8th Ed. First Game in Ages

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Gary_M, Jan 4, 2019.

  1. Gary_M

    Gary_M Well-Known Member

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    My son (18) has surprised me by wanting a game of WHFB, probably brought on by playing Warhammer Total War! Not having got the lizardmen off the shelf for quite some time, I am only too happy to oblige.

    He will be using dark elves.

    I know from bitter experience, that this is a tough match up.

    Looking at some old lists which usually had a High Magic Lore Master Slann with Channelling Staff etc, Sallies plus snacks, Cold One Cav to include kitted out Cowboys, I’m going to try something different this time, and am thinking of the following:

    Lizardmen – 2400 Points


    Lord Kroak


    ScarVet on foot, BSB, AofD, Shield

    Skink Priest, Cloak of Feathers


    3 x 10 skink skirmishers

    33 x Saurus Warriors, inc full command

    2 x Stegadon, Sharpened Horns and Unstoppable Stampede

    25 Temple Guard, Full Command, Banner of Eternal Flame for Standard Bearer and Biting Blade for Champion (enables use of shield in combat for that parry save)

    3 x Terradon Riders


    2 x Razordon plus snack

    TOTAL 2395

    Hoping the priests zooming about the board chucking Kroaks spell about the place will be a useful distraction while the stegs and infantry blocks move up to engage in hand to hand.

    I seem to remember using the Kroak bomb to decent effect once before, but not against my son. Wondering if this is a useful list against highly mobile and shooty dark elves?


    Edited as No BSB (D'Oh!)

    Added scarvet on foot (BSB) and took out one flying skink priest and a couple of TG.
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2019

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Personally I would sub out the 2 Razordons for 2 Salamanders.
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  3. Gary_M

    Gary_M Well-Known Member

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    @NIGHTBRINGER it was in my mind too.
    I have used them to good effect previously, but felt that the stand and shoot could be useful when receiving a charge.
    Points also an issue.
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    I feel that stand and shoot only really plays a factor with larger unit sizes. If you have like 6 Razordons in a unit, then charging said unit might not seem like a very good idea. On the other hand, it isn't that scary to receive a stand and shoot reaction from a single Razordon or two. Plus in terms of shooting, I think it has been shown that regular skinks are more potent for the same points cost.

    Salamanders on the other hand can be extremely useful. A squishy unit like Witch Elves for instance really doesn't like that flame template falling on their heads.

    That's just my experience though, I almost never leave home without at least 2 Salamanders.
    Paradoxical Pacifism and Gary_M like this.

    ASSASSIN_NR_1 Well-Known Member

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    Just some thoughts (take them with a pinch of salt, since I have not played against dark elves much)

    If the Dark elves list you are going to go up against are very mobile and shooty, I don't think a lone Skink Priest will last long. It is a bit tight with points I guess, but a second priest would be ideal to make sure you have a priest to cast through, or alternatively you could try using a troglodon in place of a stegadon, though that might be risky of course, but it might fare better than a lone skink priest.

    Regarding stegadons, I would drop the 'unstoppable stampede' it just seems like too many points for what it actually does. Now it does make the charges a little better, which is what the stegadon is all about in the first place, but I doubt it will make any significant difference.

    What is 'AofD'?

    Instead of using the 'biting blade' for the temple guard champion to get a parry save, why not take an ancient stegadon with EOTG to give a 6+ ward save, and make any potential spells for the priest easier to cast. If you drop the biting blade, and unstoppable stampede upgrades, you only need to find 35 points from somewhere else, or actually 30 due to the total army cost is 2395.

    This next thing is very much just wild speculation, but maybe a scar vet BSB is a bit expensive for what he does, as he the Temple guard are unbreakable anyway with kroak, so it might only be the saurus and maybe the stegadons that benefit, but they are stubborn anyway, and if kept within kroaks inspiring presence has very little risk of failing anyway. Maybe (and this might not work at all in practice) a arored up skink chief on a terradon could do the trick, as he would be able to move to wherever the LD re-roll might be needed, which could be skinks, stegadons or razordons on the flanks.
    Paradoxical Pacifism and Gary_M like this.
  6. Gary_M

    Gary_M Well-Known Member

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    @ASSASSIN_NR_1 thanks for the comments. Food for thought. Like the idea of EotG Ancient Steg.

    In an earlier version I did have two skink priests for the reasons you state. But dropped one of them to buy the BSB, but reading your comments maybe not needed after all.

    We were going to play last night but couldn’t get started until a bit late in the evening so did something else instead (Star Wars Armada). We will however play soon. Quite glad as this gives me time to change my list lol.

    Replace razordons for sallies, and add in second skink priest.

    AofD = Armour of Destiny.
  7. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    I won a tournamet with a 750 pts army, running 2 sallies.

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