Lizardmen RPG

Discussion in 'Active games' started by Craken, Mar 23, 2010.

  1. superskink3000

    superskink3000 New Member

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    This sounds really cool, mind if I join. If so, here is my character summary.

    Hzutli is a saurus warrior that was spawned out of the ancient spawning pools of Oyxl under an auspicious portent nearly three decades ago. In a triple eclipse, both of the orbiting moons blocked out the sun and brought darkness to the land. It was during this that Hzutli entered the world. Astonished, the Priests occupying the ruins stated that the old-one Huanchi had blessed Hzutli. His skin tone is a dark navy blue while his scales look pure black.
    Over the course of his existence Hzutli has taken a dislike to the bright of day and prefers to slaughter his foes in the darkness of night, using two hand weapons to eviscerate any who would stand before him.
  2. Cuauhtémoc

    Cuauhtémoc New Member

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    Ok, I'll go with what you said Craken. And if its fine I'll start with an additional hand weapon until I can get something more fitting.
  3. superskink3000

    superskink3000 New Member

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    Oh ya, Hzutli is striving to be a revered Scar-Veteran that would lead war parties against the foes that dare journey too far into the sacred jungles of Lustria.
  4. superskink3000

    superskink3000 New Member

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    Actually I'd like to have a hand-and-a-half sword (one that can be used in both hands or just one). Sorry for the amount of posts, I'd just like to get it right before we start.
  5. Xlcontiqu

    Xlcontiqu New Member

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    Yeah, I am still in Craken. I will post my character bio later, I do not have time right now. And I still want to be a Terradon rider.
  6. Xlcontiqu

    Xlcontiqu New Member

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    At a young age, Hexec was sent to the temple-city of Konquata, which was under construction. He was immediately noticed by a Terradon Rider, Tiktaq'to, and he began tutoring Hexec in the ways of Terradon riding. Soon after he arrived, Tiktaq'to had to leave to go on a raiding party and he asked Hexec to join him. Riding on the back of Zwup was the best experience Hexec had ever had and he resolved to become a Master of the Skies, just like his idol Tiktaq'to.

    Soon after he returned to Konquata, he became tired of working on the temple-city, desiring to fly above the temple-city protecting it. While he was working one day, he spotted a Terradon limping back into the forests of Lustria, dragging its wing. He rushed after it and found it in a clearing, breathing heavily. He approached it and when it looked at him he felt a bond grow. Over the next weeks, Hexec nursed the Terradon back to health and one day when he went to the clearing, the Terradon was gone. He knew that the Terradon had left because he was not ready and would return when he was ready. He resolved to become better and with that he left the clearing, knowing his future would be bright indeed.

    There you go! I am guessing he will get his Terradon later, so I included it in the storyline, but made sure he does not have it yet.
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  7. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    Superskink3000 Yes you can join your character's stats are as follows:
    Hzutli - Saurus (Warrior/Scar-Vet)............2 Skill/3 Battle (Choose either 1 Beast Handling, or 1 extra skill)
    Stats are M4 WS3 BS0 S3 T4 W1 I1 A2 Ld 7 You can Start with a hand and a half sword if you would like

    Yep two hand weapons is fine to start with. Also if you would like you can switch your character's BS score and WS score.

    Hexec - Skink (Terradon Rider).4 skill/1 Battle/1 Beast Handling
    Stats are M6 WS2 BS3 S2 T2 W1 I4 A1 Ld5
    Beast handling skill will be used to calm animal, lure them, command them to do things and later on to ride them.


    I will be posting a Sample post tomorrow morning won't have anything to do with the actual story but it'll give us all a feel for it. Also would like to add your stories are all great so far, this should be fun :)
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  8. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    This is just a sort of quick thing to get everyone to see how it would work.

    You approach the temple, a temple which has been long dormant but never forgotten by the old ones. The air is hot which makes your cold blood tingle, a warm wind blows towards your party, with it it brings the stank smell of the sweat warm bloods.

    You move forward towards the temple, the thick underbrush doing little to slow your progress. When you reach the temple you can hear clinking of coins, and human voices from inside. Slowly you move closer until you can peer inside. There you can see eleven men, ten are dressed with puffy pants and breastplates, some have hats with feathers on their head. In the center of the men is a man dressed in ornate an ornate breastplate of silver and gold, and a helm to match. He is busying himself directing his troops on which items to take, you notice them shoving coins and other artifacts into large brown sacks.

    You feel rage deep inside you as they grab relics of your lost empire.

    What do you do?

    Sneak and kill a normal troop: BS 3+ 2 Skill points, BS 2 or Below 3 Skill Points

    Kill normal troops in Close Combat: WS 3+ 2 Battle Points, WS 2 or Below 3 Battle Points

    Kill Normal Troop with magic. 2 Magic Points

    Sneak and Kill the Commander: BS 3+ 4 skill points, BS 2 or under 8 skill points

    Kill Commander in close combat: WS 3+ 4 Battle Points (3 Battle Points if you are equipped with 2 hand weapons or a great weapon), WS 2 or less 8 battle points (6 Battle Points if you are equipped with 2 hand weapons or a great weapon)

    Kill Commander with Magic: 3 Magic Points

    So that's the example, please post on that your action based on the stats you have now. Feel free to make up your own actions in normal play I'd let you know how many points to deduct from your character later, don't go too nuts try and keep close to the options I posted. Aka don't say "I collapse the roof and kill them all, go me!" However please feel free to discuss a game plan OOC is okay, but if you can do it in character that would be superb.

