7th Ed. Anti-Dwarf Help! THEY HAVE TOO MANY GUNS!!

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by Saurus.rar, Mar 21, 2010.

  1. skinker
    Temple Guard

    skinker New Member

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    check this out...

    30 chamo skinks against 20 thunderers and 10 quarellers.

    Lets just assume that everybody concentrates their fire...

    Lets give dwarves first shots since they have longer range.

    Also, for the first turn it's long range cuz the skinks are more than 12" away.

    So thunderers hit on 7. 20 shots will average 2 wounds or less. Quarellers hit on 8, so lets give them 1 wound.

    Now there are 27 skinks left. They move in and shoot 54 poison shots at a unit of 10 thunderers. 9 are poisonous on average. If he brought shields (lets give him the benefit of the doubt), he saves 3. 6 thunderers are dead leaving 14 thunderers and 10 quarellers vs 27 skinks.

    Now they are in range so thunderers hit on 6s, wounding 2. 10 quarellers hit on 7 so wound 1. Now there are 24 skinks left vs 14 thunderers and 10 quarellers. This time they move to the flank of the shooters so they are not in line of sight. They shoot 48 poison shots for 8 wounds, giving armor save benefit of doubt, they save 3. 5 more dead thunderers. Now there are 9 thunderers and 10 quarellers left. They all turn towards the skinks but cannot shoot at them this turn because they are move or shoot. Skinks open fire again, killing 5 more... now just 4 thunderers and 10 quarellers left. Are you gettin the picture? Yes, war machines are firing the whole time and on average killing 3 or 4. But you've also got 4 more units of skirmishers joining the fight by turn 3 and of course all the magic hitting the thunderers as well. It's really a no-brainer. Alright, I'm done with this topic now I promise!
  2. Xlcontiqu

    Xlcontiqu New Member

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    Your strategy relies on too many things to be 100% effective. It is a good strategy, but many things can through a huge wrench in the plans. What if his warmachines are in terrain, what if their is no terrain you can deploy into, what if he is staggered so his warmachines are farther back then his melee units. If he even moves at you, you will have to move away or be charged and then you would be hitting on 7+s. There are a lot of things the Dwarf player can do to keep his warmachines protected.

    And you do not even take into account his melee units or terrain at all.
  3. Caneghem

    Caneghem New Member

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    Most dwarf players would respond to chameleon skinks with some organ gun fire. The organ gun doesn't roll to hit. If he's got a gyrocopter, he can set up to lay down a flame template on top or your skinks, who are T2 weaklings. Again, no rolling to hit. Finally, the anvil's wrath and ruin power can automatically hit for D6 str4 hits, which will also cut the speed of the skinks in half, if they don't panic.

    Not saying chameleons won't help, but the dwarves do have some solutions to shooting at our wily chameleon skinks who can dodge most types of normal shooting.
  4. skinker
    Temple Guard

    skinker New Member

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    The reason this works against the dwarf opponent is because he is not bringing the organ gun, gyrocopter or anvil as I mentioned earlier. He's an open target for the skinks and, Xlcontiqu, unfortunately you are either too lacking in intelligence or too overabundant in pride to acknowledge that my strategy would work. I have now actually played the scenario out with my own models, and the lizardmen easily scored a massacre. Nuff said.
  5. Xlcontiqu

    Xlcontiqu New Member

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    I am not lacking in intelligence on this subject or too prideful to admit your tactic will work. I have already said your strategy is good, I just do not believe that it will work against a skilled Dwarf player. I have played both Dwarfs and Lizardmen and I know what both are capable of.

    I would love to have you explain how you tested your strategy and scored a massacre against yourself. I cannot believe that the Dwarf player would just sit their and take the damage you are giving him. He could easily sit in the back of the field with his combat units on the flank, and his warmachines and missile units in the center and you would be hard pressed already to get kills.

    I can see how your strategy could work, but I can also see how a skilled player could make it hard for you to get points. Your strategy may work, I have not tried it, but I was merely pointing out the flaws in it.

    Now, could we please keep the personal attacks out of the forum. Send me a PM if you really want to insult me. It will be much easier to ignore.
  6. skinker
    Temple Guard

    skinker New Member

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    Wasn't so much a personal attack as it was an observation.

    Since you asked, during the testing of this scenario, I only fielded one unit of 20 warrior longbeards since this is what the poster indicated was in the guy's list. It was not hard to maneuver around them as they only move 6 inches per turn and skinks move 12 (6 if marchblocked, but that's still enough to keep them away from the warriors). So, every turn they'd move 6 inches to be in optimal position and out of charge range... then they'd open fire. By taking his 4 big war machines out of the game by making it so that the most they can kill is one 12 point skink per turn, he really stood no chance.
  7. Saurus.rar
    Jungle Swarm

    Saurus.rar New Member

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    So... No need to be so hateful. He DOES have an organ gun, and no gyrocopter. He is fielding this, specifically:

    1 Cannon
    2 Bolt Throwers
    1 Grudge Thrower
    1 Organ Gun

    20 Longbeards

    10 Quarrelers

    10 Thunderers

    25 Warriors

    2 Thanes

    1 Runesmith

    Just to clarify, he is a good player. Skinks are good, but I don't have 30 Chameleon skinks to throw around, I have 12. I have a multitude of regular skinks, however. I haven't tried an all skink army.

    Thanks for the feedback, just don't get too angry. It's not a big deal :D
  8. skinker
    Temple Guard

    skinker New Member

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    This is a little different than what you mentioned before. 1 less unit of thunderers though, which is good. Strategy will still hold up as long as you take out that organ gun first. Focus everything on it (magic, etc). After that, you're golden.

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