7th Ed. The Defense of Konquata *New Game*

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Xlcontiqu, Mar 29, 2010.

  1. Xlcontiqu

    Xlcontiqu New Member

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    Hello fellow Lizard players!

    I have decided to start a topic for all my battle reports, rather than posting a lot of separate threads. I have decided to give my Lizardmen a goal to go for: recovery of the Plaques of Atakai. A major victory or massacre will allow me to regain a plaque a draw of loss will give me no plaques and a massacre in the opponents favour will cause me to lose a plaque. There are ten Plaques of Atakai and retrieval of them will restore the mists of Albion to their full power. Let the quests begin!

    Lord Xlcontiqu surveyed the jungles around Konquata, sending his thoughts flying through them. He was a Slann of great power, sent to Konquata to restore the mists of Albion to their full power and to guard the temple city of Konquata against attack. A vision he had a few days ago showed him the secret of restoring the mists, the Plaques of Atakai. He closed his eyes. He must find these plaques soon, for he feared a power in the west was going stronger. He did not know how long they had, but knew that Konquata would soon be threatened by a force stronger than they could ever imagine.

    Links to my old battle reports in case you want to read more:
  2. Xlcontiqu

    Xlcontiqu New Member

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    Re: The Defense of Konquata

    Lord Xlcontiqu had sent Hexec, his chosen Scar-Veteran out on scouting party a few moons ago, he was still waiting for his return. Suddenly he saw movement in the jungle, and immediately signaled for the Terradon riders to investigate. His attendant came chattering over to him, after the Terradons returned. Hexec had returned, albeit very wounded. Hexec was brought before him and Xlcontiqu called upon the Winds of Magic to heal the Scar-Veteran. When he could breathe normally, Hexec began to speak.

    Lizardmen vs. High Elves (1500 pts)

    Lizardmen Force

    Saurus Scar-Veteran (Hexec)
    Light armour, Burning Blade of Chotec, Maiming Shield

    Skink Chief (Xlatac)
    Light armour, shield, Terradon, Staff of the Lost Sun, Bane Head

    Skink Priest (Chosi-Raz)
    Dispel Scroll

    3 x 12 Saurus
    Spear, Musician

    2 x 10 Skinks

    10 Skink Skirmishers

    4 Terradons

    3 Kroxigor

    1 Stegadon

    3 Salamander
    3 extra crew

    The High Elves

    Battle Standard Bearer, Dragon Armour, Barded Elven Steed, Lance, Battle Banner

    Lvl 2, Jewel of Dusk, Dispel Scroll

    Lvl 2, Silver Wand

    10 Archers

    5 Dragon Princes
    Full Command, Ellyrion banner

    2 x 12 Sword Masters
    Full Command

    2 x 1 Repeater Bolt Thrower

    So this battle report is going to be a little different than previous ones, so enjoy!


    He castled up on the hill, with the Dragon Princes on the flank to threaten my units. Their banner allowed the great movement through the impeding wood, and I knew that if they hit my lines that I really had nothing that could deal with him. The leftmost Saurus were probably deployed way too far out of the way to deal with anything but I was hoping they might be able to flank something later.

    The Elves won first turn and the Dragon Princes moved forward. After the elves finished their jaunting, they decided for a change of pace to load their bolt thrower with rubber bolts, just for laughs. The rubber bolts managed hit three skinks crushing them under their weight.

    The Lizardmen moved up in response with the skinks trying to provide a target for redirection. The Stegadon aimed its bow at a lone mage on the hill, failing miserably at hitting anything. Chosi-Raz failed to cast Celestial Shield on the Saurus, leaving them little protection to the massed shooting of the elves.

    End of Lizardmen Turn 1: http://i774.photobucket.com/albums/yy22/Xlcontiqu/LizardmenvsHighElf1EndofTurn1.png

    The Dragon Princes moved forward again, ready to get a charge off next turn. The rest of the elven line stayed fast, fearing the might of the Lizardmen. The mages got a Fury of Khaine, killing four skinks, reducing the unit to a model and caused it to flee. The bolt throwers reloaded, this time with real arrows, but still only managed to kill two Saurus.

    The Lizardmen all moved up, the Kroxigor turning to divert the Knights and keep them from killing the important units in the army. Chosi-Raz failed to cast again, though he improved his previous attempts at the spell. The Stegadon had not been improving his aim either, missing the target completely again, skewering some unfortunate lizard to a tree somewhere off in the jungle. The Salamander however, did not dissappoint. They fried a swordmaster and the unit took a panic test. They rolled INSANE COWARDICE! and fled behind the High Elf lines, seriously impairing my opponent's plan. Suddenly, things were definitely looking up.

    End of Lizardmen Turn 2

    The Dragon Princes took the bait, killing the fleeing Kroxigor and effectively putting them out of the game. The Swordmasters rallied, but the High Elves still held their positions. The mages efforts were put down by Chosi-Raz's mighty dispelling and a scroll on the Curse of Arrow Attraction (but I really do not know how you attract rubber). The bolt throwers fired again, killing a Salamander and a Handler and the archers failed to kill any Saurus.

