8th Ed. 2500 pt Tournament Recap

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by livewaaaaagh, Feb 24, 2019.

  1. livewaaaaagh

    livewaaaaagh Member

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    Hi all,

    So this past weekend, we had a great mini tournament take place in PA - I drove from NYC - and I wanted to share some of the highlights, including how my army did. Please note: I wasn't able to take pictures and there's no detailed battle report coming. But this is more general info that you might find interesting!

    Tournament was a 2500pt, no special characters tournament.

    Armies present:
    Warriors of Chaos
    High Elves

    I brought my new Lizardmen for the first time ever. My goal was to A) play the new army I've been building and B) Trial by fire - I haven't played this army almost at all except for a small 1500 pt game . So my goal was to learn. How do my units do vs other units. After yeaaaaaaaars of playing Dwarfs, the idea of not having cannons for the big monsters was.. odd..and worrisome.

    NOTE: I made a small change to the list I presented on a previous thread bc I wanted to test some equipment.

    So my list:
    1x Slann BSB - Wandering deliberations (all 8 signature spells), Harmonic Convergence (3 channeling dice), Soul of Stone (change miscast), Reservoir of Eldirth Energy (store 1 die at end of opponent magic phase,to use on mine)
    1x Scar Vat on Cold One - Stegadon Helm, GW, Light Armour
    1x Scar Vet on Foot - Dragonhelm, Shield, sword of swift slayer (ASF)
    1x Skink Priest lvl 2 (Heavens

    37x Saurus Warriros HW/S
    12x Skinks (Javelins) + champ
    12x Skinks (Javelins) + champ

    24x Temple Guard FC
    1x Stegadon, big bow, sharpened horns
    1x Solar Engine Bastilodon
    5x Cold One Riders w/ spears and FC
    5x Chameleon Skinks

    1st Game: vs Warriors of Chaos
    This game was a long, slow one because for the most part we both waited each other out and when I went to make my move, time was up. It ended in a tie but he grabbed 1 of the objectives so I think it ended at 9-11, which really sucked for me. His big block of warriors with lore of metal sorcerer and chaos lord never really engaged. The cold one riders and a unit of 15~ chosen essentially took each other out. I had then set up a sandwich of sorts with me Temple Guard, Stegadon and Saurus, and I ran out of time, so my mistake for playing it too conservatively in the beginning.
    I took out a chariot and he took out the skinks - not much else happened. Though he did survive a comet [​IMG]
    4 straight turns, the reservoir die rolled a 1, so I couldn't used the die saved on my magic phase.

    2nd Game: vs High Elves
    My opponent was unfamiliar with Lizardmen, so I think he might have underestimated my temple guard block, who did very well vs a big unit of Spearmen, and then a Dragon Mage of Caledor. The Cold One riders also did great vs the same Dragon Mage earlier making him flee from combat.
    The big suaurus unit had to deploy faaaaar away from everything because of Dawn Attack scenario, but still took out most of what it faced. Chameleon skinks too bolt thrower great and I was able to re-direct a frostheart phoenix to chase some skinks the entire game. I also avoided his big unit of Phoenix Guard the entire game. Luckily, they had also deployed on a flank due to scenario rules. This ended with a win for me - not sure as to the exact result. 15-5, or something along those lines.

    3rd Game vs Ogres
    So there were two things that I went into the tournament not fully knowing how to deal with, even though I had read on them, I simply wasn't sure how to tackle as Lizardmen: Multi-wound models/monsters and cannons/artillery. I didn't face the latter, but did face the ogres - an entire army of multi-wound targets and I wasn't too sure how to deal with 2 big units of Ironguts.
    This game saw my cold one riders and scar vet on cold one and his mournfang cavalry take each other out and my saurus warriors took out his big... mammoth-looking thing (don't remember the name.. stone-something).However, the rest didn't go as planned. He ceased initiative in the beginning with a roll of 6 (diagonal deployment scenario) and proceeded to "trap" my chameleon skinks with this cats in non-march land.
    The Bastilodon, in charge of covering one flank, essentially failed 4 STRAIGHT COLD BLOODED , LEADERSHIP 10 RE-ROLLABLE rolls, after losing combat and then trying to rally. 4 STRAIGHT!
    But the big thing about this one was Trollguts - twice he miscasted the bubble trollguts (and survived the warp), so his entire army had 4++ regen. With no banner of eternal flame, i tried some fireballs and Shem's, but couldn't really do enough damage. Stegadon with Sharpened horns and D6+1 impact hits charged in and did 0 wounds :(
    He took this one I think 15-5 or something like that.

