7th Ed. How to de-throne a Tomb King

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by FrozenLizards, Nov 18, 2008.

  1. FrozenLizards

    FrozenLizards New Member

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    I have a match this weekend w/ a guy who is running TKs I was hoping to get a few pointers. I wanted to know what are the Lizzies weak points to TKs and the TKs weaknesses to Lizzies. I haven't had a 2000+ pt win yet and I'm going up against a pretty experianced vet and I'm hoping not to embarass myself too much.
  2. SohCahToa

    SohCahToa New Member

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    There are three key areas that the Lizardmen can excel at when combating the Tomb Kings. However, before I go into these details I would advise that you get your hands on a copy of the tomb king list so that you are fully aware of the possible tricks that could be coming you way.

    (1) Take a JSOD with a great weapon. I cannot stress the importance of this hero against most tomb king armies. Although tomb kings have tended to stay away from using heavy amounts of chariots with the profusion of str. 7 troops in the current edition, there will still be in all likelihood atleast one unit of chariots, if not more. With tomb kings magic, they can be surprisingly fast and effective as a flanking force to tip a combat. With a 18" charge, a JSOD can intercept chariot units and defeat them in 1-2 turns. Alternatively, you can have a JSOD version of an oldblood, so that you can take on chariot units that have a prince or tomb king in them with relative ease (although chariot mounted princes and kings have fallen out of favor recently)

    (2) Load up on dispel dice. If you have a slann w/ a staff of sorcery and plaque of dominion (keep in mind drain magic is not useful against tomb kings so you can be comfortable with a 4th generation), along with a priest with a diadem of power, you should have a good mix of offensive power and defensive clout. Without magic, tomb kings are slow without particularly impressive troops. However, if their magic has free reign they become the exact inverse. Loads of dispel dice will see you through better than a few dispel dice, as tomb kings cast many lower-level spells, and the staff of sorcery will give you an extremely helpful +2 to dispel. Keep in mind as you go in to dispel primarily movement based spells (and if they have a casket, always reserve some dice for it as it is deadly against lizzies ld as it does not take into account cold-blooded), and do not be distracted by the magic missiles that he might throw around to draw out dispel dice.

    (3) beware of tomb scorpions (and to a lesser degree tomb swarms). These units are perfect for taking out skinks, sallies, and the other units that play a crucial role in the lizardmen army. There tendency to pop out anywhere makes them harder to plan for, but a flexible approach when deploying you troops should get you through

    Finally, I just have two minor pieces of advice that I find useful

    (1) Focus on tomb king infantry blocks last. Your opponent wont be expanding the units as they would in VC, and with a low movement speed will probably not play more than a support role. Charging these units can bog down your troops for a dangerously-long period of time. If you take out the characters and faster elements of the list, you should be able to squeak out a win, so focus on those elements first.

    (2) Although you may want to invest in a Tlazcotl for any Saurus you take, I would suggest not going overboard in your preparation. Remember that Tlazcotl prevents you from fleeing, and the frail nature of many of the tomb king shock troops makes baiting a very useful tactic.
  3. FrozenLizards

    FrozenLizards New Member

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    Thank You. I have been having a terrible time w/ undead. I am going ot have to use Tlazcotl. How much should I balance between Tlazcotl and Tepok? I need to have some couner to a block of undead but I also need a dispel boost.
  4. SohCahToa

    SohCahToa New Member

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    In all honesty, I think that if you use the method for dispel dice prescribed above, you probably will only need 1-2 tepok at most, perhaps only on a scar vet or something. 8 dispel dice is nothing to sniff at.

    Also, I would suggest avoiding instances in which you would have saurus 'counter a block of undead.' Saurus, generally, become more of a liability when facing undead than against most other armies. I would suggest focusing on Cold ones (great against low armored TK) and kroxigors (great for MSU)
  5. kroxigor01

    kroxigor01 Member

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    What mister Trigonometry guy said.

    The only thing I can add is make sure you get the full 6 salamanders. They rip T3 and low armour save apart, especially when they move so slowly.
  6. SohCahToa

    SohCahToa New Member

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    and there cause fear does wonders when the TK player is trying to cause terror in your ranks
  7. FrozenLizards

    FrozenLizards New Member

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    I am definatly going to take 6 sally. I'm thinking of taking a 4th gen Slann, JSoD, 2 lvl2 priest, 2 units Krox, 6 sallies and maybe a unit of Tlazcotl saurus. My big worry is I think he's going to bring 2 huge units of archers. I figure if he has a 5x5 unit of archer w/ a BS of 2 and no -to hit (Arrows of the Asp) about 7 will hit and 4-5 will wound on a unit of skinks. So when I try and get in range 2 big blocks will tear up my Krox shields. I am wondering what a good counter is for swarms and scorpions, something fast and imune to fear, maybe a jungle swarmto guard my Slann?
  8. the ironfoot
    Cold One

    the ironfoot New Member

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    you could use a bunch of magic missiles to rip the archers apart.
  9. Alesh

    Alesh New Member

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    As a general rule, don't be afraid of TK archers. Yes they can wound Skinks easily, but they only hit 33% of the time. A JSoD can kill them quite easily, mine took out a unit of 20 in 3 rounds of combat (their crumbling from CR helps)
  10. Doom Lizard

    Doom Lizard New Member

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    And my favorite weapon comes into good use here. Burning blade. Seeing how the King will most likely be the toughest thing there discounting constructs. They are flammable so fire from the blade and Sallies are your friend. Beware the curse though ;)

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