AoS Double slann, Is It viable at 2000 points?

Discussion in 'Seraphon Tactics' started by Nacho, Sep 8, 2018.

  1. Nacho

    Nacho Member

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    Hello everybody

    This is my first post in the site out of the Introductions thread, but there is something that has been in my mind for a while now.

    I love the slann mage-priest and the Kroak models, mainly because you can make really cool conversions and modelling whitout losing the core of what makes a slann (before I stopped playing and sold all my models, i had this crazy idea of making 8 palanquins, one for each lore of magic, though I only finished the Life one and got started with the Death). So now that I'm back to playing Fantasy (sorry, Age of Sigmar, old-man habits), I'm back to my crazy idea, but only with 2 slanns and Kroak (I'll show some pictures when the modelling is a little more advanced).

    The problem is I want to field both my slanns when I finish them, or Kroak and 1 slann, AT THE SAME TIME, but I don't know If this is actually something viable in a competitive enviroment (i love modelling a lot, but what I love about the game is the competition per se, what surrounds it is fun and nice, but i love competing for the sake of it).

    The list i've been thinking about at 2000 points is a double slann list, with an Astrolith bearer and a standard Thunderquake Starhost (EotG, 2x bastiladons, 2x razordons), all surrounded by 5 units of skinks, and the idea is an all-in summoning list, being able to get between 20 and 22 summoning points per turn (enough for a second EotG), and between 22 per turn with kroak and a slann (some adjustments might be needed for this, but you get the idea of the list, as we don't have points for the astrolith bearer if we go for the double bastiladon).

    But the problem comes when you start to think about the list, and I think it lacks strengh when playing against opponents that will outrun you (Sylvaneth), can deal a lot of damage in a shooting turn, get to close combat turn one... I mean, I am going to play 2 slanns, but at the moment i lack the experience and the knowledge of other armies to know how to play them or if is it even viable.

    The second point is much more simpler: If I go for the double slann list, is Kroak a good idea? I know he costs a lot of points, but the number of wounds he can inflict in a single turn is huge (at least on paper, I haven't tried him yet), he looks quite resilient, and if he can't cast his spell due to distance, he brings 12 summoning points to the table by himself, but then again, he costs nearly as much as a slann and an EotG together, and losing him means losing a quarter of your army.

    So, what do you guys think? 1. Double slann list, is it viable? 2. In case of double slann, is Kroak a good idea?

    Thanks for reading, and all the comments and criticism are welcome, as i need experience, and sometimes the best way to acquire it when you don't have time, is asking peaople who know better.

    EDIT: Aginor showed me that this approach to the list will not work since only the general can get summoning points; i will think about this a little more and edit the post in order to get it right by the rulebook and general's handbook. Thanks
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2018
  2. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Only your Slann general can spend his spell slots for summoning.
    A viable tactic can be using one Slann for summoning and one for spells. And in that way it is also possible to make Slann+Kroak work. Slann summons, Kroak bombs.

    We have made one or two such lists, I'll search for the link and post it.
    Probably not really competitive, but playable.
    Nacho likes this.
  3. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Here is the thread I made.
    It isn't fully accurate anymore since Kroak's warscroll has changed, but the idea is still as viable (or not) as it was before.

    I think there were other double toad lists on here a while ago but I can't find them right now.
  4. Nacho

    Nacho Member

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    Wow, thanks Aginor, for the summoming points clarification, i really thought any slann could do that. Now i understand why no-one plays a double slann list.

    Yeah, i've been searching around, but i can't seem to find any topic about this, so i thought i'd start one.

    Not having our own magic lore (c'mon, greatest wizards since 5th edition and still no lore???) is a big problem, only 3 spells available, no possibility of casting the same spell twice with different wizards... not so good. Maybe kroak can do something with his spell in this kind of list.

    Really thankfull for the eye-opener; i will have to change the approach.

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