Army Fluff Reclaimers of the Vampire Coast, Sentinels of Huatl

Discussion in 'Fluff and Stories' started by puds, Feb 19, 2010.

  1. puds
    Jungle Swarm

    puds New Member

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    So the background for my army is a force sent by the Mage Priests of Tlaxtlan to the city of Huatl to purge of the menace of Luthor Harkon from the Eastern Coast of Lustria.

    The Skink Chief Nahu-Atl of the Four Waters, a notable warrior and excellent tactician, is chosen to lead the expedition, and delegates the organisation of the Saurus cohorts and cavalry to the Oldblood Tlacelox, Greatest of Our Heroes, and his second-in-command, the Scar Veteran Xiuhcoatl, Weapon of Destruction, both mighty warriors who have tasted success in battle with the foul undead on many occasions. The Chief undertakes the Ritual of War and the battalion leaves Tlaxtlan for the recently reclaimed city of Huatl.

    Upon reaching Huatl it is decided by Nahu-Atl that the city should be used as a staging point to wipe the threat of Harkon from the coastline. After consulting with the head of the Skink Priests Tolte-Catl, Chief Artisan of Huatl, it is agreed that Nahu-Atl's force may borrow the strength of Huatl's beasts of labour in exchange for protection from any raiders as the temples are reconstructed. This considerably strengthens Nahu-Atl's forces, placing at his disposal handful of Kroxigor, a pair of Stegadon and the city's contingent of Saurus, led by Scar Veteran Eztli-Itztli, the Bloodied Knife.

    As the campaign begins, the forces of Huatl enjoy many victories against both the undead of the Vampire Coast and the scourge of Elf and Human raiders seeking to plunder the newly re-opened vaults of Huatl. The Skink craftsmen are able to restore many of the sacred tombs that had collapsed during the fall of the city during the war against Chaos and the rewards are plentiful. Many powerful relics are uncovered, including a mighty Engine of The Gods buried alonside the bones of a gigantic creature, but the two greatest prizes are still to be unearthed within the ruins.

    In the very depths of the Temple of Tepok the Skinks discover a cave even older than the city itself. The air inside throbs with magical energy and several scouts are rendered instantly unconscious upon crossing the threshold until Nahu-Atl strides inside. In the very centre of the cave, upon a nest of fire-reeds, sits a single rainbow-coloured egg as large as the Skink himself. With the aid of a Kroxigor the egg is extracted and upon consultation with the city's sacred plaques and telepathic communication with the Slann of several cities, Tolte-Catl pronounces the egg to be that of a Coatl and its discovery and hatching are prophesied to coincide, a statement proved correct when the juvenile emerges two months later. Due to his successes in his campaign thus far Nahu-Atl is permitted to train the infant creature to bear him into battle at the head of a wing of Terradons, giving the city an army capable of battle on land, water and air.

    The greatest discovery is yet to come however, and upon the eve of the festival of Chotec the entrance to the Eternity Chamber atop the Great Pyramid is finally opened. To the sheer shock of every observer, the portal opens to reveal an ancient dust-covered Saurus silently barring the way inside, hefting a mace of huge proportions in his mighty claws. Upon realising that the interlopers are in fact his own kind the Saurus steps aside and allows the Skink Priests entry. To their surprise they find an ancient mummified Slann, the bindings bearing inscriptions that named him as Lord Uetzcayotl of the Second Spawning, the Essence of Light, who was killed upon the collapse of the Polar Gateways and laid to rest under the protection of his Eternity Warden Xyanya-Yaotl. All attempts to question Xyanya-Yaotl are met with stony silence and it is surmised by the Skink Priests that he has been guarding his mummified lord for over five thousand years, kept alive by the time-distorting magic of the Eternity Chamber and has been alone for so long that he has simply forgotten how to speak. Naming Xyanya-Yaotl the Forever Warrior the Skink Priests reunite the Relic Priest with his city of the first time in five millena with much rejoycing. The city now has a standard to rally to, and the end of the undead occupation of Lustrian soil is surely inevitable!

    Sorry it got a bit wordy, i get carried away when i write sometimes, but thats basically (?) the premise or my army.
    As a side note, all the names were taken from a database of Nahuatl words i found online and, as far as I understand, roughly translate into the characters' titles (i.e. Nahu-Atl basically means Four Waters)

    Hope I didnt waste too much of your time and cheers for reading

  2. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    Good job, nice post, very cool fluff.

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