    The Terradons, wanting to silence the bolt throwers, charged one and dropped rocks upon the Swordmasters they passed over. Unfortunately, the enemy mages turned those to rubber too, a trend that appeared to be quite popular. The Skink crew on the Stegadon decided to actually use the giant bow for something and picked off the left mage, the bolt thudding into a tree, next to the aforementioned skewered lizard. Meanwhile the Salamanders had decided that they were sick of spitting flames and decided to completely miss their targets. The Terradons quickly killed the bolt thrower crew and pursued into the archers.

    End of Lizardmen Turn 3

    The High Elves did very little this turn, the Dragon Princes turning around to get back in the game and the Swordmaster charging the Skinks, who fled far enough to get away. The remaining mage got Flames of the Phoenix off on the Saurus, failing to kill anything. The remaining bolt thrower took a wound off the Salamanders. In the archer combat, the archers decided to avenge the bolt thrower and chased them away, the Terradons getting crossfired by the awaiting Swordmasters.

    The Lizardmen decided that the were not going to stand for that and the Salamanders charged the remaining bolt thrower and the Saurues went into the flank of the Swordmasters. The Skink crew decided to take a break from hitting anything and decided that skewering the dead mage with another bolt was a good idea (Double tap just to be sure). The Swordmasters decided to ignore the fact that they got charged and killed three Saurus. The Scar-Veteran took none of that and decided to kill three Swordmasters in return, winning the combat. The Swordmasters held, mumbling something about not panicking just because they took a wound. The Salamanders wiped out the bolt thrower crew, but lost one of the number because of a hidden ninja crewman.

    End of High Elf Turn 5 Movement

    The Dragon Prince moved up farther, still not getting to charge anything. The unengaged Swordmasters moved to prepare to charge the Salamander. The remaining mage did nothing and the archers failed to kill anything either. The Swordmasters killed another three Saurus in return for two of their own, but the Saurus held strong. The Stegadon then charged the archers, taking an arrow in the eye from a hidden Robin Hood in their stand and shoot and the Salamander moved out of the charge arc. The Stegadon lost a crew member, but stomped the archers down, breaking them and pursuing into the mage. The Swordmasters cut down the remaining Saurus and the Saurus Scar-Veteran took a couple more out, before they ran him down.

    The High Elves decided to arrange their units in a pretty formation due to the fact that they could no longer do anything and the mage proceeded to take 7 wounds from the impact of a Stegadon, who overran, leaving a smear on the ground where the mage used to be. The Lizardmen managed to flame a couple Swordmasters, but there was no longer anything left to do, but find Hexec.

    End of Lizardmen Turn 5

    End of Lizardmen Turn 6

    In the end, it was a tie, both of us taking about 900 VPs. This game was essentially all about avoidance. The amount of shooting and magic he had had a big influence on this game. When he castled up on the hill, I knew it would be tough to get points off him. I knew that their was not much in my list to deal with the Dragon Princes or Swordmasters, but I was hoping for that panic test on my second turn. Losing the Terradons basically cost me the win. I was hoping they could break that unit, but unfortunately they did not. I am starting to doubt the effectiveness of the Skink Chief. I will run him for a couple more games, but he did nothing in the combats.

    MVP: Salamander. Their panic test on the second turn allowed me to take out his shooting units which gave me a great advantage and allowed me to go on the offensive.

    LVP: Skink Chief. He did basically nothing the entire game, failing miserable in all the combats. I either need to change his gear or drop him, he is just not effective for his point cost.

    Lord Xlcontiqu mulled over the battle with the elves. Chosi-Raz had told him about a vision he had when he failed to cast his spell again. The Skink Priest said he had seen the location of a plaque, deeper in the jungle. This would have to be investigated. And Chosi-Raz would definitely need some training.
  3. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    Re: The Defense of Konquata

    My comments are in red. See above.

    Nice report! Punctuation and good sentences (not a given on this site). Very very sweet maps, and some splattered pansie elves to boot!
    Unfortunately; only a draw.
    And that unit of dragon princes is just nasty...Although I think you can go for it if you really want to take it out. You have the means to do so; Stegadon, Kroxes, Spears...They can put quite a toll on those schmancy High Elves.

    Thanks again for writing it up, and to catalog it!

    The Hunted
  4. Xlcontiqu

    Xlcontiqu New Member

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    Re: The Defense of Konquata

    On the matter of the Skink Chief, I am going to try him in a couple of games more, he seemed to be kind of hit or miss. I may drop a Salamander, it would allow me to get in a unit of Skink Skirmishers.

    I did not realize the rule about flyers only getting crossfired by landing on a unit, though in this case they actually did land right on the unit.

    Thanks for all the feedback, it is nice to know that some people read them!
  5. Xlcontiqu

    Xlcontiqu New Member

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    Re: The Defense of Konquata

    Garatl slunk through the brush, nearing the ruined temple city. He saw the vile worshipers of Chaos there, closing in upon the place where the plaque was hidden. Whether the warriors of Chaos knew it or not, they were treading on dangerous ground. Garatl called the battle cry and the Lizardmen roared in agreement. Rushing towards the enemy.

