7th Ed. Sacred Host Rules

Discussion in 'Rules Help' started by Ninjaskink, Nov 19, 2008.

  1. Ninjaskink
    Cold One

    Ninjaskink New Member

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    First, I would like to stress that I'm copying this information off of a PDF released by Games Workshop. These rules are official so they can be used in Tournament play unless stated otherwise. I usually does help to have a copy of these rules to verify what you're claiming, but again... noone seems to be able to find the PDF anymore, so until the new book comes out you may just have to deal with this.

    Also note: Due to the rules of the site I cannot post how much more you have to pay for skinks to give them the sacred spawning. If you see a particular spawning you'd like to try and play, please PM me or Craken (since he has a copy of the thing too) to get that value. The Army Builder computer program won't factor these costs into an army or adjust for the spawning slots, so you'll have to use the old pencil and paper method to ensure complete accuracy. And finally, these only apply to Lizardmen armies. Southlands armies cannot take any Sacred Hosts.

    Sacred Host General information: If you create a Sacred Host army, all units that can take the army's Sacred Spawning must do so. This is to include: Skink Skirmishers, Saurus Warrior units, Scar Veterans, Old Bloods, Skink Priests and Skink Chiefs. There may be additional or different rules placed on Skinks for specific Sacred Spawnings, and will be noted in the Spawning specific description.

    Any core unit in the army with one spawning (the host spawning) remains Core. Any with an addiional spawning become special. You cannot add a third spawning to Core choices. Refer to the Lizardmen rulebook for the usual Sacered Spawning information. I'll only be posting anything that changed between the rulebook and the Sacred Host information.

    Sacred Host of Chotec: There is a point addition to skink units and characters. Skink Priests in a Sacred Host of Chotec cast from the Lore of Fire.

    Sacred Host of Sotek: There is a point addition to skink units and characters. Skink Priests in a Sacred Host of Sotek cast from the Lore of Beasts.

    Sacred Host of Quetzl: There is a point addition to skink units and characters. Skinks gain a scaly skin save of 6. Skink Priests in a Sacred Host of Quetzl cast from the Lore of Death.

    Sacred Host of Huanchi: There is No point addition to skink units and characters, as there is no benefit to Skink units taking this spawning. Skink Priests in a Sacred Host of Huanchi cast from the Lore of Shadows.

    Sacred Host of Tzunki: There is a point addition to skink units and characters. Skink Priests in a Sacred Host of Tzunki cast from the Lore of Heavens.

    Sacred Host of Tlazcotl: There is a point addition to skink units and characters. Skink Priests in a Sacred Host of Tlazcotl cast from the Lore of Metal.

    Sacred Host of Tepok: There is a point addition to skink units and characters. Skink units and characters gain Magic Resistance (1). I'm unsure if they also add the additional 1 dispel die per unit or character with the spawning. Skink Priests in a Sacred Host of Tepok cast from the Lore of Light.

    Itzl has no sacred hosts.

    (Edit: I was mistaken on one of the items in this post. Army builder does give you the option to generate a sacred host list. To do this, click on the "Roster" pull down menu and click "Change Rules". Under the "army Subtype" option it allows you to cycle between a normal army, a southlands list, the Red Host of Tenehuain and any of the Sacred Hosts.)
  2. SohCahToa

    SohCahToa New Member

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    You can also find the rules in UK WD number 300 and US WD number 299. It is important to note, however, that the sacred list rules are no longer accepted at most 'official' GW events. If you are taking this list to a tournament, check with the administrator to make sure that they consider the sacred hosts legal choices. You shouldn't have a problem in friendly play however.

    as an aside, you can find the rules for the red host list from the Lustria campaign (legal as provided by Games Workshop) at this url:

    http://ca.games-workshop.com/CommunityNew/HOH/Army Downloads/redhost.pdf
  3. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    Thanks for posting this NinjaSkink, good for people to at least have this info. As for Tepok it was my understanding that skink skirmishers and characters gain the magic resistance instead of the +1 dispel dice.
  4. Nexus

    Nexus New Member

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    The magic res (1) replaces the dispel dice.
  5. azteclizard
    Jungle Swarm

    azteclizard New Member

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    for those interested who still check this thread i found the url
  6. Lord Tsunami

    Lord Tsunami Member

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    these rules were written for the 6th ed lizardmen book, werent they? I mean sure, you can houserule all you want, but at this stage it feels a bit like making up rules tbh. a bit like including magic items from 5th ed (omg there were some good ones back the :p)

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