Discussion List of Living Slann

Discussion in 'Fluff and Stories' started by Vengefulnoob, Jan 30, 2019.

  1. Vengefulnoob

    Vengefulnoob Member

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    Hello fellow cold-bloods! Long time reader, first time caller.

    I've been trying to ascertain some sort of close to canon list of living Slann Mage Priests just prior to the End Times and their respective generations and temple cities and have been working on a spreadsheet to try and work out some of the generations, temple cities and names of respective Slann. How does this look? Am I reaching too far with some of these assumptions? Am I missing notable and major Slann? I've tried not to miss anyone very important.

    2nd Generation: 5 Total
    • Mazdamundi, Ruler of Hexoatl, Very aggressive, somewhat genocidal interpretation of the Great Plan (re. Elves outside of Ulthuan). More alert than other Slann, oldest living Slann. Warhammer Armies: Lizardmen (5th Edition), pgs. 87-89
      Warhammer Armies: Lizardmen (6th Edition), pg. 65
      Warhammer Armies: Lizardmen (7th Edition), pg. 62
    • Adohi-Tenga, Ruler of Tlaxtlan, 2nd only to Mazdamundi, Lives in Temple of Tlazcotl, Gave Tetto-Ekko his Palanquin, and Ordered the Exodus.
      Warhammer Armies: Lizardmen (6th Edition), pg. 19
    • Warhammer Armies: Lizardmen (7th Edition), pgs. 31, 69
    • Huinitenuchli, Ruler of Xlanhuapec, Originally of Pahuax, taught Hua-Hua how to make mist. Received the first High Elves to visit Lustria since the time of the Old Ones, and said "They should not be here." resulting in their deaths.
      Warhammer: Thanquol, Book 1 - The Story, pg. 36
      Warhammer Armies: Lizardmen (5th Edition), pg. 68
      Warhammer Armies: Lizardmen (7th Edition), pgs. 9-10, 18

