OK so here is a link to the pics of my finished lizzies Note: -Part of the Slann's Palanquin is missing because i have to get a replacement piece -Some of the Sarus have broken Spears cuz they are old Models -Some Saurus have Bamboo Skewer spears cuz i build them with spear back in 4th ed codex so i needed to convert em -Chakax is missing his horns cuz they broke off and i lost them -Some Parts on the TG unit look like the grey plastic, but its actually a light blue with a grey wash but lighting screws it up. -I am a fairly new painter and am open to criticism; in fact i would like to know what i have done wrong and how i can improve. thank u in advance. http://s756.photobucket.com/albums/xx206/denixrelic/?action=view¤t=IMAG0009.jpg
144 views but no replies? it either sucks a lot and people are too shocked to reply, or its amazingly awesome(probably the not the latter)
The photos are somewhat blurred and the lighting is bad. So I can't really see them well enough to comment one way or the other personally.
i guess u have a good point, i try my best but i have a crappy camera, oh well i will have to wait till i get a new one, thnx anyways
I didn't even notice the link Try posting the images within the thread instead as a link to Photobucket. And a hint on taking good pictures, if your camera has been purchased within the last 5 years it pretty much has a Macro mode. Macro mode is the close up setting for cameras. On most cameras this is denoted by a small flower emblem. Switch the camera to this "flower" mode which should either be located within the camera's menu or even on a button on the camera itself. Also, try going into the settings and setting the "White Balance" mode. There are preset modes (I find Florescent works the best) or you can go to Manual mode, and press "Measure" when you are pointing the camera at the light area where you take pictures of your minis (make sure the minis aren't in the shot though, just take a picture of the area*. * Your photo taking area should be completely white with a good light source come from BEHIND the camera, just use printer paper to achieve this. One last trick is to set the picture taking quality in the camera settings to high. It takes more room, but when you're just taking a few pics and then porting them, size shouldn't be an issue. As to your minis, I really like the scheme and I think it has a lot of potential, however when looking at them they still feel Work in Progress to me. A couple of tips. -Use a metallic like gold or silver to offset the color of the minis. I use my gold on all the metallic parts on the lizardmen, such as plates or metal coated spikes (like on their spine for example). Painting gold can be tricky and its best to use an undercoat of either a yellow foundation paint or Mithril Silver. (Mithril Silver gives the gold a bright shiny look). -Pick out some of the details. Lizardmen are chalk full of things you can spend a lot of time on. It doesn't look like the teeth or eyes or individual metal bits hanging off the lizzies have been picked out. For example. The skinks have lots of bangles or darts around their arms/legs. Also the blowpipes can be painted brown with a mettalic overcoat on the raised areas. -Try some highlighting or drybrushing (you can look up a tutorial on this online easily). This gives the models some depth and brings out the details in the model. -Spend a little more time on the models. Don't rush it! Just take your time and relax and enjoy painting (If you do enjoy painting ) Like on the metal stegadon, there are some metal parts showing through, make sure you paint those spots. -An easy way to bring out details in any model is a Wash. GW sells these and I would recommend either Badab Black or Devlun Mud. -One last thing is to flip through the gallery in the Army Book. You don't have to paint to these schemes, but they do give you a great standard to strive for and they show you how to paint certain details or aspects of the lizardmen army. I hope these tips helped, your minis don't look bad, to me they just look unfinished. I think your Sauros are probly my favorite, I like what you did with their head crests.
i have no idea how to post pics, could someone possibly help me or guide me to a thread that explains how to post pics? thnx in advance PS: the reason some metal parts are showing is because he had some pieces glued to him and when i took them off they ripped some of the paint off, Yes they're still technically a work in progress im waiting to buy some washes and metallics and then i will finish them off. Also thanks for all the tips on taking pics, should prove very helpful.
To post pics just copy the image location (the URL) then highlight the URL and click "Pic" just above the message body. This should show your images within your post. In the sticky section of this thread there is a "Posting Pictures" thread which explains how to do all of this.