Never noticed these models before. I don't care for how they look floating on their bases like that, they look like those actors hanging on floating harnesses.
Some of my WIP bunch. Slowly getting them done but I end up getting more models than I manage to finish haha Managed to finish one squad of Inceptors while binging the Punisher.. But I realized I hate to paint Inceptors, not as fuck as Intercessors or Aggressors. Not planning on getting any more of these models I think haha. The super tank is also on hold as I need to find the time to paint it. Managed to shade it atleast, now all it needs is a thin coat of white.
Finished my other mournfang this morning. I absolutely love the size of these beasts, fit so well next to my Primaris and look quite huge to regular human models.
Bought and traded some Skitarii bits so I could make some more soldiers for my "Kingsguard" for my Knight World force. Growing pretty well!
This is my take on Primaris in Ceremonial armor. Veterans and a Chapter Champion with a greatmace. One done, five more to go.
I have had some trouble sleeping lately.. spent the other night build a terrain piece for my Kingsguard. And today I painted it up and added some plantlife on it. Might add larger stones around it at a later date when the weather is better and its easier to find good looking stones to work with. But I'm please with the piece as it gave me some nice cinematic shots The Kingsguard setting up it's defenses after recieving word of a xenos presence on their world. Everything seemed fine as they were getting ready and enjoyed the nice weather in the trenches.. Something in the distans was approaching, everyone was at the ready to stand their ground against the unknown xenos. Few moments later the xenos rushed into their trenches, showing no signs of stopping... But the Kingsguard held their grounds. They were everywhere, breaking the lines from behind and from within. The trenches became death traps, they had ended up digging their own graves that day.
Some additions to my Knight World force. Some heavy mortars as proxy for Basilisk tanks. Currently waiting for some bits for the gun crews. And my Rough Riders, lowborn nobles known as "Companions" with power lances. And some mounted Kingsguard as "Dragoons". My attempt at making my own Knight Pilots. A Baroness and a Baron along side with some more Kingsguard Soldiers.
Finally got the crew bits from Victoria Miniatures so now I have primed these two. Ready for some painting now!
Well.. Managed to speed paint them.. They didnt last long haha. I'm pleased with them at least, now ready to proxy as Basilisks.
Those are some impressive looking trenches, and some fantastic action shots! You really get the sense those guardsmen are about to get overwhelmed by the bugs. And great looking artillery pieces!
An update of what's going on now. Got my hands on the Shadowspear boxset after splitting it with a friend, I got the Primaris half while my friend got the Chaos half. And I bought a Knight Valiant for my Baroness, will be the centrepiece for my Knight World force. Doubt I will ever get to buy any Forgeworld Knights. Got some 3rd Party bits to make it taller. Some more Kingsguards on the way! Lacking Vanguard helmets at the moment. And finally finished painting the final layer of white on my Super Tank!