AoS 2k No Slann List - HELP

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by Womboski, Jan 16, 2019.

  1. Womboski
    Temple Guard

    Womboski Well-Known Member

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    I've been lurking here for years, and I'm finally getting to use my Seraphon in AoS, haven't played them in 10yrs. My slann won't arrive till next week and I have a tournament this Weekend at a local store. Here is what I'm thinking. A large block of fighting Saurus to get my feet wet.

    1-oldblood on Carnasour( doppelganger cloak)
    1- Scar vet on Carnasour
    1- Scar vet on cold one
    1- Engine of the Gods
    1- Skink Priest (general with 2 prayers)
    1- Skink Starpriest

    15- Saurus Guard
    15- Saurus Knights
    10- Skinks
    10- Skinks
    10- Skink

    1- Bastilladon

    1- quick silver swords

    Again idea is to get a feel for Seraphon. Figure maybe I can hoard my CP and spend 3CP turn three for 2CP uses of the Scar vet on cold one and 1CP use of the Scar vet on carno all dumped on my knights.

    As far as extra models for this weekend I own a total of 30 warriors, 15 knights, 30 guards,scar vet on cold one, 3 rippers, oldblood and Scar vet on carno( could build scar vet as Troglodon, I will have 1 of each and 1 extra once my Slann arrives) 40 skinks, skink priest, skink star priest, Engine of the Gods/stegadon, bastilladon, 6 unbuilt fliers( I already have 3 rippers so I'm debating on how to build these, maybe a total of 6 rippers and 3 terradons). Also I have the endless spells.

    Thanks for the help. After this tournament I will also own, 2 additional start collecting( giving me 60 warriors and 30 knights) 1 of each carno/trog with an extra to build, a slann, astrolith bearer, sunblood and a stegadon.
    Aginor, Crowsfoot and LizardWizard like this.
  2. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    Welcome to Lustria Online, former lurker.

    Try to keep your Saurus Gaurd out of range of mortal wounds and they should be able to hold their own. It might be worth considering putting the Sword of Judgement from the Realm of Ulgu on the ScV on Carno. The damage output can be insane. Lastly, don't forget that you still get to use our allegiance ability Lords of Space and Time even when you don't have a Slann Starmaster on the table.

    Best of Luck!
    Seraphage and Womboski like this.
  3. Womboski
    Temple Guard

    Womboski Well-Known Member

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    Thanks for the advice! If I were to give the scar vet on carno, sword of judgment what weapon does he take with It? The spear for max attacks and a little bit of rend for the attacks that don't explode? Originally I was thinking of building him with the Greatblade.

    As far as the future goes. Do you think I'm better off having an extra oldblood on Carnasour(can you field more then 1), scar vet on carnasour or Troglodon to summon? I will have have 1 of each and an extra to build.
    LizardWizard likes this.
  4. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    If your ScV is under the affect of the Oldblood's command ability then the Spear is better. There will be less hits initially which means more rerolls and thus more chances for 6's. Otherwise they are pretty similar.

    I think you are more likely to get value from a second ScarVet than a Trog or Oldblood.
    Womboski likes this.
  5. Womboski
    Temple Guard

    Womboski Well-Known Member

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    Update on how it went!

    Played 3 games First was against Fireslayer. We tied in objectives, my oldblood on carnasour got blown up by his thrown weapons, I miss placed the scar-vet on carnasour(w/ blade of judgment) so he didn't do squat. We only finished 3 turns and I was in a strong position to start taking his objectives while he was not. I lost tho due to him taking out more points.

    Game 2 was ironjaws who waaag like crazy getting 9 extra attacks per weapon profile turn 1 and 7 turn 2. I was tabled turn 2 lol.

    Game 3 was against Slvynath, I won via objectives. The game mode we could only hold objectives with behemoths and heroes. Turn 1 took 1 objective by teleporting my bastiladion and teleported( realm of shadow spell thanks to the game being there!) My scar vet carno onto the other. My opponent directed most of his attacks at my bastilladon and killed it turn 2, but my 15 knights had clog up the point so he couldn't get anyone to capture it. On the other objective my scar carnasour and 15 guards held of a tree Lord, the scar-vet carno did 8 mortal wounds the turn he charged in! I got the tree Lord to 3 wounds but couldn't kill him and my scar-vet died. The temple guard and oldblood on carnasour were able to hold the point. In the end we only finished turn 3, but there was no way for my opponent to catch up in points. He had choice of who went first and gave me first go turn 1 which I turned into holding both objectives, agreed that move gave me the win xD also the objective with my temple guard was mystic and the rolled at least 5 6s to ignore mortal wounds lol so that was really lucky.

    Had a lot of fun, the knights got blown up in 2 of the matches and did okay dmg, nothing special, the guards actually held up pretty great. The carnasours felt strong when the target has a 4-6 up save, but against a tree lord( 2+ ignoring rend -1 rerollable save, thanks to relic) was a nightmare to deal with.
    Aginor, LizardWizard and Seraphage like this.
  6. Wilhelm Stürmer

    Wilhelm Stürmer Well-Known Member

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    It was interesting to read battle reports on a 2k non-Slann list. I assume your list was made up of what models you had available to you. From the limited experience I have, Knights and Warriors do not seem worth taking. I definitely could see Guard working to hold an objective, but from what I have seen, big blocks of Skinks are the way to got for objectives.
    Womboski and LizardWizard like this.
  7. Womboski
    Temple Guard

    Womboski Well-Known Member

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    Yeah Warriors and knights die so quickly, if only they had a 4 up save and maybe reduce rend by 1 instead of ignoring rend 1. Guard will do a solid job holding objectives or your line but mortal wounds blow them away. Endless spells, mortal wounds and monsters with 2-3rend are rampant in my local meta.

    Also I found it funny the man babies were running around with a 4+ save rerollable and a 4+ FNP with all their buffs going. Made my saururs look silly with their thick scales and shields...
  8. Wilhelm Stürmer

    Wilhelm Stürmer Well-Known Member

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    @Womboski It's an unfortunate truth about those units. I am curious if Warriors and Knights might be useful in the Battalions associated to them, but I think that even if those Battalions increase their utility, it may only be in specific scenarios.
    Womboski and LizardWizard like this.
  9. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    Fangs of Sotek is pretty solid.
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  10. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    In the end, not a bad result with a suboptimal list. ;)

    I approve 6 rippers and 3 terradons.

    For the endless spell consider taking Cogs, as soon as you get your Slann. the combo does wonders.

    ...and welcome to Lustria!
    Vroomer, LizardWizard and Womboski like this.
  11. Womboski
    Temple Guard

    Womboski Well-Known Member

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    My Slann, astrolith bearer, sunblood and 2 more start collecting should arrive Monday! Then it's build and paint time.

    Fangs of Sotek looks fun and good! That's the list I was/am going to run, but shadowstrike looks awesome since I learned you can still place a toad for the rippers in the battalion. I would try thunderquack but I'm not buying those razadon, salamdar or kroxigor models till they are plastic :(

    Then again I said the same thing about the Slann 10years ago. Watch GW spite me and release plastic models for the 3 heroes I bought in the next couple months....

    Edit: lol autocorrect thunderquack.
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2019
    Vroomer and LizardWizard like this.

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