    The Lizardmen Army

    1 Saurus Oldblood -Great weapon, light armour, shield, Hide of the Cold One, Venom of the Firefly Frog

    1 Saurus Scar-Veteran -Light armour, Burning Blade of Chotec, Maiming Shield

    1 Skink Priest -Dispel Scroll

    1 Skink Chief -Light armour, shield, Terradon, Staff of the Lost Sun, Bane Head

    15 Saurus Warriors -Spears, Musician, Standard Bearer

    3 x 12 Saurus Warrior -Spears, Musician

    2 x 10 Skinks

    2 x 10 Skink Skirmishers

    4 Terradons

    3 Terradons

    1 Stegadon

    3 Kroxigor

    2 x 1 Salamander

    Warriors of Chaos

    1 Chaos Lord- Book of Secrets, Enchanted Shield, Collar of Khorne, Sword of Might, Mark of Tzeentch

    1 Sorcerer- Level 2, Conjoined Homoculous, Infernal Puppet, Mark of Nurgle

    1 Sorcerer- Level 2, Dispel Scroll, Golden Eye of Tzeentch, Disc, Mark of Tzeentch

    1 Exalted Champion- Runesword

    12 Chaos Warriors, Musician and Standard

    20 Marauders- Full Command, Mark of Slaanesh

    5 Marauder Horsemen- Musician, Mark of Slaanesh

    2 x 5 Warhounds

    3 Dragon Ogres

    1 Warshrine

    5 Knights of Chaos- Musician, Standard, Festering Shroud, Mark of Nurgle

    I was trying a much different build than my normal build, with a Slann. I found that this list did not really fit my playstyle and does not allow me enough flexibility. So at the end of the report I am going to explain some changes I am going to make in the list.


    The forest split his advance, so I was hoping to use that to my advantage. I was hoping to split his forces and deal with them one at a time. Nothing in his army really worried me, except the knights and magic. I was going to try to deal with with the Stegadon and redirection and take out the other flank.

    The Warriors of Chaos won the roll for first turn and moved everything up. A Flickering Fire panicked the right ranked skinks and the Warshrine tried to bless a unit, but rolled a seven and did nothing. My turn saw a lot of strategic movement, hoping to bait him into a flank charge from my Stegadon. Dropped rocks saw a warhound unit panicked and the salamanders taking out half the marauders, but shooting did very little else that turn. Failing to wound the sorcerer with Terradons and Skink Chief and the giant bow's shot glanced off the Cauldron's ward, despite it being poisoned.

    End of Lizardmen Turn 1

    The Chaos Warshrine charged the skinks and the Marauder Cavalry charged the other skinks, both of which held. The rest of the Chaos line shuffled around, cautious of the mighty Lizardmen and their skinks of DOOM! The Chaos Sorcerer obviously agreed with the rest of the army, failing to wound the Skink Priest with a flickering fire, rolling 3 strength 2 hits. The Nurgle Sorcerer decided the Tzeentch had turned into some pansy god and decided to prove how much Father Nurgle was, putting a wound on the Stegadon with some Buboes. The FAILshrine decided to do nothing again, but managed to break the Skinks, who died to impassable terrain. The Marauders did the same, chasing the Skinks down and overrunning into the Terradons.

    In a surprising show of ferocity, both Salamanders charge into combat, the left going into the flanks of the Horsemen and one charging the mage, hoping to end its magical threat. Both of the Saurus units backed up, out of line of sight. Chosi-Raz got Uranon's Thunderbolt off, but it was scrolled. Shooting accounted for next to nothing, with the Stegadon's bow missing completely. Both Salamanders showed their ferocity by putting a wound on the sorcerer and singlehandedly wiping out the rest of the Horsemen. The sorcerer refused to break though, even with the loss of combat.

    End of Lizardmen Turn 2

    The Chaos Knights attempt to charge the Stegadon, but the pitiful humans cannot rally the courage to charge such a ferocious beast. The Warriors of Chaos again shuffle around, too afraid to pull any charges. Magic comes, showing a succesful Pandemonium coming off and another Buboes putting a wound on the Stegadon. The FAILshrine attempts to do something more useful and gives stupidity to the knights, something the knights desperately needed. The Salamander fails to wound the Sorcerer, and the sorcerer puts another wound on the Salamander, leaving him on a wound.

    The Lizardmen shuffle around, the Oldblood‘s unit still playing hide and go seek with the Dragon Ogres. The Terradons fly in attempting to draw a charge from the Knights still and the Kroxigor shoot across the battlefield, hoping for a charge on the Warshrine in the next turn. Chosi-Raz decided to miscast on two dice, and with the Infernal Puppet, he bites it, his failure costing him dearly. The Terradons decide to put a wound on the chariot and the skinks pick off a Warrior with their javelins. The giant bow bounces off the ward of the Warshrine again. In combat, the Salamander finally finishes munching the Sorcerer and kills him off.

