7th Ed. Jungle Swarm tactics

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by Sammy the Squib, Apr 1, 2008.

  1. Sammy the Squib

    Sammy the Squib Member

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    I used to run a large unit of jungle swarms back in 6th ed.

    Now they crumble they have seen significantly less use from me, but I'm wondering if they can still be useful?

    Does anyone have any good jungle swarm tactics? :)
  2. Bleyden

    Bleyden New Member

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    In 6th edition I would never leave home without them. Stick em on a flank or opposite a big mean knights unit and watch them Tar Pit 'till the cows come home.

    Now for 1 base of swarm you can field another unit of 10 skinks, for me its skinks every time.
  3. SohCahToa

    SohCahToa New Member

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    In 7th edition, I still find that jungle swarms have their use, but as mentioned the use is very limited.

    The one tactic that I have found to consistently work depends largely upon how the terrain is deployed. Assuming that there is a forest/ruins/etc. on a flank, I try to park 1 or 2 bases in this piece. That way, my opponents have much more trouble bringing their cavalry (light and heavy) through the corridor along the terrain piece as I can hit them in a flank as they pass. As I generally will only face one model/and the unit generally wont have a high CR, I can effectively tie the unit up. With a 60 pt base I can deny an enemy a large portion of a flank (assuming his flanking force isnt a 10 man Chosen Knights or Black Knights). Although not a glorious role, it is an option well worth taking.

    Beyond that, there are really only 2 uses I can think of. One of those is redirecting charges more easily than with skinks, as 1 base makes it much easier to force the enemy unit to charge in a specific direction. This is really only worth it if your using a lone slann as far as I can tell, as terris could do the job well and get away most times. The second thing that ive thought of is as a suicide unit. Being unbreakable, one doesnt have to worry about fear/terror (although this usually isnt a concern anyhow. With 2 bases one should be able to direct 10 poisoned attacks against a mage hidden in a unit (a portent of far would be an easy way of making this better). Its a cheaper method than risking a JSoD, and a JSoD would be better served charging chariots/cav anyhow.

    All of these tactics are rather inflexible, but thats just my 2 cents
  4. Sammy the Squib

    Sammy the Squib Member

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    They are some great ideas, thanks. I think I will give them a run out :)
  5. SohCahToa

    SohCahToa New Member

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    So I just tried the torpedo tactic yesterday in a game against OK. Now keep in mind I had a second generation slann, so he was holding back his dispel dice for a big spell and let my skink priest's portent of far go through. The Swarms put all of their attacks into the butcher, promptly killing him. And to add insult to injury, they held onto life with 2 wounds after the Ogres attacked back.

    Now, this was a case of luck in that he let me cast portent of far, and another opponent would be more inclined to dispel it if his caster was squishier (t3 w2, etc.).

    But I think the more important thing to draw away from this is that even with the crumble the swarms can be around for a turn or two against stronger, low static CR opponents. Im more than willing to pay 120 pts to hold such a unit in place for a turn, especially if it destroys his battle line's cohesion.

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