6th Ed. First Ever Game of 6th Edition soon...

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Gary_M, Mar 11, 2019.

  1. Gary_M

    Gary_M Well-Known Member

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    On 18th, I have my first ever game of 6th edition against a very good player.
    Not holding out much hope of beating him, as this is more of a learning experience for me.
    We are starting at 1500 points (no Lords).

    I have drawn up the following and would welcome any feedback from any 6th ed scholars in the group:

    Scar Vet, Great Weapon, Light Armour, Shield, Blessing Spawning of Itzl, Cold One, BSB, Aura of Quetzl
    Skink Priest, level 2, Dispel Scroll

    Skink skirmishers x 10
    Skink skirmishers x 10
    Saurus warriors x 25, full command

    Saurus Cav x 7, full command, jaguar standard

    Kroxigor x 4

    Salamanders x 3

    Total 1498

    Options: Drop Krox for terradons / chamo skinks?
    Reduce number of saurus warriors to 20?
    Give saurus spears?

    Any / all feedback welcome. Thanks
  2. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    What’s your opponent using?
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  3. Gary_M

    Gary_M Well-Known Member

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    Likely Wood Elves or possibly Skaven.
  4. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Well, I haven't played 6th, but I can give some tips on fighting the overall army strengths and weaknesses from knowledge of their tactics in later editions:
    • I would say drop the Skink Skirmishers if you're up against Wood Elves - they're going to have far better-ranged missile units that'll just pick the Skinks off the table in the first couple of turns if they concentrate their fire on them. I'd say perhaps replace them with another Skink priest to counter their Spellsingers? On the other hand if you are fighting Skaven, I would say keep them and possibly replace the Kroxigors with Chameleon Skinks - either could be used for artillery hunting quite effectively.
    • I'd say keep the Saurus Warriors as 25 - they'll need to have enough men to endure the Wood Elf or Skaven Shooting phases and be able to tear apart their units in melee when they finally get into charge range.
    • If you're against Skaven, I would perhaps say give the Saurus spears as every attack counts when you're trying to blitz your way through their large chaff units, especially as in editions prior to 8th only the front rank can fight without spears. I remember from 7th Edition that instead of Parry Saves a model gets a further +1 to armour save for having a hand weapon and shield, so models with light armour, hand weapon and shield have a 4+ save and models with heavy armour, hand weapon and shield have a 3+ save - is this the case in 6th as well? If so, I would say keep hand weapons when against Wood Elves so that your Saurus can keep advancing even under the heavy missile fire.
    Otherwise I think your list is good - Salamanders will be able to incinerate chaff units and Kroxigors will be helpful in butchering Wood Elf monsters and melee units.

    Hope this helps.
  5. livewaaaaagh

    livewaaaaagh Member

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    I didn’t play back in 6th so I’m afraid I can’t be of much help. Good luck though!
  6. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    Hmm, interesting that a 6th edition game pops up as I log back in... Let me dust off my brain a little bit...

    IIRC, the Wood Elves didn't get an update for a looooong time, so they had the 6th edition book well into the 8th edition release. That means you should expect:
    • Lots of accurate and powerful shooting
    • Weaksauce close combat
    • Decent Magic
    • Fast movement phases
    Saurus will kick butt in combat. Close the gap quick though.
    Chameleon Skinks are great at taking out Waywatchers. Definitely a good option if you want to swap.
    Kroxigor are good, but they might attract the attention of all the shooting.

    EDIT: Also, and correct me if I am wrong, I believe the Salamander uses a template for shooting in 6th edition. The Razordon is notoriously better at taking out skirmishing units as it just allocates the hits. Hopefully I'm not mixing up editions of WHFB.
  7. Gary_M

    Gary_M Well-Known Member

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    @Qupakoco in 6th, (reading from the army book) salamander shooting is 15" range, roll an artillery dice for each salamander. That's the number of hits the target suffers. Str 3 but -1 to armour save.

    Looks like 6th is making a bit of a resurgence, albeit I've never played it, yet.

    The chap I'm playing on Monday won a tournament here in South of England recently and is setting up another at our club for October. Seems to have quite a following.
  8. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Stay tuned, because we have a new member @Peryuri , which is interested in 6th ed. ;)
    Qupakoco likes this.
  9. Peryuri

    Peryuri New Member

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    Yep that's me! Me and my group play only 6th edition for warhammer fantasy (although we mostly play 40k). We think it's one of the best editions and we don't like some rules of 7th and 8th, so we stick to 6th. We will try 9th one day.
    And i'm one of the two guys that play lizardmen! But i'm veeeery bad at this game...i don't have any good advice...(exept maybe the Lore-of-fire-Slann is really fun to play)
    Qupakoco, Gary_M and Killer Angel like this.
  10. Gary_M

    Gary_M Well-Known Member

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    @Peryuri Hi!
    I played a bit of 7th and 8th, but never 6th. First game tonight. "Gulp!"
    Tonight is 1500pts but hoping to get a game at 2000pts in next week (different oppo though - who will be using Vampire Counts). Were blender lords a thing in 6th?
    My club have announced a 6th ed tournament and I have taken the plunge. As its in October I have some time to both paint and practice!
  11. Peryuri

    Peryuri New Member

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    I have a Vampire player but i don't know much about that army.
    But seeing your list, i like it! I think you have everything you need (maybe actually dropping the kroxigor for the terradons seems like a good idea, since you dont have much against warmachines and the skaven's warp cannon automatically dies if charged, that's the terradons' job)
    Gary_M likes this.
  12. Gary_M

    Gary_M Well-Known Member

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    Well I played the game last night, against Wood Elves, but I suspect not a really competitive list – There were no walking trees/shrubbery for a start.