    • Quex, Ruler of Itza, argued with Itz-Xloc about the moving of continents, then pushed them anyway, causing Itz-Xloc's death when his temple collapsed.
      Warhammer Armies: Lizardmen (7th Edition), pg. 11
    • Un-named 2nd Gen Slann, ???
    3rd Generation: 10 - 20 Total
    • Axolotl-Olm, of Axolotl, fought both Skaven and Nurgle and won.
      White Dwarf German 18 (June 1997)
    • Tecciztec, of Tlaxtlan, Pushed the Chaos Moon out of orbit, causing warpstone meteors, but failed to destroy it.
      Warhammer Armies: Lizardmen (7th Edition), pg. 25
    • Xlotc, of Itza, messed with Luthor Harkon's mind.
      Army Book Lizardmen 6th Edition,
      White Dwarf, German, 114 - The Traveler's Guide to Itza.
    • Xltep, of Itza, Fought with Nakai against Luthor Harkon's zombies during an eclipse. Gave Harkon amnesia.
      Warhammer Armies: Lizardmen (5th Edition), pg. 49
      Warhammer Armies: Lizardmen (6th Edition), pg. 9
      Warhammer Armies: Lizardmen (7th Edition), pgs. 11, 24
      Conquest of the New World page 4
    • Zetec, of Tlax, Talked to a dwarf, possibly for the first/last time.
      Warhammer Armies: Lizardmen (5th Edition), pg. 53
    4th Generation
    • Arexibo, formerly of Itza, established the Sentinels of Xeti.
      Warhammer Armies: Lizardmen (7th Edition), pg. 34
    • Chuqa-xi, of Tlaxtlan, made brain slaves of human adventurers to Lustria
      Warhammer Armies: Lizardmen (7th Edition), pg. 29
    • Hua-Hua, of Xlanhuapec, produced the mists of Xlanhuapec, was ignored by all other Slann for 1000 years for being graceless after winning an argument.
      Army Book Lizardmen 8th Edition , p.26
    • Tenuchli, of Xlanhuapec, defended by Chakax while wounded, subordinate of Huinitenuchli. Warhammer Armies: Lizardmen (7th Edition), pg. 18
    • Xlal, of ???, Erected a great fortress known as Traxcan very rapidly.
      Warhammer Fortresses
    • Xtli, of Tlax, met with Marco Colombo.
      Warhammer Armies: Lizardmen (5th Edition), pgs. 50-55
    • Xuaxamul, Ruler of Zlatlan, the most senior living Slann mentioned by Ibn Jellaba.
      Warhammer Armies: Lizardmen (5th Edition), pg. 7
    • Zloc (Xloc?), of Xlanhuapec, fought Leoncoeur in Bretonnia during the battle of Chateau D'Or and recovered Golden Plaques stolen from Huatl by Gerard de Couronne.
      White Dwarf German 18, (June 1997).
      Warhammer World Promo Battle for 5th Edition, April 8th, 1997.
    5th Generation
    • Botl-Xlotac, of ???, was purple. Promo Card 95,
      Warhammer WarCry CCG
    • Klaqulxol, of Tlaxtlan, sent a force to Bretonnia to recover artifacts of a mummified Slann from the coastal town of Bregonne.
      White Dwarf 14, German (February 1997)
    • Nanahua, of ???, went into isolation, infected by plague after fighting Clan Pestilens at Chaqua.
      Warhammer Armies: Lizardmen (7th Edition), pg. 25
    • Querm-itt, of ???, fought the Skaven in the ruins of Xhotl.
      White Dwarf 40, German (April 1999)
    • Tarin-Tiino, of ???, fought and lost against the Wood Elves. (Maybe attempting to purge them following Mazdamundi's orders?)
      White Dwarf 36, German (December 1999)
    • Tenoq, of Xahutec, ordered the abandoning of Xahutec.
      Warhammer Armies: Lizardmen (5th Edition), pg. 30
    • Tepec-Itzi / Itz-Tepec, of Itza, followed the plans of the Old Ones, led a punitive expedition to Naggaroth through a portal, destroyed a Dark Elf fleet and Black Ark.
      Warhammer Armies: Lizardmen (5th Edition), pgs. 49, 68
      Warhammer Armies: Lizardmen (6th Edition), pg. 9
      Warhammer Armies: Lizardmen (7th Edition), pg. 24
      White Dwarf 306, pgs. 78-80
    • Ulha-Up, of ???, went missing after going mad during his search for relics of the Old Ones. Warhammer Armies: Lizardmen (7th Edition), pg.42
    • Xili-Cuncani, of ???, was reddish-brown.
      Promo Card 31, Warhammer WarCry CCG
    • Xtinki, of Hexoatl (?), terrified El Cadavo with his prediction of an eclipse.
      Dogs of War (5th Edition)
    • Xtoli, of ???, fought Pizzaro's legion to a standstill, then let them leave to fight Luthor Harkon. Dogs of War (5th Edition)
    • Zlatzamundi, of the Southlands, fought and lost to the greenskins and was scarred and wounded.
      White Dwarf, German, 130 (October 2006)
    • Zltoc, of Tlax, met with Marco Colombo and was a subordinate of Xtli.
      Warhammer Armies: Lizardmen (5th Edition), pgs. 51, 53, 68

    Creative Decisions:
    Quex is still alive, as far as we know, and was involved in the moving of the continents, something that only the 2nd gen Slann are discussed as capable of.

    Generations were chosen otherwise based on the efforts or seniority that their actions in canon may have taken, such as shifting Morrslieb's orbit, or establishing the Sentinels of Xeti.

    I have also added in a couple of Slann from the Warhammer CCG. No Age of Sigmar Slann included as yet, but it seems fair to assume that the majority of these would be 5th generation, though at this point GW seems to have done their best to sever any link to the world that was in terms of backstory for particular Slann.
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2019
  2. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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  3. Vengefulnoob

    Vengefulnoob Member

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    Thanks Scalenex, big fan of your writing!

