Which fictional Earth would you most want to live on?

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Scalenex, Oct 11, 2018.

  1. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    There are two rules.

    1) Whatever day and year it is in the real world. That's the date in the fictional world.
    2) It has to be Earth-like. You cannot go to Westeros or Middle Earth.
    3) You are the same person. You have the same job. You have the same post count on Lustria-Online. You have the option to move to a very similar place to where you live. You can move from a big American city a fictional city based on an supposedly archetypal American city.
    3) You don't get super powers. If you are in the Harry Potter universe you are a Muggle. If you are in the Marvel universe you don't get to be a mutant or Inhuman.

    I think the nicest place to live would be the Harry Potter universe. As a Muggle, I believe I would break even in quality of life and safety. The wizards are pansies. Voldemort is so scary that wizards are afraid to speak his name, but he is nothing compared to Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin. Voldemort barely beats the worst serial killers and mass shooters of modern times, and he falls behind modern terrorists.

    Besides Dark Wizards, I guess we have to worry about a dragon or something similar killing us then the Ministry of Magic covering up the incident, but aside from the Dark Wizards who are not that dark. The wizarding community in general really seems to value human life and goes to great lengths to not use lethal force. Even at war. I think the odds of me being killed by a trigger happy dark wizard or hungry manticore are evened out by the odds of me accidentally befriending a wizard (I'm generally friendly with weirdos) who surreptitiously saves my life some day. I think the wizarding community is selfish for not revealing themselves. They can restore amputees, cure many diseases, vanish pollution, and do all sorts of things, but I guess we cannot miss if it we do not know it's there.

    Speaking of which. The Matrix universe. So the computers tried to create a utopia but our weakling human minds couldn't handle it, so they picked the early 21st century. That means life now is as good as it's every going to get and when we are old and grey we get to see our grand children enslaved by machines. Unless we are already plugged in, and we just have to live with the fact that life will never get better, or worse.

    I think it would be really cool to read about exploits of superheroes in the news. A world with superheroes you are theoretically less likely to die in a natural disaster or random street crime, but there's a downside. You don't get superheroes without super villains or alien menaces of some sort. Both Marvel and DC have dozens of alternate Earths. I'm not sure if there are many that would nicer to live in than the real world.

    On the whole, I would rather be in a TV superhero universe than a comic book one. The universe that includes Batman the Animated Series, Superman the Animated Series, Krypto the Superdog, Justice League, Batman Beyond and Static Shock is pretty kid friendly, and the good guys almost never fail to save lives, but people die in the tie-in movies, and as Bruce Timm and Co. got better at bending censorship rules, people died off camera. Not sure if that risk would be worth being able read about Batman in the news. I especially marvel at how efficient and well funded child protection services and other relief agencies are in Static Shock.

    I think maybe the universe of the Christopher Reeves Superman might be slightly safer than the real world. The world of Justice League Action might be slightly safer than the real world. At least in terms of death. You probably cannot own nice things though.

    Action movies tend to be grittier than superhero movies. Given how few people died in the A-Team universe that might be a reasonable place to be a bystander in.

    According to Star Trek, we are going to be experiencing a new Great Depression very soon, possibly tomorrow. Granted things turn around after Captain Sisko time travels back to visit us, but I'm not sure I want to live through that societal collapse. Would I make that sacrifice for the future?

    I don't think I'd want to live in any adult cartoon universe. Not Simpson, not Rick and Morty, not Family Guy, certainly not South Park.

    Perhaps a Romantic Comedy universe. They aren't any more physically dangerous than the real world. I'm not sure I can name a romantic comedy where everyone finds true love. Usually the leading woman will either tame a dangerous guy or she will end up with her best friend. As a friend zone occupant, I'm not sure if I like those odds. In general I identify with the nice guys in Rom-Coms the beautiful women tend to overlook. Also, relationships are always brand new. A whole lot of them start with nasty breakups and betrayals. You never see long standing relationships.

    I don't have the patience to sit through a whole Hallmark holiday movie, but they seem like fairly nice places to live though they are so overwhelming monochromatic in casting I fear some horrible sort of ethnic cleansing occurred off camera.

    In the twentieth century, sit com universes seemed like nice places to live. Roseanne and Married with Children used to be exceptions. Now nearly all contemporary sitcoms tend to rely on schadenfreude.

    Am I not being creative enough. Where is the nicest fake Earth to live on in your opinion?
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  2. pendrake
    Skink Priest

    pendrake Well-Known Member

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    Flying Cars. Robot servants that don’t go berserk. I am a Technical Illustration Specialist for Spacely Space Sprockets or a similar concern. I live in a spindly legged Tower far above the tedious ground.

    In the awesome 21st Century.
  3. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Wasn't Voldemort's plan to enslave all the Muggles or something like that?
    Once he beats the wizards the world will be his, without any means to do something against it.
  4. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Voldemort’s plan was to create a world where pure blood wizards would rule, half bloods would be in the middle, muggle born wizards at the near bottom and Muggles at the very bottom. Certainly I would disagree on Voldemort being nothing like Hitler - Voldemort is very much like Hitler, in that like him he wants to rule an elitist society favouring a particular group (Hitler wanted to rule a world where Germans, especially Germans who showed German genes (blond, tall, blue eyes) ruled the world with other nations slightly further down and then certain groups like Jews and Gypsies at the bottom. If Voldemort had the chance, he may well have attacked more and more muggles just as Hitler had large numbers of Jews exterminated.

    However, I would still rather be a British wizard than an American wizard - in America there are evil Witch-hunter groups still kicking around who actively want to exterminate magic-users (certainly in the 20s although I wouldn’t be surprised if it was the same in the 21st Century) and also a government who will actively execute those who they see as having caused trouble even if they were innocent. Certainly in the wizarding world America is considerably more backward than Britain, whose non-magic users are comparatively tolerant (either being completely oblivious, refusing to believe magic exists but doing nothing else or even marrying wizards) and the Ministry, while it does try to hush things up rather than openly combating threats, is at least less brutal than MaCUSA.
  5. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    My rebuttal is that Voldy was not very competent at his schemes. There are thousands of people that have dreams that evil in the real world. As long as they are stupid and powerless it doesn't really matter.

    I think you win the Internet for a day for that one.

    Though computers are pretty primitive in that version of the 21st century.
  6. Scolenex

    Scolenex Well-Known Member

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    I don't know if you ever saw The Flintstones Meet the Jetsons? There was a throwaway content that not only had none of the Jetsons ever seen grass before, but only Elroy knew what "grass" was "I read about it ancient history class."

    Basically the Jetsons live in the sky because the Earth was ruined so thoroughly that grass cannot grow. That's basically means the Jetsons are in the same boat as the humans of Pixar's Wall-E. I like nature. I think I'll take my chances with dark wizards...

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