    However, most of his units were small, all about 120 points, while I had fewer units of (generally) higher points.

    As expected, a lot of bows, which thankfully over the first two turns managed to kill only 3 saurus and a couple of skinks. Poor rolling on his part and I did make quite a few saves early on.

    He won the roll off to deploy and chose to let me start

    Spells – I got 2nd sign and the comet.


    Him: 5 fast cav, 10 archers block of spears 2 x archers Nasty skirmishing things, fast cav
    (With some characters) (1 on a hill on baseline)


    Building, Building gap, wood(5xscouts) marsh

    Me: skinks chamo
    Sallies skinks CoC Saurus Krox

    I won roll off for first player and decided to go first (I had no idea if this was a good thing or not, but hey, lets be pro-active!)

    A shake of hands and we’re off!



    Sallies moved forward to threaten his cav, skinks moved to edge of building to do the same. Cold One Cav marched forward. As did saurus and Krox. No magic, shooting or combat


    Fast cav opposite sallies moved to behind the building, facing the skinks. The middle archers and spears backed up slightly (now out of charge range).the other archers stayed still. His other fast cav moved forward to the krox, and his other skirmishing things (I can’t remember their name but had a wizard and various options as to benefits they could gain each turn, but not able to take same one consecutively, and were immune to psychology) move behind the cav.



    Sallies move up, pivoting a bit and can see the fast cav. Skinks stay still. Cold one cav move up again (no where for his archers to go now). Saurus plod forward. Krox charge his cavalry.

    Shooting – The sallies roast their fast cav completely.

    Magic – Failed to cast.

    Combat – My krox went to town on the fast cav, killing 4, the last one fleeing. I followed up and caught it.

    So far so good – two wood elf units down for minimal losses.


    His skirmisher things charge the krox – He said he was expecting them to do well against them. He selected an extra attack per figure.

    A magic missile and shooting took off a couple of cold one cav.

    Combat: Poor rolling and some saves meant only one krox died, with another on one wound remaining.

    Three krox then rolled back and won combat! However the WE held.



    Cold one cav charge archers. Sallies and skinks start marching round my left flank as all the WE are now on the right side. Saurus back up a little bit to avoid concentrated archery fire.

    Magic was very successful. Got comet and 2nd sign, with three re-rolls. I placed comet marker close to his two archer units and his spear block. They now have to move or risk the comet.

    Shooting – I think I got a couple of archers that were harassing units from the middle wood.

    Combat – the krox killed some more of the skirmishing unit facing them, but lost one in return.

    The cold ones slaughtered the archers, running down a sole survivor, but running off the board also.


    Comet adds 1 to the marker.

    Spear block and two units of archers move, but are still close to the marker.

    The spear block and saurus are now facing each other across a wood.

    A small number of saurus are lost as well as a chamo skink to archery.

    In combat I didn’t lose a krox (thanks to a reroll!) but killed some more off, they fled, I followed up and caught them.



    Still no comet and counter now up to 3.

    Cold one cav come back on board. Sallies and skinks continue marching. Krox turns in to move from my right to left.

    My saurus are just outside charge range. Damn!

    Magic failed.

    No combat.


    The comet lands!

    Oh boy this could be good. Two units of archers are close to the marker and with the spear block a little further away. A half decent roll could get all three. I roll for range, and get a 1! WHAT? We measure and all units are more than three inches away. A 2 would have caught both archer units, a 3 them plus the spears.

    My oppo says if that roll had been higher, that would have been the game.

    He charges with his spear block into my saurus (which gets them away from the cold ones threatening their rear).

    He shoots are my krox, plinking one more off. Only one left, which miraculously stands.

    In combat the WE win, just but I hold.

    He had also charge a couple of scout archers into the chamo skinks, which fled after a couple of casualties. He chased them down.



    I charge the cold one cav at one unit of archers, which flees.

    The skinks are now in range of his scout archers, and plink one off.

    No magic, minimal shooting.

    In combat we hold again, each doing some damage to the other, with me outnumbering him.


    A little jiggery pokery with the archers sees five shoot at the sole krox, killing it.

    Skinks lose a model to scout archer shooting.

    In combat I lose by one, needing 6 on cold blooded. I get 7. They rout. He follows up and catches them.



    Sallies are now back in the game and roast 6 from a 10 man archer unit, who flee.

    I left the cold one cav where they were letting the sallies get the archer unit. I didn’t want to risk a lucky stand and shoot charge response.


    Spear block moves forward and one character has a magic bow, which he uses to kill the skink priest.

    We total up and I had lost by c350 points, down to two dice rolls – The comet and saurus leadership.

    Despite the loss, really enjoyed it and will be playing more.

    Delighted to get my cold bloods on the table again. It will be 6th edition again next week. Vampire counts.
    crabking likes this.

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