AoS 1k tournament list

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by thinlizzy, Sep 12, 2018.

  1. thinlizzy

    thinlizzy New Member

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    Hi Lustrians,

    I have a tournament this weekend and I am planning on using the following list:

    Lord Kroak (450)
    Oldblood on Carnosaur (260)
    Warlord Trait: Re-roll hits one
    Artifact: Coronal Shield
    10 x Saurus (100)
    2 x 10 Skinks (120)
    Quicksilver Swords (20)
    Bank 50 for command point

    My reasoning for this is to whittle enemy down with Kroaks spell and bank points for summoning. Hopefully getting to 24 at some point for a Bastiladon or something else huge.

    Any tips would be great. I have another 20 Saurus that I can build to take as well if that helps comments.
  2. Nart

    Nart Well-Known Member

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    I don't think this list will do any good, tbh. Its two main weaknesses:

    1) Inability to effectively fight hordes. Some mortal wound from Kroak will not bring down 40-models hordes (which are very popular at 1000pts) and Oldblood is more of a monster slayer;
    2) Nothing to effectively hold the objectives. Skinks are fragile and Saurus are too slow (and not much toughr too). You can claim objective or two, but will be wiped out if on your opponents turn;
    3) You cannot summon at all, if your general is Oldblood. Your general must be Kroak, so no warlord trait for him;
    4) Even if you make Kroak your general for summoning, it will take two turns of 450 pts model of doing nothing but gather celestial conjuration points. By turn 2 your opponent will simply grab all objectives and you'll never catch him up. Bastiladon will change nothing at this point.

    In short, Kroak never was good summoning battery, he always was a strong damage dealer with triple Celestial Deliverence. After CD was nerfed, he is a questionable choice for competitive games, unless it is something like 2500+ pts. He needs at least and astrolith bearer and probably a Slann with Sage's Staff constellation to reliably cast Deliverence. For any other purpose Slann does just as good, but gives constellation bonus to the whole army, has better spell range with Arcane Vassal and way cheaper in points. I strongly recommend against taking Kroak for such a small game - he is almost a half of your army, which will do nothing.

    What models do you have? In 1000 pts game slann+astrolith bearer are powerful option for summoning. But you do not need just to flood your opponents with bodies. Summoning gives Seraphon flexibility, so you can summon units you need right now - skinks to grab an objective, razrodons for additional firepower or terradons for backfield harassment. I find units for 6-12 conjuration points are best to summon.

    Alternatively, you can go sarurus heavy - 40 saurus blob, some saurus heroes to buff it and skinks to take on objectives.
    Killer Angel likes this.
  3. thinlizzy

    thinlizzy New Member

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    Hi, thanks very much for the feedback!

    Currently I have:

    Kroak (Could proxy as Slann)
    Oldblood on Carnosaur
    30 Saurus
    20 Skinks
    5 Knights
    Skink Starpriest

    I played a game against my friends Nurgle last night and I was just constantly pumping out units of 10 skinks which were just fodder. I did use Kroak as General and managed to summon each turn which helped me a lot.

    This is my 1st real competitive games that I am going to be playing so I am not expecting too much.

    If I could cobble something semi-reasonable that would be good.

    The other list I thought of playing was:

    Slann - General
    Oldblood Carnosaur
    20 Saurus
  4. Nart

    Nart Well-Known Member

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    I can think about a list like this from models you have. If your meta is not very competitive, it can work.

    Allegiance: Seraphon

    Mortal Realm: Ulgu

    Skink Starpriest (80)
    Slann Starmaster (260)
    - General
    - Trait: Great Rememberer
    Saurus Oldblood on Carnosaur (260)

    10 x Skinks (60)
    - Boltspitters & Star Bucklers
    10 x Skinks (60)
    - Boltspitters & Star Bucklers

    Bastiladon (280)

    Total: 1000 / 1000
    Extra Command Points: 0
    Allies: 0 / 200
    Wounds: 51

    You want to aim for Dragon constellation for Slann to have rerollable 1's to-hit army-wide.

    Slann summon skinks whenver they die and cast realm spells - they are very strong for seraphon, if you play with Realm magic. Starpriest gives additional magic support and gives poison to Carnosaur Jaws. Use Oldblood as monster hunter and give two bonus attacks to Carnosaur Jaws. I gave him Crown of Betrayal. It is very powerful artefact if you go against only 1 large horde, which is, as I mentioned above, common for 1000 point games. You can play with other artefacts, however. Bastiladon also effective against hordes if you roll good for number of shots (I assume, you assemble it with Solar Engine). Scoring still can be a problem, but resummoning skinks will mitigate it to a certain point.
  5. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    For all of your list you need to make your Slann your General if you want to generate Celestial Conjuration points for summoning. I do think Kroak works at 1k, but you will be walking a very narrow path to victory with him. Also, being able to take Great Remember at 1k is potent.

    If you own them, I reccomend running a unit of 4 Razzordon. Skink Starpriest are also very powerful in the Current Meta for Summon Starlight. At 1k you can expect to see Blightkings, Bloodletter bombs, and Graveguard. All of those units power lies in their 6+ to hit bonus which is neutered by Summon Starlight. Alternatively you could take the vast intellect command trait, but it will cut into your celestial conjuration generation. Saurus Astrolith Bearers are the most crucial hero for Seraphon outside of your Slann. Being able to reroll your hits for all Seraphon is too powerful to pass up. He will make your Razordons down right terrifying.

