KoW Dwarves vs Brotherhood [DOMINATE - 2000 Points]

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Itepixcauh, Nov 11, 2018.

  1. Itepixcauh

    Itepixcauh Stranded Ghekkotah Staff Member

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    I'M BACK!!

    It's a new whole season of KoW goodness and for this year I'm retiring my very successful Salamanders while they are on the top and bring my beloved Brotherhood for a spin. Here is what I brought to the table (You can see Kev the Naughty Dragon in there too but sadly I forgot that he isn't in my list, he was sooo excited, I let him down)


    This is going to be more or less what my list will look like for the whole year so you better get accustomed to it, I'm known to change my lists very little.

    Well, enough pointless chit-chat, lets bite into the meat of the game. You will see soon how hard my opponent list is to bite, there is only steel and pain there!


    First game of the league is a classic, Dominate, nothing new or exciting like those fancy new scenarios that spew out of the proverbial CoK when you shake vigorously but still one of my favourites. My opponent has Dwarves which is something new in our leagues but not new to fight against, his list though, that is something new a very hard to chew, lets see it:

    - Horde of Bulwarkers with Strength
    - FOUR Regiments of Ironguard (one with Elite, one with Vicious and one with Phallanx)
    - Horde of Ironwatch Rifles with Jar
    - Ironbelcher Cannon
    - 2 Ironbelcher Organ Guns
    - ASB with Banner of the Griffin
    - ASB
    - Stonepriest with Bane-Chant and Inspiring
    - King with Wings

    So a very nice wall of Defense 6 and pure pain, coupled with 4 shooting units with high Piercing, nasty, nasty thing to face.

    My list looks something like this:

    - Horde of Spearmen with Brew of Strength
    - Horde of Martyrs
    - Horde of Bowmen
    - Regiment of Initiates with Courage
    - Regiment of Abyssal-Hunt with Pathfinder
    - Troop of Reconnoiterers
    - Swain's Villein Rangers
    - Forsaken Beast with Ensnare and Breath
    - 2 Siege Artillery
    - Exemplar of the Brotherhood on Horse
    - Adjuntant on Horse with the Lute
    - Devoted on Horse with Martyr's Prayer
    - Devoted with Inspiring and Martyr's Prayer



    I decided to deploy refusing the right flank, I decided to control those units using my shooting and attack the flank with the Organ Guns with my fast units with the hope of distracting them enough to secure the centre with my Hordes of Infantry to win the game by sheer numbers. I did make a HUGE mistake by deploying my Archers on the back thinking that they had the Jar (I'm an idiot)

    Not shown here is the Vanguard move from the Rangers that move into the woods in the middle and prepare their bows.

    We roll for turn one and he wins the roll and takes it.

    TURN 1

    He advances his whole line slowly, more due to the fact that they are dwarves than to an strategic reason. His shooting concentrates on mine, with the Rifles targeting my Bowmen doing some wounds and the cannon that clearly has a laser targeting system destroying one of my Siege Artillery on one shot.

    On my turn I advance hard on the left with my Recons protecting my cavalry and Exemplar form the Organ Guns fire. I made a big mistake here too, by not hiding my Adjutant behind the knights as he should have been.

    My shooting went well with my Devoted healing almost every wound from the Bowmen but again I made a mistake here, not tactically but cheating, though not intentionally. Remember when I said I deployed my Bowmen far back because I thought they had the Jar? well you can see were this is going I'm sure. Both my bowmen and Rangers shoot at the Cannon, that ends up wavering on the second roll with 5 wounds. I noticed my mistake as I started writing this report, so yeah. On my defence I made like a quadrillion lists before this game and something got mixed, I apologise here publicly.


    It's not really game changing though, the bowmen did two wounds into the cannon and as the first roll killed the cannon just, without those two wounds the cannon would still had been wavered. Further on I switched targets and all of them were in normal range so no harm done I guess.

    Sorry Xabi



    As he starts his turn I realised I messed up with my Adjutant, as very jolly King hops over and charges him, the rest of his line advances a bit more. Slowly but securely.

    His shooting did what was expected and the Reconnoiterers evaporate in a cloud of gunfire, poor peasants. Rifles keep targeting the archers and I'm happy that they do. With me happy because I'm not having to write Reconnoiterers again, we jump into combat and his King kills my poor Adjutant with ease, poor fellow, he couldn't play his lute even once, the King advances out of any charge.



    My plan is not going too bad, the only flaw is that pesky King, that is going to be a pain in the Culet for the whole game.

    I throw my Exemplar into one Organ Gun hoping to kill it in one go while both of my Cavalry units charge the Ironguard in front, again I wasn't really paying attention and this was the phalanx unit, but I would have charged them anyway as their job was more a holding them in place kind of thing rather than alpha striking. I sidestep my Rangers and keep advancing my Hordes forward, I face the Forsaken Beast to the King and Hide my Devoted behind it.

    Shooting goes well and I kill the cannon with the Rangers while putting some wounds into a regiment of Ironguard with the Bowmen. The Forsaken Beast does some amazing job doing 4 wounds to the King, that is quite an accomplishment. Devoted keeps healing the Bowmen.

    Combats don't go that well, the Organ Gun only gets wavered, and the Ironguard do their job and just stop the cavalry on their feet with ease.



    He counter charges the Ironguard into the Initiates as he felt he could break them mote easily. The middle line advances a bit and the two regiments on the right flank keep their creep into the center. The king hops again to charge the other Siege Artillery.

