AoS 1k List for Doubles Tournament - Paired w/ FEC

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by Caleb ex nihilo, Jan 11, 2019.


Which list do you think will perform better?

  1. Slann + EoTG

    4 vote(s)
  2. Skink Priests + 2 Bastiladons

    0 vote(s)
  3. Hurry up and finish your Ripperdactyls

    4 vote(s)
  1. Caleb ex nihilo
    Chameleon Skink

    Caleb ex nihilo Well-Known Member

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    A friend and I will be paring up for a doubles tournament. 1k each.

    He is bringing Flesh Eaters Court with a Zombie Dragon and Terrorgheist.
    So he will probably be alpha striking... like he always does against me... ha

    I'm thinking the Slann and EoTG can sit on the back objective and bring in reinforcements.
    BUT, just straight up bringing two bastiladons (with hopefully rerollings saves from the priest) will put some hurt out also.

    I don't have my rippers done yet, so shadowstrike is out for this one.

    Option 1 - Slann + EoTG
    Slann - 260
    EoTG - 220
    2x10 Skinks - 120
    3x Razordons - 120
    Bastiladon - 280

    Option 2 - Skink Priests + 2 Bastiladons
    Skink Starpriest - 80
    Skink Priest - 80
    2x10 Skinks - 120
    4x Razordons - 160
    Bastiladon - 280
    Bastiladon - 280
  2. Nun-pak

    Nun-pak Active Member

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    I don’t know much about the Flesh Eater Courts, but if they do not have that much magic I would suggest using option 1 and staying at the back shooting and loosining enemies for him to finish off.
    If he has a lot of magic then go for option 2.
  3. Caleb ex nihilo
    Chameleon Skink

    Caleb ex nihilo Well-Known Member

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    His main dragon has some spells, mostly buffing himself. Slann won't cast too many spells though.... gotta get them summoning points! ;)
    Nun-pak likes this.
  4. Caleb ex nihilo
    Chameleon Skink

    Caleb ex nihilo Well-Known Member

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    First practice game with a few friends went pretty good.

    Seraphon + FEC vs Nurgle + Stormcast on BATTLE FOR THE PASS

    Seraphon - I used the slann, EoTG, Bastiladon, skinks, and 3 razors.
    FEC - AGK on Zombie Dragon, Terrorghiest, 2x10 Ghouls (summoned in two foot heros)
    Nurgle - 2 GUO, 2x5 Blightkings
    Stormcast - Libs, Judicators, Lord Arcanum, Relector, and 5 crossbow guys that rolled 56 hits!

    Turn 1a (Nurgle + SCE) - They failed all their spells without even an unbind attempt! Ha. They move one GUO up the right side screen by some blight kings. The other GUO moved up the middle while some Libs and Judicators stayed at their middle objective. The left side blight kings failed their run and were unable to cap the left side objective. They hold two objectives (0-3)

    Turn 1b (Seraphon + FEC) - I roll the EoTG and get the D6 mortals. Teleport razors (got a 5 on the second attempt) to the right side objective to shoot the blight kings off. Move army up the board while summoning in 10 skinks behind us to screen for the inevitable SCE flanking. Zombie dragons and ghouls help take the left and right two objectives with the help of the bastiladon. We hold 3 of 4 objectives. (5-3)

    Turn 2a - We get the double turn. The EoTG rolls 3/4 dice as 6s!!!!!!!!!!! Seraphon are in overdrive this turn with double all attacks! Summon in 20x Skinks. The board is starting to get full of skinks! Razordons... now on 12D6 attacks, blast the injured GUO off the left side of the board. The bastiladon (now 4D6 shots) works the remaining GUO. Even the 10 man units of skinks (now shooting 20 attacks) do some work!! We still hold 3 of 4 objectives. (10-3)

    Turn 2b - Stormcast drops some liberators, relictor, and the crossbow dudes down behind us. They are forced to shoot through the skinks though if they have any chance to get to our objective. Not much movement elsewhere. His remaining GUO casts a nasty spell on the bastiladon but now the GUO can't move or the debuff goes away. They gain one point for their own objective. (10-4)

    Turn 3a - We get the roll. EoTG blasts the crossbow guys for D6 mortals (5). Basically, I summon in more skinks to replace the killed ones. Razordons finish off the last GUO and our zombie dragon starts pressing their objective. They end up conceding the match as the skink hordes are just preventing them from getting anywhere and they points are getting lopsided. (15-4).

    Takeaway - I feel like a few critical things went our way (they failed all spells turn 1, the EoTG getting an 18, and us always getting turn priority after 1). But the sheer amount of skinks I was able to bring in was awesome! Wary fighter is my favorite warscroll ability hands down!! They lamented not having much long range stuff to snipe the slann or EoTG. We will be playing another practice match and they will be focusing on that. We will see how that goes.
    Aginor and Ecozh like this.

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