AoS Warhammer Citadel Series - Heat 1

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Caleb ex nihilo, Mar 11, 2019.

  1. Caleb ex nihilo
    Chameleon Skink

    Caleb ex nihilo Well-Known Member

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    Played in the Warhammer Citadel Series this weekend in Texas. Ended up getting 5th place and an automatic bid into their championship round at the end of the year! So seraphon will be representing!!

    It was a very fluffy tournament despite being the Citadel flagship series for North America. 30 possible pts for matches, 30 for sports, 30 for paint, and 10 for narrative.

    They didn't release the Battleplans ahead of time, so I didn't take my normal list. I wanted a Carnosaur in case we had to play game types that require heroes to score. It ended up mostly serving as a distraction peice, but did well at that.

    List :
    2 units of Rippers

    It ended up playing alright for the game types. I went 3-2 which is probably pretty avg for seraphon right now. My fluff points pushed me into the top finishers bracket.

    Game 1 - Starstrike vs Gloomspit Gitz - Won this one by sniping most of his low wound heros and I got a double turn and teleported Rippers into his Rogue Idol twice in a row to kill it. He had a bunch of squigs that fled easily once his heroes were gone. His unit of 60 stabbas never really got in the fight. They were held up a few turns by the remaining Rippers.

    Game 2 - Escalation vs Stormcast - Lost this one as expected since Thunderquake and Carno had to start in the very corner of the map. Terrible gametype. Also, failed 4 straight teleports on the carno. Lol. He was stuck in the corner! Highlight was the Bastiladons tanking a ton of attacks from some units of evocators!

    Game 3 - Battle for the Pass vs Stormcast - Won this one by taking first turn and teleporting skinks into range of his back objective which was only held by a hand full of models. Got Rippers on the side objectives and then camped my objective with Thunderquake.... Then just turtle and held on. At one point he had his Stardrake tying up my Two Bastiladons and it was a pillow fight! No damage done to either side for two rounds at least! In the end, teleporting units around in the end game won me this one.

    Game 4 - Three Places of Power vs Nighthaunt - Won this one by just two points despite tabling him. I got the turn 1/2 double turn and took out the important heroes. But he got my Carnosaur with a big unit of banshee. This one came down to me Summoning an extra EoTG and teleporting it to an open objective.

    Game 5 - Duality of Death vs Order Draconis - I lost this one badly. Nearly my entire army was gone except the Slann by the end. He was running 4 dragons and some knights. He played very well and got a few absolutely devastating double turns at crucial points.

    Fun tournament and Seraphon was represented well by at least two other seraphon armies and one SCE that brought skinks.

    EDIT: Here is a video recap:

    Last edited: Mar 22, 2019
    Aginor, Nart, Crowsfoot and 1 other person like this.
  2. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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  3. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Sounds like you had some fun.
    Good job!
    Caleb ex nihilo and LizardWizard like this.
  4. Caleb ex nihilo
    Chameleon Skink

    Caleb ex nihilo Well-Known Member

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    Added a video recap with pics and such.
    Aginor likes this.

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