Posting purely for the sake of criticising Stormcast? First @NIGHTBRINGER and now you - where will this all end?
I know no offence was meant by it, and I get it’s just a joke. However, like any joke, it’s good in small doses but when it starts getting to the point where vast quantities of posts are simply criticism of Stormcasts on threads and discussions were it has little value, I feel it might be a bit excessive - the same with AoS criticism. I’ve always been a fan of the original Stormcast models - you can see some of my other ones on the first page, so perhaps that’s why I’m irritated a bit by it by now. I can’t speak for anyone else, but I would at least prefer the criticism to be kept off my own thread. Don’t worry, I understand no harm was meant by it. Also, sorry @NIGHTBRINGER if it comes across as me ranting about you - that’s not what I intended and everyone has the right to their opinion and to be able to voice it, along with having their own signature jokes. I just think you can probably assume I’m aware of it. In fact, assume the whole forum knows it. In fact, assume the entire planet knows it. In fact, assume there are alien races otherwise untouched by civilisation that know it!
No worries, for once I am innocent . I do rip on Stormcast, but I try not to do it in other people's paint threads. For the most part I just ignore any Stormcast models that people paint. I didn't take it as you ranting about me, because I've only made a single comment on this thread (outside of this one) and it was...
Yeah, that is one thing I find with Stormcast. There’s plenty of sharp lines that, while you can be punished a bit more for missing them, it means that it’s quite easy to work out how you want them and keep the paint in the right areas. The Protectors were a little more challenging though, as my lack of talent with spray paint meant that much of those nice crisp divides that help with keeping things neat was buried under a smog of paint! One reason I have gotten back into my Stormcasts is that I bought the Realmgate Wars Volume 1 recently and have been reading that. It does a surprisingly good job of making them into likeable protagonists, and for anyone who isn’t too turned off by the idea of a Stormcast centric story I would recommend it.
The first of my Beastclaw Raiders models broadly finished (Stonehorn riders and basing obviously missing, and there’s still plenty of touching up and a bit of shading on the fur to do, but it’s the general gist of the paint job anyway):
Looking good! I would suggest adding a little bit of wash or highlighting to the horns. They look a little bit flat. Can't wait to see these guys finished!
Agree with @NIGHTBRINGER , a tad more contrast by shading and/or highlighting and they will look very cool!
Sad news today. My dog Derek, who has previously graced the forum with his likeness, died last night. His health had been deteriorating over the last week, and on Saturday night he had to be rushed into emergency vet care at 11pm. He had a good life, loved by everyone, and will be sorely missed .
Oh my, love the idea of that. maybe you could do 1 skull = 10 wounds done? and then a feather/tassel = hero/general slain. and If you buy the citadel skull pack it comes with like 200 skulls and 30 daemon/orc/other creatures skulls (basically all the skulls you will ever need) and a daemon skull could mean like 30 wounds or something idk.
I keep changing my mind with that. On one hand I really like the idea of keeping track of such things, but on the other hand I like my models how they are and don’t really want to ruin them! Maybe I should have like a ‘pot’ for each model that I can store the tokens in!
hmm I can see what you mean, maybe you could put it on the base so it doesn't affect the model as much but is still present.
Some more Stormcast based: With regards to the horns I may eventually get round to applying the shade but for now, given the cost of paints, I think I’m happy how it is. Personally, I’d rather have 10 models painted to a reasonably good level than one painted to a stunning one (both due to cost, skill and probably a more collector as opposed to artist mentality).