    Lastly, if you are choosing between bringing either the Sunblood or the Scar Veteran on Carnosaur, then you should know the Scar Veteran has a higher average damage out put in combat. Give him the Blade of Judgement from the realm of Shadow and he will decimate. I assumed because of your list that you weren't relying on the Sunblood Command Ability for synergies.

    I hope this was helpful.
    Aginor likes this.
  6. gmoney

    gmoney Member

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    I made a thread last week for 1k lists and there are a bunch of suggestions there from glass cannon shadowstrike to saurus horde list.

    There is a 4 week escalation league battle rep and the 1k list performed pretty well.

    @Nart are hordes really the meta for 1k? I really don't want to buy more warriors when our best battalions are shadowstrike and thunderquake.
  7. thinlizzy

    thinlizzy New Member

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    I like the look of this list.. I can summon some skinks, but also save some points for later in the game to get a unit of 20 Saurus which will be really solid for holding the objectives as well.

    How do you get the extra attacks with the carnosarus jaws?
  8. Nart

    Nart Well-Known Member

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    At lest from what I've seen. From the rescent: 40 chainrasps in Nighthaunt list that took first place in local tournament in our capital. My LoN buddy never leaves without 40 skeletons pack too. The last tournament of AoS 1 I participated in, alongside other lists, there were 30 plague monks, 60 zombies, 40 skeletons, 30 sisters of slaughter, 30 liberators and many other stuff like this. In AoS 2 hordes are even better because CA staking and powerful spells. They are both the best objective holders, durable and can punch hard.

    Don't underestimate 40 warriors in Sunclaw. Both Fangs of Sotek and Dracothions tail can be no worse than TQ or SS. They may be a bit harder to use, but if 40 warriors block hit something fully buffed, they will wipe anything.

    Actually, no. The only advantage Saurus have over skinks is +1 save, which won't help them to actually hold objective against strong foe. Skinks are squishy, but expendable. And they can shoot too. Chances they wound anything are slight, but 1 wound out of 20 shots are better, than nothing. Instead of 20 saurus you can summon 30 skinks. There are only one reason to summon Saurus over skinks: 14-17 on EotG and all your rippers, terradons and skinks are already on the table.

    Oldblood's on Carno Command ability adds +2 to attacks of one weapon of all heroes in 20". Since Command Abilities affect mount too, you can use in on Carnosaur's massive Jaws.
  9. gmoney

    gmoney Member

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    @Nart has summoning been successful in your 1k meta?
  10. Nart

    Nart Well-Known Member

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    TBH, I have played a single 1k game in AoS yet. We tend to play 2k mostly. But, obviously, summoning is very powerful in small point games, because you can easily expend you numbers on the table up to 1.5x by end of game. However, stacking too much conjuration points may turn against you. In my game I went summonig heavy with both vortex and cogs. In the end, I summoned only a bastialdon turn 5. It saved my game, because it blew some SC from an objective. However, I could take a bastiladon from turn 1, and it could do way more through out the game than in a single round.
  11. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    I agree cheap hordes are the current most reliable strategy at low points game. The opponents have usually few ways to inflict maximum damage, so a horde stands for longer and will probably avoid battleshock if needed, tnx to the use of a command point

    Probably yes.
    the combination Slann / astrolith for us is the same at 1000 pts or at 2500. We don't have much ways to increase our summoning pool, while our enemies can deal with the summoned units much more easily if they are fielding 2500 pts.
    So, our summoning in a low points game is really more effective
    Nart likes this.
  12. MackiMac

    MackiMac Well-Known Member

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    I managed to win a small 1000pt tournament at out local club with this list:

    Slann 260
    - vast intellect

    Skink priest 80

    40* skinks 200
    - boltspitters

    10* Saurus warriors 100
    - clubs

    Salamander 40

    Salamander 40

    Bastiladon 280
    - solar engine


    Note that was pre AoS 2. 40 skinks cost 240 now, but if you switch out the warriors for skinks you will get down to 1000.
    Crowsfoot likes this.
  13. thinlizzy

    thinlizzy New Member

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    I came 3rd with the list that Nart recommended on Sunday.. Got totally owned by Stormcast in the 1st round, beat my mates nurgle in the 2nd round which was close, then a hard fought win against Nighthaunt thanks to a teleported Bastiladon on to a 3 point objective. Then another decent win against Slaanesh.

    If I roll a 1-2 for the teleport, do I still get to teleport and do nothing or do I go where I want and just not get to charge?
  14. Nart

    Nart Well-Known Member

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    Congrats with bronze!

    If result is 1-2 the unit remains completely stationary - no teleporting, charging or moving.
  15. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    However, you can still try to teleport a second time the same unit (if you have a Slann with Great rememberer). That unit is still subject to the limitations of the first failed attempt, but it can still shoot: this can be handy if you want to capture an objective with a shooting bastiladon, for example...
  16. Furnus

    Furnus Member

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    I think many would disagree that the unit, after a successful 2nd cast of LoSaT, is still subject to the limitations of the first failed attempt.
  17. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Agree, that's debatable IMO. I'd like to have a FAQ on that.

    What happened there? There is always something to learn from a defeat.

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