    End of Lizarmden Turn 3

    The Chaos units finally decided to toughed up and charge, so the Chariot and BSB go into the Scar-Veterans unit and the Chaos Lord charges the Stegadon (doh!) after deciding that he should actually man up and do something. The FAILshrine finally does something and gives the Chaos Lord +1 to his leadership. The rest of the Chaos line does nothing again, the Dragon Ogres backing up from the fear of the Saurus. The Nurgle sorcerer gets regeneration off on the Lord, but no other spells get off, despite the strange disappearance of Chosi-Raz. In combat, the Lord takes the Stegadon down to one wound, but it stubbornly hold on, despite doing nothing in return to the Lord. In the Chariot combat, the chariot kills a couple of Saurus to impact hits and recieves a wound in return. A challenge was issued and accepted by the Scar-Veteran. The Exalted only puts a wound on the Scar-Veteran and recieves a wound in return, the Burning Blade cutting through his armour like glue. Chaos win the combat, though the Lizardmen hold strong, hoping for some help.

    The Kroxigor charge the FAILshrine, which flees, and the Saurus spears fail a charge on the Lord, as does the Salamander. The Saurus Oldblood, Garatl, desperate to prove his worth, moves up to try to engage the Dragon Ogres and the Saurus do a long wheel, sick of waiting for the Chaos Warriors to stop being pansies and fight. Shooting accounts for two wounds on the Dragon Ogres and little else. In combat, the Lord slays the Stegadon, panicking the Salamander and the Terradons (the latter are crossfired by the Marauders), the BSB kills the Scar-Veteran (barely), the chariot kills some more Saurus and receives a wound in return, and the Saurus break, overwhelmed by Chaos. They are caught and destroyed the Chariot restraining pursuit.

    End of Lizardmen Turn 4

    The Chaos finally attack, the Knights charging the Saurus, the Marauders charging the Kroxigor, and the Warriors charging the skinks. The Lizardmen all hold, hoping to survive the ferocious charges. The rest of Chaos shuffles protecting flanks and such and the Dragon Ogres back up again. The FAILshrine rallies and shines again, giving a +1 armour save to the Marauders. In combat, the Marauders put a wound on the Kroxigor, and the Kroxigor slay the Wizard in return. Unfortunately, they still break getting caught but killing an important character. The Nurgle Knights fluff their attacks, the Festering Shroud killing a Saurus, and the Knights killing two more. The Saurus attack back and off a Knight, losing combat, but still holding. The Skinks preform two miracles. 1) Some manage to survive and 2) They refuse to get caught and escape.

    The Saurus try to come to the rescue of their brethern, but fail the charge. The salamander moves to the flank of the exalted and manages to get a shot on him, though it fails to wound. The Oldblood desperately tries to get the Dragon Ogres and the Skink Chief moves out of his unit to try to kill the chariot. Shooting sees another wound on a Dragon Ogre, but the chariot manages to survive the shooting of the Chief and threatens the flank of the Saurus. Combat goes bad and the Knights break the Saurus, who flee off the board.

    End of Lizardmen Turn 5

    The Chariot hits the flank of the Saurus Warriors and the Dragon Ogres decide that being scared of the Lizardmen worked so well, there was no point in charging in either. The Lord tries to Flickering Fire the Skink Chief, but fails. The FAILshrine decides it has had enough of helping Chaos, and gives the Lord Stupidity, again. The Chariot whiffs the impact hits and does not kill enough Saurus to break them.

    Garatl moves over to finally do something and the rest of the Lizardmen bide their time, knowing that at this point they just need to cut their losses. Shooting kills a Dragon Ogre finally and puts a wound on another, and the Salamander decides it is the perfect time to misfire. Garatl smashes the Chariot to a pulp with his poisoned attacks, finally proving he can do something.

    End of Lizardmen Turn 6

    All in all, a fun battle, with some bad luck on both sides, but the Chaos came out on top with a major victory, but at least they did not steal the plaque. The loss of the Stegadon cost me dearly and swung the game in his favour. The Stegadon was necessary to protect the Saurus and had it been there, the Knights would have gotten crushed in the second round of combat. The Terradons panicking also cost me, freeing the charge lane for the Knights to get into my Saurus.

    MVP: Left Salamander. He accounted for a mage, which is what allowed me to not receive a complete thrashing. That mage would have caused a lot of trouble and the loss of him was very important. Honorable Mention to the Kroxigors for killing another mage.

    LVP: No one really. Most units contributed to the battle, though the Oldblood in the end only killed a chariot. I did not use him well, but I was hoping for a little more.

    Okay, so a critique of my list is definitely in order. Let us start with the characters:

    Oldblood- Gone. He does not fit my playstyle and if I do play him again, he is going to need to be more mobile. I do like the foot set-up and I can see it maybe working, but he does not fit in with the list being more avoidance.

    Scar-Veteran- Actually did something this battle. I am considering mounting him on a Cold One for a better armour save. I also think he needs to go with the Enchanted Shield. The Maiming Shield just seems to not be worth the points you pay for it.

    Skink Chief- Gone, gone, and gone at this point level. He did have an impact on the game, but I see him as too costly to field in most cases. I will play with him still in smalled games, and may fiddle with him a little to see if I can get an effective build on him.

    Skink Priest- Good. I may give him another scroll, but he always seems to do what he needs to do.

    Most of the other units did well, though with the addition of a Slann, I will be dropping the bigger Saurus block. Most likely the small Terradon unit will go too, but it depends on the points the Slann will have. The Salamanders are definitely staying. They continually prove how effective they are, so I will keep them for sure.

    Hope you enjoyed the report, another will definitely be up shortly!

