7th Ed. Two Slann having an argument 2250pts

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by spacelizard, Feb 12, 2010.

  1. spacelizard

    spacelizard Member

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    My third game with my lizards, and their FIRST VICTORY :D

    On my side are:
    Slann w/ Focus of Mystery, Focused Rumination, and BSB

    Skink chief on terradon w/ Staff of the Lost Sun, Enchanted Shield, and Lt. armour.

    Skink Priest on Engine w/ dispel scroll, and Diadem of Power

    Scar Veteran w/ Lt armour and shield

    12 Saurus w/ standard and musician

    12 Saurus w/ standard and musician

    16 Skinks w/ standard and musician

    3 Kroxigors

    3 Terradons


    14 Temple Guard w/ standard and musician


    and on his side are:
    On my side are:
    Slann w/ Focused Rumination, Harrowing Scrutiny, and BSB

    Skink Priest on foot

    Skink Priest on Engine

    20 Saurus w/ FC

    20 Saurus w/ FC

    10 Skink Skirmishers

    10 Skink Skirmishers

    20 Temple Guard w/ FC, champ with Burning Blade

    Salamander w/ extra handler

    The Skink priest on foot and the Slann also had some equipment, but I'm not sure what it all was. They at least had two dispel scrolls, and the slann had plaque of tepok, but I don't know what else since it never came into play. If the Slann had a third discipline, it never came into play. The priest on the engine had no magic items.

    For deployment we each had the TG in the middle, with a Saurus block to either side and the engine behind. His priest on foot was joined to one the skink units, both of which were screening the rest of the army. Our salamanders were facing each other on left (my left) side of our main forces. I had the Terradons on the same side as the sallies, but on the far flank. My skinks and steg with the bow were on the far right flank, and the krox's were on the near right flank. We had, at the center of the right half of the board, a sort of V-shaped woods (turned so the point faced the center of the board). The rest of the terrain affected nothing.

    For magic:
    his slann takes lore of shadows, minus steed of shadows; and mine takes lore of death
    His priest on the engine got celestial shield and forked lightning, the one on foot got comet, and whatever else he had never got cast.
    My priest on the engine got uranon's and second sign

    Turn 1:
    I deploy first, but he goes first, moving everything forward and casting comet right next to my skinks and steg. I let it go, expecting them to be out of the blast area before it goes off. I scroll pit of shades, but creeping death gets off, killing a guard, and forked lightning drops a kroxigor.

    I then attempt to charge his salamander with my terradons, but they're an inch short, much to the skink chief's annoyance. Comet gets another marker as my steg moves six, only to discover he has no LOS to my opponents saurus. The skinks march forward and wheel slightly. The krox's head for the woods at full tilt. The salamander moves up, not yet in range. The priest gets a couple saurus with uranon's stores the rest in the diadem. The slann drops 7 skinks with wind of death. The skinks remain calm and don't panic.

    Turn 2:
    Irritated that there are four terradons in its face, the salamander charges my Terries, who hold. One wound later, said salamander is caught by said terradons. Meanwhile his skinks advance forward unload on the saurus, and watch as armour and the engine avert all harm. The comet strikes, killing ten skinks who are barely in range, and putting two wounds on the steg. My skinks are so dismayed at this, that they roll three six's for leadership and go running off the field yelling "the sky is falling." He gets comet off again, and I let it through, partly because I consider pit of shades a bigger concern, and also because his most likely target is close enough for the spell to hit his own troops. He cast pit of shades on a 17, but I dispel it.

    My steg then proceeds forward, and lines up for the bow shot. Mean while the krox's get through the woods and join the steg. My engine moves around and to the right of my blocks, unleashes the burning alignment, and drops 4 skinks, and a saurus. uranon's fells four more, forcing a panic check that the saurus pass. The slan then gets scrolled casting doom and darkness on those same saurus, and kills the rest of the skinks that were with the skink priest on foot as well as puts a wound on said priest. Meanwhile, my salamander gets a nasty shot off on his nearby saurus that drops five of them. The terries fly in behind his blocks and the priest starts picking off saurus with the Staff. My steg misses with his bow. Comet gets a marker.