    The Lexicanum list did form the basis for mine, along with translations from the German Warhammer wiki, hence the inclusion of White Dwarf and CCG Slann. Seeing if I can adjust the table to a more readable format here for posterity.
  4. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Great list! Would love to see the sources listed for some of these slann, to include this dude:

    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  5. Vengefulnoob

    Vengefulnoob Member

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    I wish I were making that one up! He's from a battle report from 1999 in White Dwarf. The tradition of silly puns is long and storied indeed!
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  6. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Are you going to include unofficial Slann that we made up on L-O? To catalog them all would take a very long time. Not sure if that is your cup of tea or not. The most recent short story contest alone added two Slann names to the pile.
  7. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    In the 6th edition army book, they said all the 2nd generation Slann in the Southlands are dead, so Xuaxamul is of the third generation OR that he is dead OR you can accept that GW contradicted themselves.

    It remains ambiguous whether there are four surviving second generation Slann or five.

    And now for Slann stuff that isn't canon but it's canon to me

    The big metaplot in my stories is the debate in an aspect of the Great Plan. Should the Prodigal races be restricted to their original homelands or should they be allowed to expand?

    Mazdamundi believes that all the Prodigals should be forcibly returned to their original homelands. The lesser Slann in Hexoatl are near unanimous in supporting him.

    Merestar and his supporters believe that would only make the Prodigals less able to fight Chaos and it would be a criminal waste of the Slann’s mystic power and armies to even attempt forcibly relocating so many peoples.

    A plurality of the Slann occupying ruined temple cities or Kahoun have declared support for Merastar’s interpretation and nearly all Slann in Zlatan support Merestar’s interpretation.

    The rulers of Itza and Tlaxtlan support Mazadmundi and the majority of their subordinates support Mazdamundi’s interpretation.

    Many Slann are undecided in this debate. The eldest Slann to remain undeclared is Huinitenuchli of Xlanhuapec along with the vast majority of his subordinates. The other Slann have been drowning Xlanhuapec in missives and ambassadors as a result of this.

    These are the named Slann that I made up.

    Izzatal, 1st generation Slann. Izzatal sacrificed himself in order to defend a ley line intersection and some spawning pools from being corrupted by Daemons during the Great Catastrophe. You can see where he died on page 25 of the 8th edition Lizardmen army book. The Monument of Izzatal is in the northwest corner of Lustria, obviously erected in the honor of Izzatal’s sacrifice.

    Unlike Kroak, Izzatal was never mummfiied because his body was blown to bits, but the Skinks tell rumors that the temple vaults at the Monument of Izzatal house a few of his bones.

    The monument of Izzatal is officially GW canon, but GW never said who or what "Izzatal was, so I made up that Izzatal was a beloved dead first generation Slann. Kroak cannot get ALL the glory.

    Merastar, 3rd generation ruler of the Kahoun of Klodorex. Formerly gregarious and talkative by Slann standards, he became catatonic for nearly 2000 years after his experimental attempt to educate humans to worship the Old Ones failed. He was shocked out of his torpor by an attempt on his life by the very same daemons that ruined his experiment.

    Now he is the main spokesperson for the interpretation of the Great Plan that relocating the Prodigal races is folly and the Prodigals should be assisted in their respective battles against Chaos.

    Lord Chuqxlata (Chook-slot-ta), 3rd generation dwelling in Itza. Mazdamundi and the other second generation Slann just assume the other Slann will fall in line with conservative interpretation of the Great Plan. Chuqxlata takes it upon himself to harass and constrain Slann who do not fall in line with Great Mazdamundi’s wishes.

    Desserex, 4th generation Slann that has been the de facto ruler of Klodorex while Merastar was napping. He orchestrated the manipulation of the Lustrian vampire, Renliss.

    Trawlikshen (Trow-lick-shin) 4th generation Slann dwelling in Zlatan. He is the main telepathic contact between Lustria and the Southlands and is a strong proponent of Merastar’s interpretation of the Great Plan. He has ordered his minions to strengthen ties with the Southlands Dwarfs to aid them against the Skaven and Daemons.

    Laershin (Lie-ear-shin) 5th generation Slann. He was an assistant to Izzatal who chose to relocate to Klodorex so he could help maintain the monument of Izzatal in his lord’s honor. Now He does the day-to-day management of temples and priests that the older Slann in Klodorex are too important for.