    Garatl surveyed the carnage. The reluctance of the Chaos Warriors had helped them, conserving their troops and releasing it all in the last few minutes of the battle. The Lizardmen had lost, but how to break the news to Lord Xlcontiqu?
  6. Xlcontiqu

    Xlcontiqu New Member

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    Lord Xlcontiqu was very disappointed with the battle for the first plaque. He would have to rethink his strategy, to make sure they would get it next time. The Terradons had been watching the area where the plaque was hidden and as soon as they warriors had moved out, they reported back. A small scouting party should work, Lord Xlcontiqu thought, that way they can slip in and out quickly, without attracting attention. Hexec was to lead this party, he had shown great valour at the last battle. Hopefully this time the plaque would be theirs.

    The Lizardmen

    1 Scar-Veteran - Light armour, Burning Blade of Chotec, Maiming Shield

    1 Skink Chief- Light armour, Shield, Terradon, Staff of the Lost Sun, Bane Head

    1 Skink Priest- Dispel Scroll

    2 x 10 Skinks

    2 x 12 Saurus- Spears, Musician

    3 Terradons

    3 Kroxigor

    1 Stegadon

    3 Salamander

    The Empire

    Battle Wizard- Lvl 2, Power Stone

    Battle Wizard- Lvl 2

    Battle Wizard- Lvl 2

    10 Handgunners- Detachment of 15 Free Company

    10 Handgunners- Detachment of 15 Free Company

    10 Handgunners- Detachment of 15 Free Company

    10 Crossbowmen- Detachment of 15 Free Company

    10 Crossbowmen- Detachment of 15 Free Company

    Great Cannon

    2 x 5 Out Riders- Musician

    Hellblaster Volley Gun

    A gunline, with three Fire Mages, looked like a tough fight. I was going to have to rely on Terradons to do the job. Most everything else would get shot apart. No picture from deployment, but my first turn picture should show the positions of my units pretty well.

    The Lizardmen finally won the roll for first turn and took it, basically moving everything forward as fast as possible. That was it. No fancy movement, no shooting, no magic, just running as fast as possible towards the enemy.

    End of Lizardmen Turn 1

    The Empire did not moved, unless you count the shuffling of the Outriders as movement. Magic was mostly dispelled, a Burning Head killing some Skinks, who passed their panic. Shooting was less than expected. A cannon shot took out a Salamander and a couple Handlers, the Crossbowmen putting some more wounds into the Salamander unit, but with a lucky misfire of the Hellblaster, there were few wounds doing any damage. The left Saurus took a couple casualties and the ranked skinks lost three more Skinks. Luckily, the left handgunners forgot how to shoot properly and failed to wound any Terradons.

    The Lizardmen all moved up again, desperate to reach the enemy lines. The Terradons panicked the left handgunners into some impassable terrain, killing them. The panic caused from a couple Salamander wounds panicked the left crossbowmen and they fled. Again, basically just rushing forward.

    End of Lizardmen Turn 2

    The Empire again did not move, unless you could some Outrider shuffling. The wizard ‘s units rallied and the magic phase got under way. A Conflagration of Doom almost completely vaped the Salamander unit and a Wall of Fire was put up in front of the Kroxigor. The Hellblaster took out the remaining Salamanders, though it blew itself up in the process. The cannon and some shooting took out a Kroxigor and the unit panicked through the Saurus. The Outriders and Handgunners killed a lot more Saurus and the Crossbowmen picked off a Skink crew. Luckily everything passed panic and it was time for the Lizardmen to get into combat.

    The Terradons charged the Crossbowmen, the Skinks charged the Handgunners, the Stegadon charged some Crossbowmen, and the Saurus charged the Outriders. The left Crossbowmen failed Terror and died, so the Stegadon was left in a risky position. The Saurus passed the panic caused by the stand and shoot and everything else got into combat fine. The other Saurus moved up, and the Kroxigor failed to rally. In shooting, the Stegadon and its crew took out three Free Company, panicking them. In combat, the Terradons broke the Crossbowmen, who got crossfired, and pursued into the Handgunners. The Handgunner combat was basically drawn, with the Terradons completely fluffing. The Saurus broke the Outriders, who panicked the other Outriders and the Crossbowmen behind them.

    My opponent took his turn and the Crossbowmen and the depleted Outriders failed to rally, though the Free Company did. With a failed cannonball at the Stegadon, he called the game, seeing as his flanks were getting run up and there was not much he could do.

    End of Lizardmen Turn 3

    End of Game

    Ended up being a minor victory for the Lizardmen, probably major if the game were to continue. I found my list to work pretty well, the Skinks taking some shots early on and the Salamanders and Terradons panicking key units. The Stegadon really had nothing to content with it on the left flank, so that helped a lot.

    MVP: Terradons and Chief. Taking out two mages and two units of shooting was very important for the army to win. The Chief gave them the punch necessary to reliably do it. They were by far the most important unit. Honorable Mention to the Salamanders for panicking the generals units and absorbing Hellblaster fire.

    LVP: The Kroxigor. They needed to hold that one time, to wreak more havoc on the Empire line, but failed that, and could have cost me the game if they panicked my Saurus. They were good in taking fire, but in the end, if I had to choose a LVP it would be them.

