AoS 2k Escalation League, Kroak v Clan Pestilens

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Modang, Nov 3, 2018.

  1. Modang
    Jungle Swarm

    Modang New Member

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    This is week 5 of our Escalation League! The battle plan was Battle for the Pass on The Realm of Shadow!

    Before we get started, here's a little about the Army -

    I'm new to miniatures all together, and this is probably my 20th or so game. After many, many tweaks and playtests I feel like this is where I want the build!

    Allegiance: Seraphon


    Lord Kroak (450) - General
    Engine of the Gods (220) - Artefact : Incandescent Rectrices Saurus
    Astrolith Bearer (160) - Artefact : Prism of Amyntok


    10 x Saurus Guard (180)
    5 x Saurus Guard (90)
    5 x Saurus Guard (90)
    2 x Razordons (80)


    Solar Beam (280) Bastiladon
    Solar Beam (280) Bastiladon


    Thunderquake Starhost (120)


    Balewind Vortex (40)


    Listen, I know the wound count is low. But these Saurus Guard have impressed me over and over again. The sheer amount of damage they can screen while also holding an objective is incredible (as long as it isnt mortals). But thats besides the point here. Kroak. Kroak is gospel. Turn one, you post that bad boy up on top of his Balewind and you sit back and put 15 Celestial Points in your bank, base. Not to mention the D3 from the Astrolith banner.

    Now while your opponent is thinking about how in the hell they're going to march across and end this frogs life, they have to brace for the 2 Venusaurs that are launching 2D6 attacks across the board, rerolling Hits and Wounds because of the Banner and their battalion bonus!

    And just when that didn't sound good enough, your Engine of the Gods just happened to summon in a nice pack of Ripperdactyls on your opponents flank (Because Kroak said that 3 you rolled would be better as a 5). This hero is going to constantly keep pressure on its side of the battlefield. The fact that it might just keep bringing in free meat is too good to ignore.

    After holding steady for the first turn, Kroaks ready to drop in the big guns. You're easily hitting 24 Celestial points at the end of this movement phase. Did someone say Carnosaur? Drop it nice and close next to Kroak to help deter easy snipes on Frog Dad, and then teleport it across the table next turn to pressure an easy objective!

    My opponent was fielding a Greater Unclean One, a Verminlord Corruptor, 80 Plague Monks and 2 Plague Furnaces.

    TOP OF TURN 1:

    Clan Pestilens deploys first. After dropping their Congregation, they pretty much locked in first turn as well. Great Plague goes off immediately, and that never feels good. He fires off a couple more prayers but no more Great Plagues. Marches his dirty rats and furnaces up to almost contest both middle objectives. Not much else other than movement and filth.


    I stare at my opponent in the eyes and tell him I'm casting Kroaknado. He takes a mortal wound on his GUO to attempt to unbind, Kroak rolls a 9, GCU rolls a 6. I choose to not cast anything (ESPECIALLY since the realm affect made ALL SPELLS and RANGED a minimum of 12 INCHES). Engine of the Gods summoned a Pack of Rippers on the right flank next to it. I moved my Thunderquake Starhost up the right side to contest one of the Furnaces, using the Saurus Guard to screen Kroak and hold the left for as long as they could! Shooting begins! The furnace takes 8 Wounds to the volley of light, and the rippers swoop in and finish it off.

    TOP OF TURN 2:

    Skavens win the roll and begin their plague phase.

    Another. Great. Plague.
    The blight spreads to my Saurus Guard and instantly slays 6 of them, the remaining 4 stood no chance for the Plague Furnace and Monks. It was clear the Dirty Boyz were gunning for Kroak through the left side.
    His Verminlord and Unclean ones stayed on their side of the field to prepare for the collapse from the Bastillodons.

    Seraphon Turn 2:

    Kroak adds another 15 Celestial Points into the bank. The Engine shoots 5 Mortal Wounds into the 20 Monks in front of it, softening up the charge for the Venusaurs. Kroak teleports a unit of Saurus Guard into my opponents territory and snipes away his objective. After the lines reformed around Kroak, and the Thunderquake marched on the right with the Astrolith Banner, an Old Blood on a Carnosaur is summoned to prepare the assault on the left!

    TOP OF TURN 3:

    The Rats fire off more Plagues and begin the kamikaze runs into the Bastilodons while the GCU starts charging towards the Objective on his home front. The Verminlord moves in and aids the monks to try and snipe the Venusaur all together. He almost kills it with his special Behemoth slaying artefact (cant remember the name) The Plague Furnace and Monks on the left charge forward and abandon the objective in an all out attempt on pressuring Kroak. The Saurus Guard fall but screen for the Old Blood who is next in line. The GCU charges into my Saurus line holding his objective and HELD THE LINE! It just wasnt enough to take it back.

    Kroak Ascends:

    With enough pressure on the board for me, I figured it was time to start actually casting on the things finally in range. I drop a couple comets on the rats closest to Kroak and gang while my Bastillodons ended the Verminlords life with a barrage of rerolling hits and wounds. After a series of unfortunate rolls on my opponents end and Kroak being Kroak, he decided to call the match there and shook on it.

    This game has been an incredible experience for me and I'm really glad I got into it. It's cool seeing a community come together and sit down at a table, interacting with each other, showing off their shiny new toys. I really enjoyed this particular match and hope to have more like it. By all means, any tips or advice is always appreciated, you guys and this site are awesome!

    In Kroak We Trust.
    Furnus and Crowsfoot like this.
  2. Stevie754

    Stevie754 Member

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    Really nice report, and congrats on the win, but the list you played isn't legal.
    The thunderquake you need to bring handlers with the razordons or salamanders
    Crowsfoot likes this.

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