AoS Competitive army 2000pts

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by Amunium, Jan 30, 2019.

  1. Amunium
    Jungle Swarm

    Amunium New Member

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    Hello, I haven't played that much aos 2nd ed and now I'm trying to get a competitive army together. My main idea is trying to play a bit around kroak because of his spells and backing it up with a shadowstrike with engine of the gods. He would still be able to do a bit of summoning on the side, but that will probably just be to make more skinks. I also feel a bit naked with only 5 chamo skinks, should i bring more? What do you recommended doing to make the list better, and is two eotg overdoing it? What artefacts would be good (can use realm artefacts, just not rules and spells) and what endless spells? Or do you think that my premise and focus is all wrong?
    - Lord Kroak (General)
    - Astrolith Bearer
    - skink starpriest (to get endless spells out)
    - eotg
    - eotg

    -10 skinks
    -10 skinks
    -10 skinks

    -6 rippers
    -5 chameleon skinks

    -shadowstrike starhost
    -balewind vortex
    -umbral spell portal
    LizardWizard likes this.
  2. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    Welcome to Lustria Online!

    Your list sounds fun. How competitive are you looking to be? Are you wanting to take first place at LVO?

    Chameleon Skinks are useful in any count. If you want to kill heroes then take larger units. If you want them to simply be back-line harassment and speed bumps then units of 5 are fantastic.

    You might consider taking Cogs and dropping the Umbral Spell Portal.
    Amunium likes this.
  3. Amunium
    Jungle Swarm

    Amunium New Member

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    It's is more of a big local tournament, but if you have any tips for getting first at LVO i would love to hear them.

    I have usually played chameleon skinks as both hero killers and point takers, and i think I then would like to bump tgem up to 10. I am just wondering if double eotg still would be better.

    I was considering taking cogs from the beginning, but i realised that with the umbral spellportal you can hit your opponent with celestial deliverance both first turn and outside dispel range. I am also not feeling too threatened with spells getting back the other way
    LizardWizard likes this.
  4. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    Kroak can be competitive depending on your local meta. After his nerfs in the Errata he did lose a lot of his tournament viability. Now you generally only do damage with his commit and save his other spell slots for summoning. EotGs spam is still strong even after the changes.

    Depending on how quickly your EotGs start working you might have a difficult time with early turn objectives. Horde based armies will also be able to steal objectives and make retaking them difficult. DoK with witchealves spam will also give you some difficulty.

    Essentially you need to be hyper aggressive with the Shadowstrike side of your army turn one and two. I would use kroak and EotGs to focus on reinforcement while your Shadowstrike engage then opponent. Once your glasshammer is shattered you should be bolstered and ready to turn on the mortal wounds from both Kroak and EotGs.

    Always keep pressure on your opponent.
    Best of luck!
    Amunium likes this.
  5. RageCage

    RageCage Member

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    I only own one EotGs but this seems like a fun list. This with the summoning backup seems fun to pilot and make happen. Good Luck and I might try it myself.
    LizardWizard and Amunium like this.
  6. Amunium
    Jungle Swarm

    Amunium New Member

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    Thr tournament is still some time away so i will test it a bit and maybe do some changes if i see something, but thanks for the help
    LizardWizard likes this.
  7. Asamu
    Temple Guard

    Asamu Well-Known Member

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    I wouldn't do this with kroak though; Spell Portal effectively lets you cast his spell from ~20" away to pump out mortal wounds over almost the entire enemy army on turn 1 with no risk of him being charged.
    If you're going to play summoning, just bring a regular slann (Better command ability when you have no carnosaurs, and can get a command trait) and use those 190 points on more units. 3 summoning points a turn (~150 points worth of summoning over the course of a game) is not worth sacrificing 190 points from your list to "upgrade" your Slann to kroak.
  8. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    The FAQ drastically reduced Kroak's mortal wound spam. Here is the Errata.

    You will now have a greater impact on the boards wounds ratio through summoning than though Kroak's Celestial Deliverance. Thus cogs will actually net more gain than Spell Portals. Not to mention you become increasingly likely to make charges with summoned units if you switch between modes on the cogs.

    Lord Kroak is worse than a regular Slann Starmaster. You essentially pay an 280 extra points to lose Great Remember, Celestial Configuration, Arcane Vassal, and Gift from the Heavens . You gain Commet's Call, Celestial Deliverance, Impeccable Foresight (rarely ever worth the use), and an extra spell slot. The reason to take Kroak over a regular Slann Starmaster is simple because you want additional flexibility and summoning points. Kraok cannot reliably cast Celestial Deliverance more than once per turn and it is not wise to build a tournament list around that mechanic.
  9. General Grivious

    General Grivious Member

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    Just an idea on 2k plays, with a Kroak focused on invocation
    Kroak + Cronomantic cogs + Astrolith Bearer = 16+ (1/2/3) invocation points ?
    With lucky you can Invoc 1 EoG per turn (starting in T2)
    I'm right?
    Zu'rashi and LizardWizard like this.
  10. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    Or bring a Slann Starmaster pay 30 points more and start with an extra EotGs on the table. Plus you get a command trait, artifact, and Celestial Configuration. Kroak mostly adds addition flexibility. You can either summon or do some mortal wounds. Regular Slann for the most part just summon.

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