    I think the army worked quite well on the whole. He had nothing that could stand up to any of my combat units and once they got to his lines they caused too many problems to deal with. I think I will play with the Chief a little more and change up his gear. Hopefully he will become more effective, though this game he was absolutely perfect.

    Lord Xlcontiqu was very pleased with the retrieval of the sacred plaque. He thanked the commanders very heartily for their conquests on the battlefield. Now that they had the first of the plaques, hopefully the others will fall into their hands shortly.
  7. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    Re: The Defense of Konquata

    Sweet report!
    Very clear, and the images are just superb.

    Unfortunately, you lost. That being said, you tried everything you could; but it was not to be.
    Finally, the chief is gone :rolleyes:
    And judging by this battle and my personal view; I wouldn't take the oldblood on foot either.
    Anyways, thanks for writing it up!

    The Hunted
  8. Xlcontiqu

    Xlcontiqu New Member

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    Re: The Defense of Konquata

    No new battle report this time, just a quick update on my 1500 list and my 2250 list. And you may celebrate, the Skink Chief is gone!

    Lizardmen 1500 pt Army

    1 Scar-Veteran- Light armour, Burning Blade of Chotec, Maiming Shield

    1 Scar-Veteran- Cold One, Light armour, shield, Sword of Might, Bane Head

    1 Skink Priest- Dispel Scroll

    2 x 10 Skinks

    2 x 12 Saurus- Musician

    3 Terradons

    3 Kroxigor

    1 Stegadon

    3 Salamander

    So here is the new list I am trying out.

    So I know what you are thinking: "NO SPEARS! What is he thinking?" Well, Dave G made an interesting point, spears may not be necessary because MSU tactics are more agressive. I also found that I was charging into most of my combats or waiting until my opponent charged me. I do not think I can do that. It constantly gives them the advantage and this way my Saurus have better survivability and I can charge, knowing they will do not better even if they are charged.

    The second change is the lack of a Skink Chief. He needed to go. I was hoping he would do something important, but I think a Scar-Vet on a Cold One can preform the same way except better.

    Lizardmen 2250 pt Army
    1 Slann Mage-Priest- Focus of Mystery, The Focused Rumination, Higher State of Consciousness, Bane Head, BSB, Warbanner

    1 Saurus Scar-Veteran- Great weapon, shield, Light armour, Charm of the Jaguar Warrior

    1 Saurus Scar-Veteran- Light armour, Burning Blade of Chotec, Enchanted Shield

    1 Skink Priest- Dispel Scroll, Curse-Charm of Tepok

    3 x 12 Saurus Warriors- Spears, Musician

    2 x 10 Skinks

    2 x 10 Skink Skirmishers

    4 Terradons

    3 Terradons

    1 Stegadon

    3 Kroxigor

    2 x 1 Salamander

    So this list is just the 1500 pt list with a little additional support. I think the Slann gives some much needed magical prowess. The addition of more Terradons just allows me more tactical flexibility and I split up the Salamanders for that purpose also. The Nike Saurus will allow me to take out some of the redirecters and the Skirmishers are there for some redirecting support.

    Hopefully, I will have another game this weekend, so expect an update.
  9. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    Re: The Defense of Konquata

    Sweet lists, and I will definetaly be celebrating the 'exit' of the chief...

    The lack of spears isn't a liability immedeately. If you manage to work the HW+Sh in your tactics, that's even better actually.
    It will keep you 'on the front foot' (<-Quoted from Steve McLaren) and I like it.
    Although I don't really like scar-vets on foot...

    A combat hero on foot is easily ignored by your enemy. My Dwarven Thanes have seen many units simply marched past them; not fancying a fight. Granted, they're dwarves...but still.
    Gear setup is good though, just add that second Cold One (IMHO).

    Looking forwared to the next match ;)

    The Hunted
  10. Sebulba
    Temple Guard

    Sebulba New Member

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    Re: The Defense of Konquata

    If you have a hard time with the Kroxigors, I'd just stick them in the skink units and take the 3rd one out. Between that and the salamander you should have enough points for another group of saurus or some terradons if you like.

    I also like how you don't have an EotG. Not my favorite unit in the Lizardmen army book and a hard unit to use right.
  11. Xlcontiqu

    Xlcontiqu New Member

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    Re: The Defense of Konquata

    Lord Xlcontiqu was impressed, the Bretonnian forces had somehow managed to forge all the way to the temple-city Konquata. He decided to intercept them in the jungles hoping to stop them before the reached the construction. He managed to intercept them in a clearing and he was quite surprised that so many knights could reach so deeply into the jungle. He prepared to meet the invaders and readied his battleline.

