The Beastmen were returning again! Hexed licked his lips, apparently they had not had enough of a beating last time. He ready the Blade of Chotec, anticipating the return of the Beastmen. The Lizardmen Saurus Scar-Veteran Light armour, Burning Blade of Chotec, Maiming Shield Skink Chief Light armour, shield, Terradon, Staff of the Lost Sun, Bane Head Skink Priest Dispel Scroll 3 x 12 Saurus Spear, Musician 2 x 10 Skinks 10 Skink Skirmishers 4 Terradons 3 Kroxigor 1 Stegadon 3 Salamander 3 extra crew The Beastmen Wargor Razorgor Chariot, Brass Cleaver, Gnarled Hide Bray-shamam Level 2, Razorgor Chariot, Stone of Spite, Power Stone Gorebull BSB, Axes of Korghor 2 x 5 Ungor (1 ambushing) 2 x 5 Warhounds 2 x 15 Gors Extra Hand Weapon, Musician, Champion 3 Minotaurs 1 Gorgon Hexec knew the the Beastmen were blood-thirsty creatures, eager to get into battle. This battle was no exception, the Beastmen taking the initiative and rushing forward, again their ambushers appearing far behind their lines. The Lizardmen watched the rush with a cold-blooded glint in their eyes, shuffling a little to receive the early charges. The Skinks stepped forward and met the charges on both flanks of the Warhounds. Amazingly, neither unit broke and the Skinks on the left flank proceeded to break their opponents are rush towards the Cygor threatening the Stegadon. Another unit of Skinks charged into the Warhounds on the right flank, desperate to save their brethern. Unfortunately, they combat drew and neither side gained any advantage. The Saurus charged into some Gors who were lurking to close and broke them, running them down. Chosi-Raz attempted to bring his magical prowess to bear, and immediately miscast, allowing the enemy mage to cast a spell. The enemy could not cast a spell, so the Skink Priest breathed a sigh of relief. On the left flank, the Kroxigor turned to flank the imminent chariot charge, and the Terradons dropped their rocks on the chariot in hopes of killing the mage, but only succeded in wounding it. The Skinks piped off a couple wounds of the Gorgon, while the Stegadon failed to hit anything. The Beastmen roared and charged. The Minotaurs and a unit of gors charged the Saurus who had run down the Gors, the Saurus fleeing and getting caught. The mage's chariot charged another unit of Saurus who fled and managed to get away. The general's chariot charged the Skinks in combat with the hounds and the Gorgon charged the Skinks, who fled and it managed to get into the Stegadon. Shooting accounted for a Terradon and the Beastmen's shaman was still failing to produce any good spells, unable to find a chink in Chosi-Raz's magical defense. The Gorgon hefted his axe and attacked the Stegadon, slaying it in one fell blow. Xlatac, the Skink Chief, saw this and was astounded. Such might! The general's chariot broke one unit of Skinks, the other units still holding in the flank of the Warhounds. The chariot ended up right in front of the Saurus, staring down their spears. The Lizardmen were ready with a counter attack though, Hexed roaring out a counter charge. Their unit crashed into the general's chariot, and the mage's chariot fled from the furious charge of the Kroxigors, going through a unit of Gors, slaying some. Hexec accepted the general's challenge and proceeded to only wound the tough Wargor. The Wargor and his Razorgor replied in full and slew the general where he stood. The Saurus musician blew his horn with great fury and this alone caused the general to flee away from the Saurus, crashing through the unit of Gors and the mage's chariot, slaying the mage and chariot and causing the gors to flee. The Gorgon reappeared on the board, just as the general failed to rally and ran through the same gor unit, killing even more, just as they rallied. A rumble went through the remaining Lizardmen, the bumbling chariots being too hilarious even for cold-blooded lizards. The Minotaurs charged a units of Saurus and broke them, the Saurus fleeing into the lake and drowning. The Skink Chief charged the fleeing general, the character that he had Bane Headed at the beginning of the game, chasing him off the board. The Terradons, back after their killing of a unit of ambushers, dropped a Gor causing the unit to panic again, with no return possible. The Skinks put two more wounds on the Gorgon failing to kill it still. After that their were very few Beastmen left. The Gorgon charged the Kroxigor in a last attempt to kill something, but they fled and the Gorgon was promptly pincushioned by the Skink's blowpipes. The Minotaurs shuffled around, not wanting to get into charge range. They weathered two turns of Lizardmen shooting and only took a wound. At the end they were still holding strong, even though they were surrounded by Lizardmen units. In a last attempt to prove himself, finally cast Uranon's Thunderbolt and cleared out a unit of ambushers that had be hiding in a building all game. Another battle report, hoping to get pictures for anymore I do. When the Saurus broke the Beastmen general's chariot, it was basically over for them. The two chariots ramaged through the Beastmen lines and managed to kill a unit of Gors and one of themselves. I had my Salamanders, a unit of Skink skirmishers and ranked skinks, the Kroxigor, the Terradons, a unit of Saurus, the Skink Chief, and the Skink Priest. He had the Minotaurs with the Gorebull in them. Hope you enjoyed the report! Comments are greatly appreciated!
Wow i loved your report (both of them accually ) gratz on winning twice! I have a question, I see you used the skink chief in both games. Did it do a lot and do you consider the guy worth his points? He seems expensive to me... mabye an other unit of terradons, some chamo's/normal skinks or even a scar-vet would do a better job? I'm working on a list and i was just wondering, there has been a lot of discussion on the guy... The Ironfoot
The first game he failed a 3+ AS twice on the second turn, and that killed him before he did anything. The second game he chased off the general's chariot in the last couple turns, when it could have rallied had he not been there. His dropping rocks can also add a little assistance to taking out small units. He can be pretty good and he can die quickly. As of right now I do not have a hugely founded opinion on him, though I am liking him and will use him some more to see his effectiveness.
I've never played against beastmen, and I don't know much about what was changed in the new book. Are the minotaurs as tough as they look on paper?
Yeah, the Minotaur unit was one of the hardest units I had taking down. The amount of shooting I sent at them should have caused a casualty, but it really did not do a whole lot. I think if you get the charge they are not that hard, but getting charged by their frenzy was nasty.