    The organ gun opens fire into the Abyssal-hunt, doing 5 wounds and Wavering them! This isn't going as planned... The Rifles keep trying to kill the Bowmen to no avail.

    King kills the Siege Artillery totalling their successful hits for the game in an astonishing NONE. Well done again Siege Artillery. The Ironguard can't kill the Initiates.



    Well, my Abyssal-Hunt getting wavered is a bummer but I reform them to face the centre, maybe I can get them to charge the Bulwarkers in the flank. I charge the Bulwarkers with my Martyrs, reform the Spears to face the incoming Ironguard Regiments and move the Forsaken Beast to block the Ironguard Regiment in the centre.

    Instead of finishing the Organ gun on the left I charge my Exemplar in the other Organ Gun as this one doesn't have cover and is quite more dangerous.

    Both my shooting units target the sane Ironguard Regiment on the right getting them to 11 wounds and Wavering them. The Rangers were rolling like madmen all game, 8-9 hits on average the whole game, they appear to have left the bows home and brought machine guns today. Healing is dispensed again into the Bowmen that are now fresh.

    The combat phase is not ad good again, Martyrs scratch a couple of wounds, but the Initiates don't even get one. The Exemplar wavers the other Organ Gun, not being able to seal the deal apparently.

  2. Itepixcauh

    Itepixcauh Stranded Ghekkotah Staff Member

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    He could have chosen to flank my Martyrs but the fear of not routing them and exposing the rear of his Ironguard to my Beast was too much so they charged the Beast, the other Regiment counter the Initiates again, Bulwarkers went back into the Martyrs and the King tried to waver or kill my Abyssal-Hunt while the unwavered Regiment of Ironguard on the right moved into charge distance of my Rangers.

    The persistent Rifles kept trying to kill the Bowmen again failing to do so and as previous turns the Stone Priest cast Bane-Chant into the Bulwarkers for a very tasty CS(2).

    All combats fell short though, no unit managed to waver or rout anything, I was satisfied.



    Not many changes in my line this turn, I countered what I could counter, charged the Exemplar of the Hood into the Organ Gun again and the Abyssal-hunt into the ASB that was protecting the flank of the Bulwarkers, if all goes according to plan I kill the guy and overrunning that tasty flank and hopefully delete that unit and win the game effectively.

    My shooting goes well and I delete the previously wavered regiment of Ironguard on the right .

    Sadly the combats are as inconsequential to me as they've been to him, with the Abyssal-hunt rolling like crap and failing miserably to rout the ASB... Only consolation is that my Exemplar kills the Organ Gun and prepares to take the other one as well.



    And the grind goes one, lots of counter-charges, even the ASB did it, and the Ironguard charge into the Rangers and the King into the Exemplar. I could say that charge was part of my master plan but if I'm honest I just forgot to check if they were in range.

    This was a mixed bag for him, he did kill my Martyrs doing a whooping 15 wounds! The rest of his units bounce back, with the Ironguard fighting the Initiates rolling a double 1 after leaving them badly wounded.

    I forgot to take a picture for the end of his turn but snapped one in my movement phase.



    The huge Nerve and the protection of the forest means the Rangers help with ease leaving the Ironguard flank exposed to my Spearmen, I take it gladly with the Rangers in the front because every bit of help is welcomed.

    The Exemplar ignores the King and charges the last Organ Gun. My Bowmen seeing their presence could be needed move up into the centre.

    A bit more healing here and there and I jump into combat. This turn is crucial. The Abyssal-hunt AGAIN fail to rout the damn ASB, not starting well but things turn well for me as the Exemplar kills the Organ Gun, the Spearmen destroy the Ironguard even with a hindered charge and best of all, the Initiates inspired by the bravery of the Exemplar manage to KILL the Ironguard!


    Look at those brave Initiates, no teeth left after chewing all that metal. I reform them to face the centre prepared to get through even more steel.


    TURN 6

    Last turn was devastating for him, he suddenly doesn't have enough US to take the game, he has to kill my Hordes to win.

    He charges the Spearmen with the Bulwarkers and shoots at the Bowmen again, the King charges the Forsaken Beast. All units fail to rout of waver their objectives.

    On my turn 6 I move the Bowmen even deeper into the middle, counter-charge the Bulwarkers, ASB and charge the King with the Initiates and the Exemplar.

    The Abyssal-hunt manage to kill the ASB just in time to be useless, the King dies too but the damn Bulwarkers hold.

    The fact that this was a combined turn was very much a spoiler but we roll for turn seven and don't get it. The game ends here 7-3 to the Brotherhood.



    Thanks for reading! See you again soon
  3. pendrake
    Skink Priest

    pendrake Well-Known Member

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    Huzzah Kings of War (Bretonnian Kings!) !
  4. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Yeah, turn five was decisive, but i'd say that since the previous turns the game was an uphill battle for dwarfs.
    Dawi are tough fighters, and when too much combats are without consequences, then things are kinda doomed.

    Nice battle!
  5. Itepixcauh

    Itepixcauh Stranded Ghekkotah Staff Member

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    Yeah, he deployed badly for a start with three regiments or Ironguard and the two Organ Guns far from the centre, his shooting objectives were also not the best, that being said my healing game is so far ahead that it would have made no difference.

    His list is extremely elite and very tough but apart from the Bulwarkers the damage output is really not the best so once you engage his line you are in a for a very long grind and having more and bigger units that benefited me and I took advantage of that.
  6. Padre

    Padre Well-Known Member

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    Glad to see you're posting again. I'll follow your accomplishments with great anticipation.

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