Army Fluff Seraphon of Chaos

Discussion in 'Fluff and Stories' started by Cageyblood, Oct 15, 2018.

  1. Cageyblood
    Temple Guard

    Cageyblood Well-Known Member

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    So partially in response to the excellent thread about daemons of order,
    partially from thinking about a few kitbashes I want to do one day (putting ripperdactyl features on a demon prince, putting a dinosaur head on a gargant, etc...), I started wondered how these beings would fit into the lore and I had an idea.

    If the seraphon are conjured from memories of the slaan, what if the slaans memories are corrupted or willfully malformed? What if Tzeentch managed to seduce a slaan to chaos, and the slaan started summoning seraphon warriors corrupted into new chaotic forms? Skink sorcerers reading omens of bestial ruination in the stars, celestial engines shooting blasts of starlight from the top of an unholy war shrine, packs of centaurlike saurus running alongside hordes of marauder horsemen.

    I confess the idea intrigues me, and the AOS lore is vague enough regarding the seraphon at this point that this could work as a justification for a unique army concept. It’s not like warhammer doesn’t have a history of powerful beings getting seduced by chaos and messing everything up (cough, HORUS, cough). Any thoughts?
  2. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    This is an excellent idea. Especially if you have the time to paint or convert models this way. I have been working on converting several Lizardmen models into zombie and skeleton versions of themselves for a Lustrian themed Vampire Counts/Death faction army, but it's been a slow, slow process.

    Even in 8th edition I pondered the implications of a Slann full falling to Chaos. There was an actual official fluff piece in 5th edition on the topic, though the Slann didn't become a willing minion of Chaos, the corruption of Chaos was only enough to confuse him a lot and drive him to madness.

    I always figured if a Slann fell to Chaos, his minions would still obey him unquestioningly.

    The tough part fluffwise is that if a Slann fell to Chaos, the other Slann would probably make killing their fallen brother than highest priority, so such a Slann (or group of Slann) would find themselves outnumbered and sorely pressed very quickly. You would need a solid justification for how such a Slann lived long enough to spread evil.
    PS. It's "Slann" for the toadlike beings of cosmic power and Slaanesh for the Daemon Lord of Excess. Normally I get really irked when people write "Slaan" or "Slannesh" but in this, it works I guess.
  3. Cageyblood
    Temple Guard

    Cageyblood Well-Known Member

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    Thanks for the kind words. Maybe once I’m done my vanilla seraphon army I’ll turn my attention to this. It would require crafting skills I definitely don’t possess at the moment.

    That’s a great point about being public enemy #1. I confess I’m not expert enough in the lore to justify that, but I’m sure reading through lore and fluff threads on here will continue to give me ideas.

    Apologies for the typo and thanks for pointing it out. I was going to justify it by saying “well they spell it that way in D&D” but they spell it Slann as well. :oops: No excuse, I just plain whiffed on that one. :D
  4. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Well really you only need a crazy looking Slann to have a themed army if you have "ordinary" painted Serpahon. The Slann remembers them looking as they did before, they just act differently. Well the same in that they do whatever their Slann says. You can convert the rest of your army piece by piece representing the oldest or most corrupted thoughts of the Slann.
  5. Cageyblood
    Temple Guard

    Cageyblood Well-Known Member

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    I suppose I could do that, and I agree both that the Slann is the lynchpin and that the modifications don't necessarily need to be drastic. I guess the reason I really want to go the kitbashing route is that I currently have a bit of a slaves to darkness army but no strong desire to continue adding to it, but it is based and painted in an entirely different style than the Seraphon army I've also started. I like the more vanilla route I've already undertaken but would still like to do this as well, time and budget permitting. Additionally I do want to get better at the crafting side of the hobby even putting this particular project aside. All in all the appeal for me with this idea is centered on modifying figures so If I did move forward with it while it would be a challenge it would also be the almost the whole point of the enterprise.

    But like I say, that is months away at best and will be determined by time and budget. Also, I'm just as likely to get distracted by wanting to do something else, so this is all an academic discussion. (Also I'm probably veering the conversation too far out of fluff and too far into painting and crafting, apologies!)

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