    The Lizardmen Army

    1 Slann Mage-Priest- Focus of Mystery, The Focused Rumination, Higher State of Consciousness, Bane Head, BSB, Warbanner

    1 Saurus Scar-Veteran- Great weapon, shield, Light armour, Charm of the Jaguar Warrior

    1 Saurus Scar-Veteran- Light armour, Burning Blade of Chotec, Enchanted Shield

    1 Skink Priest- Dispel Scroll, Curse-Charm of Tepok

    3 x 12 Saurus Warriors- Spears, Musician

    2 x 10 Skinks

    2 x 10 Skink Skirmishers

    4 Terradons

    3 Terradons

    1 Stegadon

    3 Kroxigor

    2 x 1 Salamander

    The Bretonnian Army

    Bretonnian Lord- Bretonnian Warhorse, Silver Lance of the Blessed, Grail Vow, Grail Shield

    Paladin- Bretonnian Warhorse, BSB, Banner of the Lady, Shield

    Paladin- Shield, Bretonnion Warhorse, Lance, Virtue of Heroism

    Damsel- Chalice of Malfleur, Dispel Scroll

    Damsel- Dispel Scroll

    8 Knights of the Realm- Full Command, War banner

    8 Knights of the Realm- Full Command

    9 Knights of the Realm- Full Command

    24 Men at Arms- Standard Bearer

    5 Pegasus Knights- Full Command

    8 Grail Knights- Full Command, Banner of Defence

    My plan was to bait out the knight blocks and get more advantageous charges on them. I was hoping my magic could take out a knight unit before they hit my line.


    I opted to take the first turn, which in hindsight was probably a mistake. I moved everything up, and all my magic was out of magic. I was trying to get all my skink units into position to redirect and divert charges, expect saving them a turn would probably have been a better idea.

    End of Lizardmen Turn 1

    He moved everything up, afraid of charging any of my skink units. He magic did little this turn, except drawing the scroll from my Skink priest.

    My next turn saw some positioning going on, to try to my Slann into range and keep his blocks from doing anything important. The Skinks on the hill moved back, so the two knight blocks could not see the Saurus to charge. The Stegadon moved into a possible flank charge position and the Salamanders moved into firing positions. Magic fizzled this turn, Spirit of the Forge bringing out a scroll and the other two spells not casting. Dropped rocks brought down some peasant, the Stegadon bow taking down a knight, and the rest of shooting had no effect.

    End of Lizardmen Turn 2

    His Grail Knights charged a unit of Skinks and the regular Paladin's block of knights charged the Skink Skirmishers who fled. His Paladin's block EitW into the Stegadon after a passed terror test. The Pegasus Knights charged the Salamander who did not flee far enough and was chased down. The rest of his blocks moved up onto the hill to draw LOS to the Saurus block. The Stegadon combat went horribly awry. He managed to score one hit with the Paladin and with that hit he rolled a six and Killing Blowed my Stegadon. That threw my plan right out the window. With the Stegadon probably holding against the Knights it would have kept my flank relatively safe. But know I had another threat to deal with besides the other two knight blocks bearing down on my. The Grail Knights overran my Skinks and exposed their flank right for the charge from the Saurus and accompanying Scar-Veteran.

    The Scar-Veteran roared and the Saurus charged into combat. The rest of the Lizardmen shuffled around to get line of sight to the big knight blocks. The Saurus Warriors turned to bait the knight blocks and the other Saurus and Kroxigor prepared for a countercharge. Magic again failed to do anything with Lord Xlcontiqu's magical prowess being pushed to the limit, failing to cast a two dice Rule of Burning Iron. This mistake cost him dearly resulting in the loss of a wound, a magic level, and the spell he was trying to cast. Shooting was uneventful also, with the Salamander failing to kill anything. Combat went with, with the Saurus killing two knights and receiving no casualties in return, but failing to break the Grail Knight units, which spelled their doom from the Pegasus Knights.

    End of Lizardmen Turn 3

    The Pegasus Knights charged into the engaged Saurus and the two Knight blocks both caught the fleeing Saurus, running them down and pursuing into the Lizardmen's charge arcs. With nothing much else to move, the other Knights turned around and he moved onto magic. The Damsel's used Lord Xlcontiqu's momentary slip in magical defense to get one of their spells off, killing two Terradons and panicking the unit off the board. Combat saw the Saurus taking three wounds, but the Knights losing another to the Scar-Veteran's blade. The Lizardmen lost the combat, but managed to hold one, barely.

    The remaining Saurus and Kroxigor let out a huge roar and charged into a block of Knights, which fled and escaped. The ranked skinks tried to escape the Realm Knights and the Salamander moved into position to finally get a better shot off. Magic yet again did nothing, except bring out another scroll. In combat, the brave Saurus were finally broken, but yet they somehow still managed to outrun their pursuers and escape.

    End of Lizardmen Turn 4

    The next Bretonnian turn saw the Knights charge the skinks, and the Pegasus Knights charge the Kroxigors, the skinks getting run down when they fled, and the Kroxigors holding strong. The other Knight block reformed and prepared to charge the Kroxigor or the Saurus. All the magic was dispelled, Lord Xlcontiqu steeling his defense and keeping the Skink Priest from being hit with some tree branches. The Pegasus Knights just barely killed a Kroxigor and the unit fled, the Pegasus Knights opting not to pursue.

