AoS Troglodon vs Carnosaur

Discussion in 'Seraphon Tactics' started by Csaszi28, Sep 7, 2018.

  1. Csaszi28
    Jungle Swarm

    Csaszi28 New Member

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    Hey! I am new in Sigmar after a long decesion i voted for the Seraphons to go with i absolutely love the lore and the summoning style. Now i cant decide which monster i should make from the starter box. Any ideas? Also anyone have a spear tail bit from the rider on top ? :D
  2. Nart

    Nart Well-Known Member

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    Definitely Scar-Veteran on Carnosaur is the best choice for the first Start Collecting box, especially if you plan to use Malign Socrery artefacts.

    Troglodon is a specific monster. He is rather cheap, can shoot, has bonuses to charge if shooting was successful, debuffs morale of nearby enemies and can unbind. He does a bit of everything but nothing as good, as other monsters. Moreover, he is not a character and can use command abilities. He needs some more experience with a game to use effecitvely and even then stays a fun choice.

    Carnosaur, on the other hand, is a pure murder machine, especially with its jaws. Why ScarVet over Old Blood? Scarvet is a bit cheaper and a core of Firelance Starhost battalion which is easily collected with 2 SC boxes (15 knihgts + Scar-Veteran), which can be developed to strong Dracothion's Tail meta-battalion. His command ability is benifical for any saurus unit, especially big one and he has more protection with his shield. Old Blood, while has shooting attack and some more stats, will buff with his CA ability only himself and other Saurus Characters so needs a heavy saurus army to fully utilize his potential. He is also part of larger battalions: Bloodclaw Starhost and Fangs of Sotek, which will take some time to gather effectively, unlike easy Firelance. He also doesn't ignore Rend -1 like Scar Veteran does, while has the same wounds and save characteristics.

    IMO, best choice is Scar-Veteran with Warblade. Give him one of the -3 Rend artefacts from Malign sorcery and you'll get 3+ to-hit, 3+ to-wound, rend -3 monster.
  3. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Agree with what has been said, however… actually, with the 2nd edition, Troglodon is a really strong contender for summonable units.
    With 18 pts, can easily be summoned in the 2nd turn and got a good probablility to make immediately the charge at full health (when its combat profile is still good)
    LizardWizard likes this.
  4. Csaszi28
    Jungle Swarm

    Csaszi28 New Member

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    Really big tanks guys! :) thats even more i hoped for sadly i put together the not shielded guy but i think i can maybe found some way to make the scar veteran from the other bitz.
    So far i got these models:
    Slann starmaster
    Skink starpriest
    2 bastalidon
    1 EOtG
    4 Razordon
    Balewind vortex/cogs
    And the start collecting box.
    I was thinking about kroxigors i like them a lot, i usually play things that i like the model of , well with seraphons its easy they all look awsome .
    I tried a summoning list in 1500 against khorne bloodbound i lost on points coz of my bad deployment but kroak spells destroyed the army so badly he had like 2 units left.
    I am up for a tourney in a few weeks started to paint up the dinos. What would you recomend to try and run from what i have?
  5. Csaszi28
    Jungle Swarm

    Csaszi28 New Member

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    Also i was thinking on a astrolith barer to and i can get my hands on 20 more warriors/guards maybe.
  6. Nart

    Nart Well-Known Member

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    Don't worry about Old Blood - he is strong, I just consider Scar-Vet a bit more optimal choice. Stat-wise they are mostly the same.

    For the tournament you can build a thunderquake starhost from models you have - you will need 3 handlers, however. If you have any skinks untouched - you can convert them, or from ones that comes with bastiladon kit - they are a bit small, though. Take EotG, Slann, 2 bastiladons, 2 razordons, handlers balewind vortex and 3x5 skinks to fill the battleline. You may have problems with objectives, thought, because you have only skinks. But with slann on balewind you can resummon 10 skinks every turn and cast a couple of spells. You can also summon additional razordons for more firepower.

    And you definitely need an Astrolith Bearer ASAP. It does 2 important things: buff Slann's spells and gives full rerolls to-hit. Additionaly, it gives d3 summoning point, which is important if you want to go summon-heavy. He is especially benifical for thunderquake list, because best options for it are shooty. You can get double bastiladon with full reroll to-hit, to-wound and save rolls.
  7. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    You can still get good use out of the Oldblood on Carno. He is needed if you Want to run the Fangs of Sotek Battalion, which is very strong.

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