    You'll notice some things take more points to do but remember every day the points you have carry over, and if there is no use of any of your points you get to pick one of your stats to carry to the next day. For example: Ignoring the above sample post. Lets say all the lizardmen sat and drank tea for a day. Normally every day you get 4 skill/1 Battle/1 Beast, then next day you can choose to have Either 4 extra skill points the next day, or 1 extra battle point or 1 extra beast point. So lets say you chose skill. The following day when your running through the woods fighting zombies you'd have 8 skill/1 Battle/1 Beast.

    Any questions feel free to ask.

    Have fun with the sample replies.
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  9. superskink3000

    superskink3000 New Member

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    OOC: ((just wanna get this straight, who is in our group? we've got a saurus TG, a skink priest, a skink terradon rider, a chameleon skink and me, another saurus right? Also I'll take an extra skill point in stead of beast handling.))
  10. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    OOC: (( Can you combine different points? Battle/magic, Magic/skill, skill/battle. Can you combine your skill points with other party members? Because killing the commander [8 skill] is quit hard to do on your own... o_O
    And in the beginning it might make play pretty limited.
    Also, I do not think [with this party as it stands] that we could handle this party))

    Ilok watches the humans. Knowing that if he makes the first move, he will be a target. He sees that most of them haven't have their guard up. The foolish warm-bloods are too busy grabbing the sacred artifacts.
    Ilok instinctly knows the position of his patrol group.
    He passes the oppurtunity, and waits untill the next one arrives.

    The Hunted
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  11. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    Ya I think I forgot to mention teaming up will take 1 off the difficulty, and yes, you can team up with multiple people doing different things, so you can use magic, the other guy can go close combat and, and another guy can shoot at him reducing his difficulty by 2. Go by the lowest. So in this example lets say the saurus battles him in CC, and a skink shoots at him and the priest uses magic. Go by the lowest which in the example it takes 3 magic to kill the commander -2. So The saurus would spend 1 battle, the skink 1 skill and the priest 1 magic to get the job done.

    As for combining your own attacks, go with the lowest difficulty and add +1 to it for every skill you have to use that isn't that one.

    For example: Skink priest Starting points 3 skill/1 Battle/2 Magic. Needs 3 magic to kill the Commander, he only has 2, so he decides to add skill to it, this raises the difficulty to beat the commander by +1. So he'll have to use 2 skill to kill the commander (remained of lack of magic 1+1 for using an extra skill to get the job done=2 skill points). So this example would leave the priest with 1 Skill/1 battle/0 magic points for the rest of the day's post.
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  12. superskink3000

    superskink3000 New Member

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    Hzutli surveys the group sacking the temple. He knows that he could kill the apparent leader of the group if he charged in and used his sword in two hands, but then the rest of the men would overwhelm him. Seeing Ilok hold his position, Hzutli gets into a position from which he could maybe ambush the silly warm-bloods when they leave. Otherwise, he stays still so that he can observe what his comrades are doing.
  13. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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  14. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    Won't see any post from me for a long while now. Off to work for 11 hours
  15. speedygeko
    Cold One

    speedygeko New Member

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    OOC((so if i wanted to kill some one that requires 4 battle i could use up both of my skill and then i win what does my gaurd point do? id recomend somthing like i get +2 battle if a temple is involved))

    Xa waits for the perfect moment to strike, he looks at the saurus and skinks that where with him and nodded, he ran towards the commander with a deafening roar and leapt in to the air. With a perfect strike from his weapon the frail elf was cut in two, his golden armour splattered and splinntered with blood, Xa looked behind him checking if his kin would follow him to battle, if not the men would surley overwhelm him
    -3 battle points
  16. Xlcontiqu

    Xlcontiqu New Member

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    Hexec shakes his head at the folly Xa. He could have easily taken the Commander down with Stealth, not revealing their position or endangering the group. This would be something they would need to discuss after the battle, as it appeared that Xa was soon to be overwhelmed. Hexec snuck to the side, out of view of the members of the enemy group, some of which had broken off to attack the exposed lizards. He hefted his javelin in his hand and threw it at one of the incoming enemies, catching him in the throat, the poison killing him if the wound did not. He laid down to wait hoping his group member could hold them off. -2 skill points

    ((OOC: I was wondering if are mounts were going to get skill/battle points. I would assume they would do something, I just do not know what.))
  17. Cuauhtémoc

    Cuauhtémoc New Member

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    Tzuhil observes his comrades clashing with the puny warm-bloods. He has chosen his target, and now awaits for the perfect moment to strike. His target, a muscled hairy brute, begins to comprehend the situation and is getting ready to charge Xa. Tzuhil silently loads his blowpipe and launch the poisoned dart at the thug, which collapses to the ground. Tzuhil now have no choice and he draws his blades, seeking his next target. -2 skill points. (How do I calculate my 2 attacks into the situation? Do they give me some extra battle points?)
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  18. superskink3000

    superskink3000 New Member

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    Seeing Xa charge in and kill the leader of the group, Hzutli hefts his sword and sneaks up behind one of the men and easily severs his spine, then with a deafening roar, he leaps in next to Xa, and using his sword in both hands brutally dismembers the closest human to him. Hzutli then returns to cover Xa's back for the imminent counter-attack of the humans.
    -2 skill, -2 battle

    OOC: ((do I get a point reduction on normal troopers for using my sword as a great weapon?))
  19. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    What we'll do for that is we can if there is a temple or a Slann involved in the fight you can convert every 1 guard point to 2 Battle points. Sound good?

    They will yes, but you'll have to use beast points to get them to do what you want.

    If the extra attack would give you an edge in the battle I will put it in, like I did with the points used to defeat the commander.

    OOC: ((do I get a point reduction on normal troopers for using my sword as a great weapon?))

    Not in the above post but maybe in future posts

    This looks a little ruder than it was meant too, just posting quickly. Sorry Hunted if I came off bad there not my intention.
  20. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    Also would like to say the posts were all great. So I will be posting the first post tomorrow morning, should be fun.

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