    The tournament's winner? Empire, who I didn't face.

    Quick recap of my units:
    1x Slann BSB - Wandering deliberations is incredibly FUN, plus with the 3 channels on 5 and reservoir, I almost always had a strong magic phase.
    1x Scar Vat on Cold One- Did great on all 3 games.
    1x Scar Vet on Foot - I made a mistake with his kit - the sword of swift slaying didn't do qhat I thought it was going to do - get a lot fo hits, because at STR5, it's 3s or 2s to wound most of the time, but he didn't fully do great.
    1x Skink Priest lvl 2 - Got the comet twice, casted it once but it came down 1st opportunity, so damage wasn't super strong.

    37x Saurus Warriros HW/S - Their low WS is something to get used to, but otherwise strong.
    12x Skinks (Javelins) + champ - Great re-directors and with javelins, they put several wounds throughout.
    12x Skinks (Javelins) + champ

    24x Temple Guard FC - Great unit - though they didn't really do much in game 1 (i waited too long) and game 3 - they failed a charge and then I conceded.
    1x Stegadon, big bow, sharpened horns - mmmm.. Not sure. The bow hit a few times, so not too bad. But game 1 he didn't do anything ( i waited too long), game 2 he charged phoenix guard on the last turn of the game in the flank, and almost ran away after losing combat. Game 3, he couldn't crack trollguts. He went up against tough units though.
    1x Solar Engine Bastilodon - The threat of the solar engine on 1 die was always there and it helped in the magic phase. Otherwise, he did fine holding flanks except WHEN HE FAILED 4 STRAIGHT RE-ROLLABLE LDR 10WITH COLD BLOODED
    5x Cold One Riders w/ spears and FC - A mixed bag - Took out strong units in Chosen and Mourfang Cavalry, but died mostly in the process as well.
    5x Chameleon Skinks - They did great - game 1 they helped put wounds on the chariot. Game 2 they took out bolt throwers and put some wounds on the phoenix and game 3 they took out the cats, but were trapped in non-march land for 3 turns.

    Anyway - that's the recap! Happy to answer questions!
    Scalenex likes this.
  2. airjamy

    airjamy Well-Known Member

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    Sounds like a nice tournament, with a not too competitive setup. I mean, i have not met any competitive ogre player that did not play the cannon (that thing is a nightmare it is), but it is nice that not everything is mass avoid Dark Elves and Nurgleprinces where you are at! Its too bad you did not have the Sallies against HE and WOC, they are just awesome against especially HE, but still nice that you pulled of a win. I would just really like to know where this tournament was hosted, bet it was in the UK?
  3. livewaaaaagh

    livewaaaaagh Member

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    Thank you for the respoonse! I don't have Salamanders yet in my collection, but do hope to add them soon. The group I played with wasn't ultra competitive, so no avoidance lists - luckily!

    This was in Pennsylvania in the US. I'm from NYC so I drove an hour west to be there. If you're ever in NYC... :)
  4. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    [​IMG]via Imgflip Meme Generator

    Seriously, Banner of Eternal Flame is great for all comers. Especially if there is a chance of a watch tower scenario. Flaming attacks let your reroll damage when assaulting a building.

    I would add this to the list of reasons you should consider buying more Skinks. Skinks are mobile and cheap, great for claiming objectives.

    I wonder if your opponent wasn't the overly conservative one. Warriors of Chaos outclass us in close combat. I find it odd that he didn't march straight at you to rush into close combat as soon as possible. Unless he had a Hellcannon then MAYBE that would justify a slow approach.

