to WFB, just as Storm of Magic. It is only in play if agreed upon by players; the same is true for all units/rules/items/scenarios from it.
Hypothetically speaking, if we wanted to let him use them (cos he bought them unknowingly), how would you deal with them?
Mortal Wounds are an Age of Skirmish artifact. @Karnus may be playing 8th Edition. What @NIGHTBRINGER posted is applicable to 8th Edition. Strangely, the hideous things are still for sale with AoSkirmish rules, click here for AoS PDF. (Wonders if the PDF is AS1 or AS2..?)
Ahh makes sense either way those guys are serious brutes, tons of wounds and packing serious fire power + combined with tunnelling teams...nasty nasty (also they look awesome)