AoS Help me build my PTG list up ...

Discussion in 'Seraphon Tactics' started by Stuart Glasson, Mar 15, 2019.

  1. Stuart Glasson

    Stuart Glasson Member

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    Hi All,
    I've started a Path to Glory campaign at my local GW store. I'm new to the game and picked Seraphon because they look cool, their starter box has a lot of models in it, and because the bastiladon has a giant laser on its back :)

    We're at a point where we're allowed to add a new unit or hero and I'd like your advice as there is probably a combo out there that I don't know about (I'm new). PTG is quite a low point game ... right now I only have 3 units in my warband and I usually summon in a Troglodon in turn 2 to beef up my game.

    1) Slaan Starmaster
    2) 5x Saurus Knights
    3) 10x Saurus Warriors

    In my first game I totaled the Stormcast eternal guy (he deployed poorly and only had half his force for the game) but yesterdays game I got ripped to shreds by a Tzeentch horde (10 pinks, 10 blues, 10 brimstone) plus a couple of other units.

    Assuming I can bring anything, what can you suggest?
    * Scar vet on carno to generally mess things up?
    * 3 x Ripperdactyls for mobility?
    * 20 skinks for bodies?
    * Something with an aura?
  2. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    Scarvet on Carno will give you a big threat on the table.
  3. Torxhol Drakescale

    Torxhol Drakescale Active Member

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    Seriously though, the scar-vet is big nasty, and will be good to deal with any enemy monsters, the rippers are DISGUSTINGLY anti-infantry and good for mobility, and the skinks would be good for objective holding. For my opinion on which of these options you should take, consult the first line.
  4. Killy the Bastilly
    Jungle Swarm

    Killy the Bastilly New Member

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    I read a thread on reddit a while back where a dude ran 1x Slann Starmaster, 1x Ripperdactyls, and 1x chameleon skinks. He also took balewind vortex and chronomantic cogs, so while his skinks and rippers distracted and harassed his opponents, his slann would be banking 5 spells worth of summoning points. After a round or two he would drop a bastilodon and wipe the table.

    It seems to me you could do a similar strategy, but drop the scar-vet on carnosaur for less points and start saving towards something else.

    I'm a new player who's starting a path to glory campaign soon myself and am taking the saurus sunblood as my leader so I can get 4 units to start with, I'm hoping that getting a sunclaw starhost within a few weeks will help bolster my warband but I guess we'll see.
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