I usually am pleased to see Papalugy posts something here but I just don't get the hate for pineapple. Pineapple is not my favorite topping (pepperoni is) but I will accept it on my pizza. If you don't want something on your pizza, just don't order it. When I was little, anchovies was the controversial topping. Now it's pineapple. I like anchovies on salads and as part of a steak topping, but I don't think they I would go well with pizza though admittedly I never tried it. I don't like Candian bacon (American ham with a little bit of spices) and pineapple, but my Freshman year I had a roommate who did not eat pork for religous reasons. He was fond of hamburger and pineapple and offered me his extra sometimes. I thought hamburger and pineapple is actually pretty good. This taught me that pineapple does not have to be paired with Canadian bacon. I found pepperoni and pineapple is actually pretty tasty. Of course I like pepperoni and anything. Pepperoni and sausage, pepperoni and mushrooms, peperoni and black olives. When my friends and I made homemade pizzas and we each made a pizza, my perfect pizza was. Lots of pepperoni Modest amount of sausage, salami, mushrooms, Small amount of pineapple, garlic, black olives. The important thing is we all got we wanted because everyone made their own pizza to their personal preferences. If we have to share a pizza, it's usually pepperoni and olives. This things correlate. You get some vegans that are just do it because they like it, but there is a subset of vegans that won't shut up about it. Secretly they want attention. Longing for attention and having psychological issues often correlate together. As much fun as it is to make fun of vegans, I don't have a problem with non-proseltyzing vegans, but I've met very few. It's not that vegetable eaters are bad people, it's just that, they are terrible people. Whatever your lifestyle is, the best way to convert people to it is to not talk about it. Wait for someone to ask "You always look so healthy/happy/energetic/undead! What is your secret?" I believe they are seeking a boatload of free fish.
I just thought it was a funny meme. I really don't care what you put on you pizza as long as you don't force me to eat it.