AoS 1000 points out of the box / shadowstrike option

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by tom1017, Dec 14, 2018.

  1. tom1017

    tom1017 Member

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    Hello guys.

    As you already know you can play a 1000 points army out of the battle force that just got released if you build a carnosaur instead of the troglodon.

    Let's say I'm not skilled enough to consider kitbashing, here are options I'm considering to play a 1000 points army including the shadowstrike batallion:

    Priest (or starpriest) + 2x10 skinks + 1x3 ripperdactyles + the batallion = 520 points.

    For the 480 remaining points I see 2 possibilities:
    A) 1 Carnosaur or Bastiladon + 1x3 Terradons + 2/3 Razordons. This implies I get 2 or 3 Razordons.
    B) 2 Scarvet on Carnosaur because it just sounds like a lot of fun. Then I need to buy an extra carnosaur but precisely, there's a possibility atm.

    There's surely a plan C including chameleon skinks that look really cool or other options like playing a unit of 6 Ripperdactyls in the batallion (only I do want to build a unit of 3 terrradons from the box), but for now I'd like to focus on A & B.
    Oh and something else: I don't think I wanna get a Slann or an Engine of the Gods since I usually play 1000 points and I don't plan a Seraphon collection big enough to have enough summoning options.

    So since I'm gonna try and invest just a tad more (don't laugh) to be able to play something different than the 1000 points out of the box, I'd like to know what you guys think about plans A and B.
    Please remember my AoS experience implies playing a large enough group of Destruction units (around 40-50 models for 1000 points) and I'm not used to play few super tough units (big dinos) along some very fragile units (10 skinks), so it's really hard for me to see if I'll be able to be a decent contender including the batallion.

    Thanks in advance for your help.
    LizardWizard likes this.
  2. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    I like the Razordon idea. They are likely the best unit in the Seraphon Battletome.
    tom1017 likes this.
  3. tom1017

    tom1017 Member

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    Indeed they're really good. For 40 points they are such a great asset, they remind me of the goblin wolf chariot that can be a real thorn in the flank if allowed to manoeuvre. Like the razordons, they're very cheap, but the opponent can't just ignore them.

    If I'm inclined toward plan B it's more for the fun of mixing the choppers attack in Apocalypse Now (Ripperdactyls hidden in the clouds = Death from Above) and Jurassic Park, a mix I never thought I'd be able to enjoy in a game ^.^
    T-Rexs and Wagner, now that's something.
    LizardWizard likes this.
  4. Nun-pak

    Nun-pak Active Member

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    What is better, ripperdactyl riders or terradon riders? Pros and cons?

    And also, what unit would you make leader and which artifacts would you choose? (If you went for plan A)

    Also... what weapons would you give your skinks?

    Btw tom, I loved your army list and I am proceeding to collect it. Thank you.
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2018
  5. tom1017

    tom1017 Member

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    Hi @Nun-pak.

    Quick morning answer, I got a train to catch.

    I never played Seraphon, I just got the X-mas battle force and you can make a 1000 points army out of it if you build a carnosaure. This is a standard format in my gaming group and a good start anyway for a new player imho.

    I've chosen the Old Blood over the ScarVet for the Carnosaure because he supports himself while the ScarVet seems to buff Sauruses (Saurii?) but there's none in the box.

    Ripperdactyls seem to be a tad more popular on these forums but I think it has more to do with the use of the Shadowstrike Battalion.
    I'll build both for different reasons but also because of the 1000 points army plan and because I like versatility in my armies.

    My skinks will be built with boltspitters and starBluckers.

    About artifacts and battletraits I have no idea. I'll have to test options when I play. The general will probably be the oldblood rather than the priest for more survivability.

    Gotta run.

    Merry X-mas everyone !!!
    Nun-pak likes this.
  6. Nun-pak

    Nun-pak Active Member

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    Thank You!!!
    tom1017 likes this.
  7. Ecozh
    Cold One

    Ecozh Active Member

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    If you already have a unit of rippers, another unit Will be better than Terradons.
    That way you can place 2 toads which work for both units. Keep 1 unit in the skies while the other is threatening on the board. Or make 1 big unit of 6 in the skies (but the you can place 1 toad).

    Use Them once near a toad and your opponents from then on will fear them. Never had that with Terradons.

    I would use the Bastilladon with Carnosaur. The Bastilladon is a beast with its lazer. Later on buff him with a Astrolith bearer to reroll hits.

    I would suggest getting a Slann later on, even if not completely focused on summoning, the magic and buffs it gives really help your army. Just switch the carnosaur out with the Slann when that time Comes.

    I would make the Star priest your general as your carnosaur Will be up close a personal (so a great target magnet). Giving him the shield relic Will help him survive in combat.

    My 2 cents

    Cons for the rippers: must ugly models I ever painted.. the Terradons are a lot more beautifull
    tom1017 likes this.
  8. tom1017

    tom1017 Member

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    Very good points, thanks, but...
    Which is exactly the main reason why I'll build 3 Rippers and 3 Terradons ;)
    Ecozh likes this.
  9. Skorp

    Skorp Active Member

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    Bit off topic, but I considered selling my first three rippers so I could make new ones with terradon heads. Still considering building my battleforce models that way. Decisions decisions...
    Nun-pak likes this.
  10. Nun-pak

    Nun-pak Active Member

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    How much for your rippers? If you’re selling them
  11. Skorp

    Skorp Active Member

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    Sorry, gonna hold onto them for now, will let people know if I decide to sell them to replace.
    Nun-pak likes this.

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