Managed to prime some more models and got some work done on my Chapter Master guy. And I got a citadel battlemat today which I won the other day, nice change from the "paper" mat I had before. Slightly wider than the mat I used before but atleast now I can use the paper mat for terrain building..
Was bored and decided to set up my Primaris force against my Tyranids. Always nice to have your own little Warhammer world at home haha.
My Chapter Master along with a Chaplain and Librarian done! I somehow found painting blue armor harder than white.. I plan on trying to kitbash two Aggressors to a Chief Librarian and a Master Apothecary
Some work in progress, a Company Captain and my Master Apothecary! I got the Chief Librarian on his way but waiting for some bits to arrive so its not primed or anything yet.
Here's the Chief Librarian in all his glory and ready to hit his foes with knowledge. Also got my hands on the "Lieutenant Calsius" from the 40 Conquest magasine. But since I have so many Lts in my force I turned him into a Company Captain with a giant fur "mane" and red cape because rule of cool.. And here is my attempt at making Primaris Scouts. (WIP) The sniper is from Anvil Industries and I love how well it fits. Might look into getting one or two more sniper scouts in the future. And lastly, a long awaited reveal of my old Land Raider I was given earlier this summer. Quite pleased with how I managed to restore it. Maybe not my best work but it will do. Painting a tank this size with a brush is quite tiresome and hard. I want another Land Raider.. But I aim to buy a Baneblade and convert it for my Primaris somehow. Atleast that is my chistmas present I hope to buy to myself.. haha
Heres a little bunch of Intercessors almost ready to join their brothers. These are built for Kill Team but will otherwise work with regular squards. Three Grenadiers, Two Comms, One Sniper, Two Sergeants and One regular bolter brother. And a little update on my Primaris Army so far. It's hard to take a good picture of the whole set up in good quality with my phone.. Primaris sure lacks in unit variety haha I looked up all the units I got and checked what my army's base point value would land on. The only unit I could count in was my fluff built "Chapter Champions" since Primaris do not have that unit role..
My Baneblade kit arrived yesterday. Still waiting for some bits for my converstion plan but will be fun to build this the coming week!
While the frame for the tank is done and some work with plasticard nearly done I'm still waiting for some bits to arrive for my conversion work to continue. Meanwhile I used up all the spare bits from the tank kit and made a Tank Bunker based on those from WW2. Feast your eyes on the BANE BUNKER! Hehe still a work in progress but this is how far I've gotten with it.