AoS Round 2 Seraphon vs Devorted of Sigmar

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Vexcor, Aug 30, 2018.

  1. Vexcor

    Vexcor Well-Known Member

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    After the first match and a lot of hate on the new seraphon summoning mechanic, we started the rematch.
    Because of the salt,i took a really straight forward army with no special tricks or something:

    -Skink Priest

    General, retrices

    -Skink Starpriest

    -Saurus Sunblood

    -20 Saurus Warriors
    -10 Saurus Warriors

    -Dread Saurian

    And my Friend:

    Devoted of Sigmar

    -War altar

    General, Phoenix Stone

    -War priest


    -War Priest


    - witch hunter

    - 20 x Flagellants

    -20 x Flagellants

    Battalion: Pilgrimage of Warth

    The battle report is a bit short, because it was such a massacre!

    Turn 1:

    Both players set everything as much as we can to the front, so we can charge into us. We rolled who goes first and seraphon won. And here goes the beginning of the ending: Skink Priest got his buff, all units now have rerolls to save and charge. Skink starpriest buffed the Dread with everything he had. ALL units moved forward as much as they can. Shooting was also short, the skink Priest missed and thats it :) . Here comes the charges!!! Dread charged the war altar ( friend set him up to far) , warriors and sunblood all got contact with the flagellants. Of course i started with the dread, oh my god! The buffed Dread hit with his jaws! 3 hits, 3 wounds, and he got not a single save, BÄÄÄÄMM! Altar took 36 dmg and is gone, or as we said, he should be gone forever^^. After that the moral of my enemy was a bit scratched, the flagellants did some dmg to the warriors, nothing serious. same for the warriors, killed some flagellants, nothing special. the sunblood did a really good job ( i forgot his command ability, damn), killed some flagellants.
    His turn. The War Priests buffed the flagellants in his full unit up, missed one buff, the others got up. some movement, not so much ( the last 8 inches left :) ). Shooting with his Witcher, really good, got the starpriest to 1 wound left. he went first and now the flagellants are on his enrage. warriors with spears got wipped out, sunblood took 3 wounds and the dread 2. oh boy, my pick. the second unit of the flagellants were to close to him, so i decided to hit the full unit with him. BÄÄÄMM. He wiped everything out!!! same thing, With all his attacks he did 24 dmg, end of the right flank. And the salt again began to start.
    "damn dinos, what is this?"
    we played the turn to its end, but after this there were only the warpriests and the witcher left and he gave up.
    People dont like, summoning, teleport, razordons, bastilodons, now the dread.
    maybe the devorted are a bit to bad for an army on its own, we will find out in rematch 3 ^^
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2018
    Paradoxical Pacifism and Aginor like this.
  2. Nart

    Nart Well-Known Member

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    Congrats with the victory!

    How did you made so much damage with Jaws? Did you roll all 6's to-wound? With 3 attacks you can make only 18 damage max and 36 max, if you roll 3 6's for to-wound under Priest's Venom.
  3. Vexcor

    Vexcor Well-Known Member

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    with the altar it was 3 x 6s, thats why we all got so surprised what happened.
    with the flagellands it was 24 overall, my fault. so not with his jaws alone, with all his attacks

    yeah, the dread got really lucky, but even without any 6s, just 3 normal hits would kill every hero of the table. this jaws are really scary.
    Crowsfoot and Nart like this.
  4. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Nothing better than buffed up jaws attacks.
    I don't have a Dread Saurian, but I have witnessed a Carnosaur on Steroids do several sixes in a row, and boy it is scary. The Dread Saurian is terrifying to watch when it works.

    Good job.
    And yeah, devoted are not exactly the strongest army out there. Also judging by your description he had 80 points less than you on the table. Are you sure you didn't forget to list a hero or another 10 Flagellants?
    Your opponent's list would most likely face similar results when playing any decent 1k list from the current top10 armies.

    Your list was not bad by any means, but not quite among the strongest lists either. Being salty about it is a bit of an overreaction.
  5. Vexcor

    Vexcor Well-Known Member

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    the problem is, he dont have more modells, so with his 80 points remaining he got an extra command point. Sometimes we give him an extra war priest,
    so he got 5/4 Heros, but we are friends and such a thing doesnt madder. on paper the devorted doesnt sound that bad, in action they got so much problems.
    my list was just for fun, only wanted to play the dread, because he is the coolest looking model i have ever seen! the fact, that i have to take 2 hands
    to put him up is everything what is need to say^^
    Aginor likes this.
  6. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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