AoS Carnosaur Attack fest

Discussion in 'Rules Help' started by Aktanolt, Dec 1, 2018.

  1. Aktanolt
    Cold One

    Aktanolt Well-Known Member

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    Hi there,

    Those days , i'm toying with a potential absurd combo. Inspired by Christopher Tot seraphon list for the Australian masters this weekend.
    To sum up he plays Scar veteran on Carnosaur.
    Here is the thing :
    Hero phase , you use 2+ cp on his command ability ( 6+ attacks gave 1 more free attack ) : so each 6+ give 2 more attacks.
    The point is, if you succeed the 2 hits on the Carnosaur forelimb (3+ ) he got +2 hit on his jaws. So basically, if you roll a 4+ on a jaw hit, you got 2 more jaws attacks.... so it should be a good amount of attacks already ( considering he hits on 2+ aside though )

    The problem is that rules specify that attacks generated on 6+ can't gave other attacks " BUT " it's all about the attacks generated through ABILITIES ( it's in the warscroll > abilities part of the rules ) so basically those bonuses attacks SHOULD give other attacks since they don't come from abilities but command ability . So yea , it seems a bit absurd but it's something like infinite attack , the good old Ripper stuff.

    I'd love to have an insight on this one. Pretty sure it deserve a fix but so far, it's OP to me in tournament environnement :)

    Have a nice weekend !
  2. Flo

    Flo Well-Known Member

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    The limbs only increase jaws hits vs monsters
    The command ability of the scar vet is an ability, so the extra Attacks can't generate extra Attacks (they still stack so if you use 2 cp you get 2 Attacks for each 6)

    In my opinion its better to just spam the old bloods ability on the jaw attack
    Seraphage likes this.
  3. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Yeah,leaving aside that to pretend to make a distinction between abilities and command abilities in such a way, is not going to get a free pass... the trick would work only against monsters.
  4. Aktanolt
    Cold One

    Aktanolt Well-Known Member

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    Yep totally it works against monster but also on big blob of saurus that gets +1 hit Other infinite generation of new attacks on 5+
  5. Flo

    Flo Well-Known Member

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    guys believe me, the infinite attacks was a huge mistake at the australian masters, GW said that multiple times on different units, they even wrote an complete errata of the rippers after the new GHB, the rippers pre errata had the possibility of infinite attacks because of their wording on the warscroll (contine until you dont hit anymore) the scar veteran on carnosaur does not have this sentence and so the extra attacks cannot generate extra attacks

    as much as i would love to see something like a OP carnosaur instead of one of the weakest monsters in AoS, thats not the way

    We already had this discussion a while back before the rippers got their errata ;)
    Ecozh and Seraphage like this.
  6. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    At least, the rippers' case was, indeed, a huge hole in the rule and the way it was FAQed. So in that case the infinite attack was legal because the new rule cancelled the previous limit, until the errata came out.
  7. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    As said in PM…

    Yeah, I'm frankly surprised that no one stopped him, but

    1) not always you can find judges that know what they are doing (Just an example: an AoS tournament at a GW official Store in Milan. The judge said that you measure the distance from an objective not measuring by the centre, but by the borders, because objective markers have a pre-determined radius and so obviously it must be measured from the border :meh:)

    2) they go with a too literal reading of the rule because they think it's cool to be a lawyer that keeps an eye only on the fine prints, so they totally miss the point… or even worse, they let pass exceptions againt the rules because those exceptions are not explicitly mentioned. (example: in a 40k tournament, a guy shot directly at a dreadnought librarian, which is a character with a wound char. of 8; by rules, you cannot shoot at characters with less than 10 wounds if they are not the closest enemy. This guy told that the librarian dreadnought got also the vehicle keyword, and the rule doesn't say that you cannot shoot at vehicles. The judge agreed…:banghead:)
    Ecozh, Seraphage and Flo like this.

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