    Turn 3:
    Comet strikes spectacularly, putting two hits on a skink unit, which kills one; and putting five on his priest that has only one wound left. On my side I lose 2 saurus from my left unit, and one from my right unit. The four surviving skinks then realize there is a stegadon with an engine glaring at them, and they run in terror. His engine then charges my left saurus block and blows right through them with seven impact hits. His temple guard then charge my temple guard, courtesy of an irresistibly cast Unseen Lurker. The priest on the engine cast Celestial Shield on his block of saurus to my left. Said saurus are now facing my salamander, and nothing else, so I let it through. Pit of Shades, once again, gets a high roll, but is still dispelled by the dice (thank goodness for the diadem). Burning alignment kills a few of my temple guard, and creeping death drops my priest on the engine.

    My stegadon with the bow and the kroxigors advance to fact the flank of his saurus on my right side. My surviving saurus block, which has the scar vet, swing into his TG's flank. Meanwhile my engine moves forward to block his saurus from flank charging mine. My slann thins the saurus in front of my engine steg by a few, and fells a few temple guard with drain life.

    Turn 4:
    His Saurus on my right charge my engine steg, who ties them but loses to their musician and holds. His saurus on my left fail at charging my salamander, (barely, but just enough). His engine maneuvers to face my TG's rear, and burning alignment kills two TG's and one saurus.

    My kroxigors charge the flank of the saurus engage with my engine, and the saurus are killed to a model so that the krox's over run. The Steg with the bow marches forward, preparing to rear charge his temple guard in case mine hold against his engine's imminent rear charge. Meanwhile the terradons fly in and attempt to pick the skink priest off his engine with shooting (and fail at it). My Salamander backs away from the saurus on my left that have turned to face it, and flames away, killing one.

    Turn 5:
    His engine hits the rear of my temple guard, killing five of them so only the standar bearer remains to guard the slann. His Temple guard drop one of the saurus in their flank, and all this sends my saurus running, though the slann and lone temple guard stand fast. His slann kills a terradon with Creeping Death.

    Just as my slann appears doomed, the stegadon and kroxigors slam into his temple guard's rear, killing four TG with impact hits and putting three wounds on the slann. None of his attacks succeed in wounding. My Scar vet and his saurus fail to rally, The salamander moves over to the nearby saurus's flank and fries a couple of them. Meanwhile, the terradons move to take one table quarter, while the engine, unable to assist my Slann directly, grabs another.

    Somewhere during all this we lost track of what turn we were on, and so by the time we got to turn 5, we thought it was turn 6. Either way, time constraints still kept us from going past turn 5, so that aspect worked out. I also lost track of exactly WHEN my salamander performed its feats of frying, so I've put them on the turns I THINK they happened on. The terradons never dropped rocks, mostly because getting them where they were needed never sent them over another unit. The one time I think it might have helped was turn five when they could have dropped on the engine, but I really just forgot about it. I found the Staff very handy for picking off saurus, and my opponent was a little surprised at the S5. Taking a table quarter (or in this case, contesting one) meant the skink chief and terries made their points back. In the end, it was a solid victory for me. In retrospect, attacking his temple guard instead of the slann would have probably turned it into a massacre since similar rolls would have seen his temple guard destroyed and his slann needing insane courage.
  2. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    Nice report and a nice battle.

    Although I would find it strange to fight an enemy identical to you (charge range, support..etc), but you seem
    to managed it pretty well :)
    And why on earth would you want to kill a Slann!? Are you some form of daemon!? :jawdrop:
    Naturally, you used paintball-magic and rubber clubs to fight...

    Did the skink chief work out for you?
    Kroxes over SCOR, model preference...or..??

    Thanks for writing this up,

    The Hunted
  3. spacelizard

    spacelizard Member

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    Paintball-magic? Goodness no!! You can shoot somebody's eye out doing that. We played laser tag :astronaut:

    Skink chief worked out pretty well. He put the wounds on the salamander unit to make it break, killed a few saurus with the Staff, and put the terradons US high enough for them to contest a table quarter. If you want a chief on a terrie to still kill stuff, the Staff lets him do that reliably. He also handles S3 T3 pretty well in combat if their save is low. Throw him against nuisance units like skinks and he should do pretty well. What's SCOR? I run krox's partly because I like them and they do respectably. Also, I don't have many models put together yet, so that's been a limitation (the bow steggy was borrowed from my opponent, actually).

    Thanks for the comment.

    hmmm... I had another game later and one of the people at my LGS noted my army is "very antagonistic towards its own kind." Considering that 3 out of 4 games for this army have been against lizards, I'd be inclined to agree. Apparently my Slann has decided to go rogue. o_O

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