AoS 2K Battle report, the Snakes Vs the Spooky Ghosts

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Aktanolt, Feb 8, 2019.

  1. Aktanolt
    Cold One

    Aktanolt Well-Known Member

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    Hey there !

    After many games , playtesting a concept list. Finally got to do a battle report.
    Is was a 2 k battle on Duality of death ( 2 objs controlled by heroes and behemots )
    Table was full of mystical and Fatal terrains ^^
    My opponent played Nighthaunt :

    Lady Olynder
    2 guardians of soul
    A Cairn wraith
    A Spirit torment
    A Knight of shroud
    20 Grimghast
    20 chainwrasp horde
    10 Bladegheist
    6 Spirit host
    A Mournghul


    I Got Seraphon :

    A Slaan
    A Skink Starpriest
    3*10 Skinks
    A Bastiladon ( ARK of SOTEK )

    A Thunderquake bataillon with
    An Engine of the gods
    3 Skinks handler
    4 Salamanders
    2 Bastiladons ( ARK of SOTEK )

    Balewind vortex / Chronomatic cogs


    Here was the deployment :


    Opponents put Bladegheist,Knight of shroud, one Guardians of souls, the spirit torment and Ghrimgasts in Deepstrike.
    Finished to deploy first, let him start.

    TURN 1 Nighthaunt :

    Hero phase :
    Movement phase :
    On right he moved a bit to place for turn 2 , heroes cant run enough to get objective
    On Left Mournghul took objectives , Olynder stay a bit behind.


    NH 1 / Seraphon 0

    TURN 1 Seraphon :

    Hero phase :
    Managed to cast cogs and failed other spells, put cogs in +2 move. Falied to port twice the right bastiladon ... EoTG deals a few mortals to Mourghul

    Movement phase :

    Everyone went forward preparing to charge while skinks screen to avoid the massive deepstrike incoming . Invoced 10 skinks to screen

    Shooting phase :
    Skinks do nothing, but salamander went through chainwrasps, killing 14 !!

    Charge phase :

    1 basti, 1 Eotg managed to get to Mournghul, skinks and salamander did it on right.

    Melee phase :
    Salamanders nearly ate Cairn wraith ( 3 wounds ) and skinks back to protect objective on right
    Bastiladon and Eotg managed to put Mourghul to 6 wound , snakes helped to pass through the ignore rend save ! He did nothing


    NH 1 / Seraphon 0 since that bastiladon didnt wanted to teleport, and Mournghul still alive !

    TURN 2 Nighthaunt :

    Hero phase :
    I Lost initiative, He failed to cast stuff, but Olynder deal 6 ( !! ) MW to my Eotg.

    Movement phase :

    Everyone popped and prepared to charge

    Charge phase :
    With cogs everyone gets in, aside from olynder that didnt wanted to be harmed ^^
    Grimghast rolled 10 , so the left basti got 2 wound from those 30 attacks ( god bless the 3+ rerollable )

    Melee phase :
    Only one Snake basti... managed to kill a Ghrimghast, 1 spirit host , 4 wound on olynder an 3 to Mournghul
    Next ... 60 grhimgast attacks, boosted by the Knigh and bastiladon survived with 2 wounds !!!
    Mourghul died to the engine so i took objective control. On right, skinks died to Bladegheist and chars, but avoid them enters in the 3 inch objectives bubble
    Cairn died but slained 2 salamanders !


    NH 1 / Seraphon 0

    TURN 2 Seraphon :

    Hero phase :
    Engine did nothing,and .... i failed teleport the slann twice :D
    Starlight on Ghrimghast

    Movement phase :

    Right basti placed to charge, Left basti from Battalion too. Skinks moved forward, free to screen those deepstrikes. Invoced a Razordon to shoot at hosts.

    Shooting phase :
    1 host went down, and a few Bladegheist to the salamanders.

    Charge phase

    Skinks charged hosts and olynder to avoid them going in, 2 basti charged in left in the big melee, right in the 2 chars / Bladegheist near the objective.

    Melee phase :
    SNAKES !! so Ghrimghast, hosts and olynder were in range of 2 basti. 5 grhimghasts died, 2 hosts ... and olynder took 6 MW and died too .
    On Right , snaked did one mortal to each of the 3 units.
    In Melee, killed bunch of Ghrimghast ( 10 ) that cant finish anything with the -1 hit, on right killed the guardian of souls but took 4 wounds on basti ( Ouch >< )


    NH 1 / Seraphon 2

    TURN 3 Seraphon :

    Hero phase :

    Took initiative ! Engine did 3 mw to the Knight, Slaan failed to teleport twice again ( yea that's 6 failed teleport in a row :D )
    Magic did nothing but popping a balewind

    Movement phase :

    The basti free from grimghast prepare to charge the 2 chars, other skinks / razor and salamander ready to shoot. One more razordon join the fight

    Shooting phase :

    hosts got slained by razordons ( 2 of them ) survivors stuck with Eotg and basti.
    Salamanders burned the Spirit torment. Right objective was safe !

    Charge phase

    Everyone in melee !

    Melee phase :
    SNAKES !! wounded the guardians of soul ( 2MW ) on extreme left, Killed an Host on left and 2 Bladegheist on right. Left basti took 2 wounds xD and couldnt finish that Guardians of soul. On right 1 bladegheist died to basti.
    Surviving, the 2 chars wounded on left and some Bladegheist.


    NH 1 / Seraphon 4

    We called it done at that point. My opponent did few mistakes for me but was fun to see that big clusterfight on left ! I think he played a bit too safe but he feared the snakes :D
  2. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    It really seems the massive snakes work fine
  3. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Seems that your lack of dice luck with the teleports was nicely made up for by the snakes.
    Good job! :)
    Seraphage likes this.
  4. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    The BatRep style can be improved, but I've added it in the index for AoS. :)
  5. Aktanolt
    Cold One

    Aktanolt Well-Known Member

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    Well thx for the return , also it's my first @Killer Angel so you can gave me any advice. ( Also i wrote it very fast xD )

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