    Tabreas (Tah-BRAY-us) 5th generation Slann. Tabreas is the fourth most important Slann in Klodorex. He hasn’t done anything interesting in my stories yet other than participate in cooperative rituals (it takes four Slann working together to access full power of the Monument of Izzatal).

    Xlarakem (Zlah-ra-kem) 5th generation Slann . I haven’t posted it on L-O yet, but he is going to become an important character in my next story. He is “ambassador from Itza” sent to Klodorex by Chuqxlata in a passive-aggressive attempt to inconvenience the Slann of Klodorex. The Slann equivalent of a spy though Slann are so civil with each other that few outsiders would guess deep intrigue is going on.
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2019
    ASSASSIN_NR_1 and Vengefulnoob like this.
  8. Vengefulnoob

    Vengefulnoob Member

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    Yes, this is one of the problematic elements with GW's maths; In 7th they state that there are 5 2nd Generation Slann remaining. Huinitenuchli, Adohi-Tenga, and Mazdamundi are stated 2nd, and each have a temple city, while Quex manifests powers that only a 2nd Gen Slann could have (shifting continents), which leaves a last 2nd Gen Slann in one city, which I presumed to be Zlatlan (because I did read somewhere that each major temple city has a single 2nd Gen ruler, and we know of the Big Four and Zlatlan).

    If 6th says no 2nd Gen is alive in the southlands, that somewhat complicates matters, and poses an interesting question then of where this last 2nd Gen Slann may be, and who they might be.

    Your own Slann are great creations though I must admit I'd never thought to include L-O created Slann in the list, and I've always enjoyed your interpretation of the Slann differing in opinion over an interpretation of the Great Plan, though I believe that due to their seniority, the other 2nd Gen Slann are liable to each have their own personal interpretations separate from that of Mazdamundi, while younger generations might have different beliefs regarding the extent of their elders' interpretation (For example, in Hexoatl, arguing to what extent one should consider the High Elves' various watch-towers to be truly settlements outside of Ulthuan or military outposts, since they do provide a clear benefit in keeping the seas clear of pirates and adventurers). It certainly fits some of the older battles in Athel Loren to imagine that a certain Slann took it upon themselves to remove the Wood Elves forcibly.

    I do fundamentally agree with you that probably the biggest schism in interpreting the Great Plan would be what role the younger races have in fighting Chaos. Chuqa-Xi of Tlaxtlan for example, seems to have a very... particular idea of how the warmbloods can help.
  9. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    I believe I have read at least two, probably three or four people on Lustria-Online say "the last second generation Slann is in charge of my Temple City"

    Slann possess intellects far beyond on limited human comprehension. It really shouldn't be binary with only two choices. There is logically a continuum with many points between "Form a close knit alliance with them" and "Beat them into submission!" Also, there is no reason why a Slann cannot want a vastly different strategy for managing elves from how humans should be managed.

    Another dimension Slann could disagree with is how direct to be. Even if two Slann fully agree that the Elves of Naggaroth should be exterminated or driven into Ulthuan, one may want to march 100,000 Saurus to Naggaroth to kill all the Dark Elves while another may favor subtly sabotaging Ulthuan's defenses to allow Malekith to actually succeed in conquering Ulthuan, then all the Dark Elves will move back to Ulthuan where they belong.

    For simplicity. The Slann who have an aggressive domineering interpretation are allied with Mazdamundi and the Slann who have a friendly cooperative interpretation are allied with Merastar. Every Slann probably has his own personal interpretation of the Great Plan's role for the Prodigal races.

    Then of course there is the middle way of "Lets kill all the Anathema and THEN we can worry about what the Prodigals are doing!" but then Merastar's camp will say "We do not have the strength to purge the Anathema without the Prodigals help!"

    Slann are complicated.

    EDIT: I guess I can add "Chosiloqol of Itza" to my list but he only exists in one short story and he is a Slann from a different planet that the Old Ones failed to save (whenever the Old Ones screw up a planet, they always name the first city Itza."

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