    The next Lizardmen turn saw the Kroxigor rally, but the Scar-Veteran and his Saurus fail to rally, fleeing a further two inches. The Saurus reformed to meet the Pegasus Knights and the Salamander prepared once again to flame some Realm Knights. The Terradons flew forward to keep the knights out of the Saurus' face and Lord Xlcontiqu prepared his magic, hoping to destroy something with his powers. Unfortunately, his magic failed him again, everything either getting dispelled or failing to cast. The Charm of the Jaguar Warrior propelled the Scar-Veteran into the BSB, hoping for a kill there. Shooting saw the Salamander panic the Knights, causing them to flee towards the board edge, but still staying on. The Scar-Veteran managed to inflict three S7 wounds, but somehow the BSB made two 6+ armour saves and the 5+ ward. The Scar-Veteran was then broken and run down, the Realm Knights pursuing into the Terradons.

    End of Lizardmen Turn 5

    From here it was mainly just minimizing damage for the Bretonians. The Pegasus Knights flew away, the fleeing Knights rallied, and the Grail Knights chased the Saurus off the board. Magic failed to do anything, the Skink Priest being at risk again. The Knights broke the Terradons and pursued into the Kroxigor, ignoring the menacing looks the beasts gave them.

    The Lizardmen threw up one last ditch attempt to get some points, with the Slann moving straight forward and the Salamander trying to panic one last unit. Unfortunately, the magic was still out of range, and the Salamander failed to panic the knights. The Knights overran through the Kroxigor, killing them all where they stood.

    The Bretonnians ended the game by charging and killing the last Salamander (and passing the fear test again).

    End of Game

    My opponent was graced with some incredible luck that game, and the failure of my Slann to get any magic through (even though I 4-diced Spirit of the Forge all game) was the undoing of my plan. I got the charges I wanted for the most part, but I failed to do any lasting damage. In fact, the only point I got were points for the Damsel that killed herself because of the Chalice. I killed some knights, but lack of him failing any leadership test and lack of my magic doing anything cost me the game. I made some tactical errors in placement and some with my skinks, but his incredible luck with killing the Stegadon, etc. really did not help at all.

    MVP: My Saurus block with Scar-Veteran. They managed to kill three Grail Knights and hold combat even when charged from the rear. I was hoping that they would break the Grail Knights, but as luck would have it they did not. They still managed to tie up the Pegasus Knight and the Grail Knights for quite a while.

    LVP: The rightmost Salamander. I misplaced him a little pit, but he really failed to do anything, including hitting the Pegasus Knights.

    I actually quite enjoyed this list, so I will not be making any drastic changes. I might swap spears for just hand weapons, but other than that, I like how the list plays.

    Lord Xlcontiqu was very disappointed with his performance. As a Slann, two pitiful ladies should not have stopped him magical powers by themselves. Losing their first plaque was the worst thing possible. They had just begun to unlock its powers. They needed to regain it back as soon as possible. Lord Xlcontiqu dropped his head, he had lost the plaque, he would need to get it back.
  12. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    Re: The Defense of Konquata

    Again, sweet report.
    This time though, bad result.

    He really had the blessing of the lady in that battle...With magic, psychology tests (charging Sala's, kroxes, Panics etc..). Even your CotJW-Sui-Charge failed!
    It wasn't meant to be, so the Old Ones better come up with something soon! ;)

    Keep the Plaque's rolling, it'll work out. Eventually!

    The Hunted
  13. Sammy the Squib

    Sammy the Squib Member

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    Re: The Defense of Konquata

    These reports are excellent, I love the pictures to go with them. :)
  14. Xlcontiqu

    Xlcontiqu New Member

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    Re: The Defense of Konquata

    Okay, so I was thinking about ways I could make my battle reports better and more informative and I decided that instead of me making modifications, I would like to hear your, my readers, advice on how to make my battle reports better.

    How can I add to my battle reports to make the more interesting and more informative for you?
  15. SeBM

    SeBM New Member

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    Re: The Defense of Konquata

    I want some pictures with those images!!!

    Seriously though, your reports are always a good read, I just wish I'd see the units on the table once in a while.

    If you could write down precise casuality, have a precise copy of your opponent's list and some of his after thoughts, it might bring the quality of your reports up a little, but they are already excellent so I honestly would just like you to post pictures :D . Oh and maybe write more reports!
  16. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    Re: The Defense of Konquata


    Definetaly write more reports!
    And what program do you use for those images? Is it easy to use?

    The Hunted
  17. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    Re: The Defense of Konquata

    Awesome battle reports what program do you use for it?
  18. Xlcontiqu

    Xlcontiqu New Member

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    Re: The Defense of Konquata

    I use the Lorenz Battle Server for my games and reports. Since I do not have access to my army at the moment, I play online which allows me to take screenshots of the battle as it goes along.
  19. Dumbledore

    Dumbledore New Member

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    Re: The Defense of Konquata

    Hey - I've not had a chance to play a real game in ages and am very tempted to join this Lorenz thing. How do you rate it? Is it possible to pick up games against random strangers there, or does it need to be against friends, set up in advance? Are there any things in it which don't really work, e.g. characters leaving/joining units etc?

    This could get me a chance to try out my druchii list, which is just being started now!
  20. Sammy the Squib

    Sammy the Squib Member

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    Re: The Defense of Konquata

    Lorenz is great. A couple of years ago it was free and I used it a lot, it's a very good system. Then he started charging a small fee, this being the internet, even a small fee was enough to drive over 90% of the people away from the system. When I went back there it was always dead. This was some time ago now, so I don't know what it's like now. But it's defo worth having a look.

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