AoS Does the battle tome have everything I need for 2.0

Discussion in 'Seraphon Discussion' started by tfihsnz, Jan 1, 2019.

  1. tfihsnz

    tfihsnz New Member

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    I have been collecting seraphon for a year now and recently started playing more regularly with a mate. were going to a tournament in a few months plus my slann will be arriving soon so I figured I should get the battle tome.

    my question is am I going to find everything I need in terms of rules and what not in the battle tome for running an army? or do I need to grab something else as well to get stuff like the new summoning rules and everything else that came with the change over to 2.0

    I have been reading the errata + 1d4 chan but just wanted to double check with the community to see if I was missing anything
    LizardWizard likes this.
  2. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Sadly yes, you're missing a LOT, as our old battletome has seen many changes to what's written. We would need an update… :(

    First of all, the General's Handbook 2018 is mandatory. There you'll find not only the points to fiend an army in matched plays, but all our allegiance abilities, plus some updates to our warscrolls.

    Then you need also the most recent version of the FAQ and Designer's commentary, as many of the abilities listed iin the warscrolls of the battletome are now outdated. These ones can be downloaded here

    Lastly, books as Malign Sorcery give additional features and tools (namely spells and artefacts) that can be really useful. But you can play without them, so they came last in line.

    Welcome to Lustria! :)
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  3. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    Welcome to Lustria Online!

    You will want the Core Rules book and the 2018 General's Handbook. Malign Sorcery is also not a bad idea. You only really need the Core Rules book if the event will be running the Battleplans from it. If they use the GH2018's Battleplans then you can skip the Core Rules book, but it does have some lovely art and fluff.

    Also, way to be proactive and keep up the FAQ's and Errata!
    tfihsnz likes this.
  4. tfihsnz

    tfihsnz New Member

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    ok sweet I will defanitly get the generals hand book in that case and my mate mentioned above has a copy of the core book that we are shareing untill I get my own copy.

    I use the app for warscrolls and I have noted that they are up to date with the errata and designers commentaries

    due to money I might hold back on getting the battle tome as alot of it seems to be on 1d4 chan but i will get it eventualy as i have been told the art is amazing

    also thanks for the welcome its nice to be in such a friendly community
    Killer Angel and LizardWizard like this.
  5. PabloTho

    PabloTho Well-Known Member

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    The battletome for Seraphon should be a hard pass (unless you really like the art, as you said). The lore is incredibly vague, multiple warscrolls have changed completely and all of our allegiance artifacts and abilities are in GH2018.

    All you really miss is the battalions which can be found online.
    tfihsnz and Ecozh like this.

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