    Anyway, congratulations on the High Elf fight.
    That is why you won. The Frostheart Pheonix is probably the single best unit the High Elves have, certainly they are tough to beat with Lizardmen. By keeping the enemy heavy hitter occupied you claimed the upper hand.

    Some day, your Temple Guard will break on Ld 10.

    Not too bad? Plural hits is phenomenal. The Stegadon's giant bow is famous for not hitting the target.

    New Friends 23/4/15




    If the big monster has a poor to non-existant armor save, the easiest way for Lizardmen to take out monsters is with poisoned shooting.

    If you are taking a Death Slann, High Magic Slann, or Wandering Deliberations Slann, Spirit Leech works because MOST monsters have poor Ld scores, at least poor compared to a Slann with the Standard of Discipline.

    If you are taking a Metal Slann, High Magic Slann, or Wandering Deliberations Slann, Searing Doom will soften up monsters with a good armor save.

    Carnosaurs are great at taking out enemy monsters but usually taking a Carnosaur means you aren't taking a Slann.

    We do have a fine tool for taking out monsters, Kroxigor. Most players are so unused to seeing Kroxigor on the table that they don't realize the Rock-Paper-Scissors formula for Kroxigor.

    Rock - Monsters
    Paper - Kroxigor
    Scissors - Infantry

    A lot of players see the Kroxigor as being like Ogres and will assume that Kroxigor will chew up infantry quite well and may aoid a fight between their infantry and Kroxigors.

    Also, Kroxigor do okay against Infantry if they are fighting alongside Saurus Warriors or Temple Guard. It's not that Kroxigor literally cannot fight infantry, they just suffer from a lack of ranks and no standards or musicians.

    Skroxigor smooth out the rough edges. Skroxigor are a lot better at fighting infantry than Kroxigor because they Skinks providing a leadership crew and extra bodies but those extra bodies become a liability against big monsters since big monsters will Thunderstomp the mahrlect out of your Skinks and rack up huge CR.

    Kroxigor are not half bad at taking down chariots either. They can survive a cannon ball a lot easier than a Stegadon can. It's also fun to send three or four at a war machine. I managed to have a pack of Kroxigor paste a war machine and overrun into a second war machine. :) Might be a little overkill, but once the enemy monsters are gone, using Kroxigor to sweep up the enemy's ranged troops. Their base movement 6 and high armor save means they are often the first unit in your army to reach your enemies gunline.

    I believe Kroxigor are our most underrated unit in 8th edition but like most things, you have to understand what they can and cannot do.
    airjamy likes this.
  5. airjamy

    airjamy Well-Known Member

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    Cool! I am from the Netherlands, so perhaps when the stars align ;).

    And this makes me want to try Krox sometime. I never really did try them, only in Skrox, which wasn't great.
  6. livewaaaaagh

    livewaaaaagh Member

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    Great stuff!
    So the Warrior of Chaos battle was interesting. For starters, it was the first battle so me being very new to the lizards, I played conservatively in the beggining. Plus, he "only" had a lvl 3, so my Slann was free to cast. Plus, I got a comet off in turn 1 or 2, so I stayed back.

    Aside from a chariot and a warshrine, he had a rather big unit of 10~ Chaos Knights with 1+ armor and the Chosen flanking his 25+ unit of Warriors with Lord & Sorcerer and BSB.

    So I took otu the Chosen with shooting, magic and Cold ones, and re-directed the cavarly with skinks the whole game, and then had the Bastilodon charge them and hold them in place.

    the problem was that once I was able to "neutralize" the other targets, and realized "hey, you gotta move up to take out the big block to win", it was turn 5, and we ran out of time.
    So VPs essentially had me taking out chariot & more than 50% of Chosen, plus some chaff. And he took out Skinks, and half the Cold ones. So we essentially tied in points.

    The banner of the eternal flame was a consideration during list building but I was scared of running into characters with the dragon helm or something. Or BotWD.

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