Wash painting help please.

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by gerishking, Feb 17, 2010.

  1. gerishking

    gerishking New Member

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    Hey everyone, I finally started to paint my lizardmen, but I came up with a problem. I used Baal Red washes paint for the base of the saurus warriors,skinks,steg,scarvet, pretty much everything, and the color turned out to be pink! I used water with the paint and mixed it up at first and I thought that wouldn't of been a great idea afterwards so I bought another Baal Red Washes without mixing with water and it does the same thing. Its a super light color that looks very pinkish. How to I make this color ALOT darker? My friend told me that there is this clear coding I can put on that makes every color darker but it's pretty expensive, is there any other way I can make the red darker? Thank you.
  2. Stegadeth
    Temple Guard

    Stegadeth New Member

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    A few things:

    1. This belongs in the Lizardmen Painting and Converting section.
    2. What color was your base? If it was white, well yes, adding a red wash over a white base will turn it pink.
    3. You do not need to thin the washes. They work straight out of the pot.

    Now then to help you at all I am going to need to know what color you want your lizardmen. I assume you want at least part of them red. In that case, after you prime them (white or black or grey usually, depending on what you want to paint you put over top of the primer to look like) paint whatever you want to be red a dark red. If you want to add a wash, at that point, I prefer Devlan mud. It's a brown so it makes reds deeper. After that you can add a second, lighter red and then highlight with a lighter one.
  3. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Also a picture would go a long way towards us helping you diagnose your problem.
  4. Buhallin

    Buhallin New Member

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    Ball Red is probably the least impressive wash in the line. I have yet to find a use for it. Even on my reds, I use Asurmen Blue to darken it rather than the Baal.

    You'll definitely need a base coat to paint red. If you prime white, just about any red will work. If you prime black then Mechrite Red from the Foundation line covers well, and is a good color. Choice will depend on how bright you want them to end up.
  5. asrodrig

    asrodrig New Member

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    Were you going for a red color? The best way to do that is actually with a basecoat of Red Gore and then a wash of Devlan Mud. While I have found some uses for the Baal Red, the Devlan Mud is just so much better.
  6. gerishking

    gerishking New Member

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    Thanks guys. I did prime over all of my lizardmen skull white and washed most of the body with Baal Red. I will try Delven Mud, thanks. I will try to put a picture up soon. and yes I want my Lizardmen to be mostly a dark red color and the spikes etc a goldish/yellowish color. thanks
  7. Little Wolf

    Little Wolf New Member

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    The most important part is a red color BEFORE the wash! Don't forget that ;). Using devlan mud on pink will just get you white that looks like it lay in a puddle of mud ;)
  8. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    The best use I have found for Bal red,
    is to use a base coat that is orange red,
    and then wash it with bal red to make a very bright red.
  9. Stegadeth
    Temple Guard

    Stegadeth New Member

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    If you want them mostly dark red, well, start over. Prime them Black. Then paint Scab Red over all of the parts that you want to be dark red. Don't slop the paint on thick or out of control. The black paint you primed with between the scales will add some depth. Then wash with Devlan Mud Wash straight out of the pot, not watered down and if this gets into cracks, great! It adds depth as well. Now you can do a quick and light drybrush with Red Gore to give it a even more depth. After that you can highlight with Blood Red, but that may not be necessary if you have achieved the desired effect already.
  10. gerishking

    gerishking New Member

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    Ya it looks like I need to start over again. So I am going to use Black primer then Scab Red then Delvan Mud wash. Sweet thanks guys. I am not going to make it the highest quality of the paint jobs but I do want it to look decently nice. Thanks :)
  11. Foodlord
    Jungle Swarm

    Foodlord New Member

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    I used two washes to paint my lizzies: the core troops are speed-painted, but look pretty good: I.e. not just dipped! They are orange underbelly and underside with dark green scales: not the norm but works well.
    This is the use I have found for the red wash:

    Except I do it over a nice lurid bright orange. To coats of wash (making sure the first is completely dry) over the (not available any more but easy to mix GW 'Fiery Orange') looks pretty impressive, and speeded up the painting of my 100+ troops considerably! If you use simple but effective methods like this and spend a bit of time picking details out carefully (i.e. claws properly highlighted, weapons and shields carefully painted) the overall effect of a block of troops looks pretty good, leaving you more time for the fun things like steggies :)

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