You know what - I was going to go for the double header idea (as it’s one of their prayed to gods - double headed serpent) but after a few looks at it - the body is just too small to facilitate both quite large heads (and I couldn’t be arsed to bulk out the torso that much as it would need a million small scales) So sadly no, this guy has but the one slightly adapted head.
More annoyingly is on at work for the next full three days on the no playing with green stuff until next week for me :/
As promised; Wip carno base (first time using textured paint - interesting) Carno and scar-vet very nearly done - will post pics shortly after a few tweaks.
It's AWESOME! But whatever happened to the second head? EDIT: Or was there never a second head? So many QUESTIONS! XD
That carnosaur turned out amazing! Really fantastic work, from the epic conversion to that epic base, and even the little battle-paint marker on the shield! Well done sir, looking forward to your next set of converstions.
Thank you very much I have to say he cane out better than I expected! (My personal fave is the scar-vets weapon) take a close look - though I have given plenty of things to look at on the model, things are easy to miss
Just for you @Warden Here’s my next conversions - the Medusai-Guard (I will add a nice big snakey eternity warden)
Oh yes - that is happening (he has got a 2d6 attack, so makes sense that he has two beams. (Still under construction of course) I already know how I want the top to look. (Off to work now - will try to finish in the next few days - stay tuned for pics)
So you went with my suggestion of laserbeams á la Dinoriders? I've been pondering if the head of the Idoneth Deepkin Leviadon could make a good replacement. If/when I get a Bastilidon.