Hiya, I want to do my bases with not just 'jungle' but something with the temples. I found these bases I really like: from http://back2base-ix.com/index.php?_a=viewProd&productId=22. However, I don't wanna buy them but make them myself (that's the whole point of the hobby...). I have no idea how to do this though. Any ideas?
You could cut up bits of cerial box cardboard to make up the paving stones, I have seen other people do this and it works prety good. Besides that you just need some sand and some static grass or flock.
So how about - cover base in sand and paint - cut out pieces of cereal box and stick them on (print side up? print side down? this looks a bit thicker actually, so I should probably use two layers? ) - paint cereal box black, paint edges grey, highlight lighter grey - stick on grass Any reasons why this would or would not work? (Yes, I'm that type of person that wants to have a detailed plan that's pretty sure to work before starting on something rather then finding out along the way )
Yea that could work... or you could just find a source for thicker card..? you might the rougher eges you want by tearing insted of cuting..? Personaly I am a trial an error sort of guy, I just keep experimenting , until I get the results that I want.
The bases don't need to be that thick to get the effect you're looking for. I dislike very think basing for pavestones like that, it just doesn't look realistic to me. I'd use plasticard rather than cereal box. You can get it at most hobby stores, and it won't have the porous nature of cardboard so it won't suck up paint. It'll also be a little tougher for the long term. Most good hobby stores carry plasticard with a variety of textures such as cobblestone. Not sure if there's one out there that will fit the style you're looking for, but it would probably save you a ton of time if you found an appropriate one. Another option would be to do your own from green stuff, milliput, or spackle. Just do a single solid base, and then cut the grooves you want into the tiles. There's a tutorial out there somewhere that walks through how to create a mold to do many of them quickly, but I can't seem to find it at the moment.