Lizardmen RPG

Discussion in 'Active games' started by Craken, Mar 23, 2010.

  1. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    City of the Moon

    Deep in the jungles of Lustria lays the city of Tlaxtlan, to the north west of the city lays the Blessed Pyramid of Tzunki, surrounded by a clear pool of water which on this night reflects the moons perfectly. The only access to the temple is through this pool. Temple guards stand around around the pool on constant guard. To the left of the temple a unit of Saurus can be seen retuning from a resent scouting mission. To the right of the temple terradons and their riders soar towards the Temple of Itzl on the North east of the city. From the same direction the bellows of Stagadons can be heard. However it is inside the Temple of Tzunki is where our story begins.

    Inside the temple four Slann priest hover silently on their palanquins, the room glows with a deep blue energy. The only sound to be heard is the slight etching of skink priests recording tin movements of the Slann. Each slann is unique in color and pattern, suddenly on stirs, this Slann is known as Lord Chub-Chub, his body is a deep green, yet his stomach is black as night with spots of near florescent orange. His eyes open ever so slightly revealing the bright red eyes of the creature. He motions for his attendant to bring a tablet closer. The skink does ask he is instructed and holds the tablet in front of the Slann, immediately the Slann begins to etch into it with an out-stretched finger. The slann looks deep into the eyes of his attendant, the motions him away, and goes back into a meditative state. The priest moves off the palanquin and stares at the tablet, suddenly his mind begins to understand. He motions to one of the other skink priest in the room; the other priest is in training and has no Slann of his own to attend to. He rushes over, the skink priest whispers to the other than hands him the tablet. The priest in training rushes out of the temple through one of the temple pools.


    Ilok toils learning from the scroll and tablets to interpret the words of the Slann, a difficult task that take many years of training but it is what the skink priests are spawned for to interpret the will of the old ones. Suddenly the door to the temple is heaved open by the Temple Guard at the door, and in rushes one of the elder skink priests. In his hand he holds a stone table, he moves straight towards the skink Ilok. He holds the tablet out to him and speaks.

    "Find these and only these and go immediately",he places the tablet in your hand and leaves as quickly as he came, the temple guard closes the door behind him.

    The tablet at the has words and symbols etched into it. The top of the tablet reads Ilok to Vampire Coast, underneath there are four symbols. First is a Temple with a weapon with diamond shapes under it, second is a terradon with a broken wing, third is a stegadon with a skull above it, and last is a sword with a hand and a half hand beside it.

    Ilok studies it and knows exactly who he needs to take with him, as though a voice was speaking to him from above, he has a mission delivered from the Old Ones, what that mission is, is still a mystery.

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  2. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    Back to work for me, have fun
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  3. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    Ilok is excited and scared at the same time. Why did the Old Ones want him?
    Yet, he raced to the city to find his group.
    He shoots through some small alleys, then goes along with the stream on the main road.
    First stop: skink beastmasters' place. He knew for sure that there would be a terradon with a broken wing there. And he also felt the Stegadon with the skull to join his presence. Who they were, what their role in the Plan of the Old Ones was; He did not know.
    For all he was supposed to do; was to get them. Now.

    Unfortunately, the main stream was holding him up. The slow saurus patrol slumbered along, their cold blood slowly pushing the muscles forward.

    Ilok had no choice but to slow down. "Stupid patrols", he thought to himself, "Even the oldest, nearly ancient, skink priest was faster than this group!".
    He sighed. What a day to start of this mission.

    He was in deep thoughts when he passed one of the smaller Saurus' baracks. But did not pay attention.
    There was simply too much going through the small mind...

    The Hunted
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  4. speedygeko
    Cold One

    speedygeko New Member

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    As he darted past the front gate to the temple City of tlaxtan he noticad that one of the temple guard was hefting a large weapon incrusted with the jewls that the slann had sketched on to the tablet, ilok darted back to check,he was a low ranking temple guard, what could the slann possibly want from him? Not being one to question the almighty the small skink darted up to the huge temple guard and tried to explain to the best of his ability the quest to the vampire coast and the stone tablet that he slann had given him
    It was pointless the huge saurus haddnt moved atall and had not even acknowledged the skinks presence, but just befor ilok gave up, Xa nodded and let off a click as a sign of agreement, he knew saurus where not very intelegent when it came to anything other than war, but he did not under estimate them.
    pleased with his result he moved on.........

    OOC((im not to sure ive done it right but its the fun that counts, nice work hunted ;) ))

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  5. asrodrig

    asrodrig New Member

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    A bit late to the party, but can I join in as well, Craken? I'd like to be a Saurus Carnosaur Rider. I'll write up some character info later in the day...
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  6. Xlcontiqu

    Xlcontiqu New Member

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    Hexec busied himself nursing the wounded Terradon back to health. Its wing had been badly torn by an attack from some Dark Elf raiders a few moons back and its rider had been slain. Hexec worked quickly, trying to bind the wounds quickly, he had other Terradons to attend to, those this one needed the most care. Suddenly he was roughly pushed aside by another Skink who immediately starting the Terradon. As Hexec was picking himself up, Ilok, a Skink Priest, flew around the corner of the Corral-Arena, with Xa, a slower Saurus trailing behind. Ilok began chittering and pointing at the Skink that had just pushed Hexec out of the way. Apparently, the Skink had been chosen for some quest. Hexec was about start arguing, when suddenly the Terradon started moving, silencing everyone. It raised its wing, and with all its energy it pointed right at Hexec. Ilok took this as a sign and Hexec was chose. He grabbed his javelins and beast-handling materials and they rushed off, to find the next member of their group.
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  7. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    Ya I'll put you in the next post they will have to find you, your stating stats would be the following:

    Saurus (Warrior/Scar-Vet)............2 Skill/3 Battle/1 Beast Handling
    Stats are M4 WS3 BS0 S3 T4 W1 I1 A2 Ld 7
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  8. superskink3000

    superskink3000 New Member

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    Hzutli is just returning from a scouting party, one of many that he had been in. Every time it was the same mission, find any warm-bloods that traveled too close to Tlaxtlan and eliminate the threat. Over the course of the past couple of weeks, there had only been one brief encounter with the evil servants of Chaos, and Hzutli grew tired of the same tasks. His mind was disturbed from his contemplations when one of the priest skinks brushed him on the shoulder with a look of frustration that could frighten one of the foolhardy warm-bloods that plagued this region of the jungle. Not worrying about it any further, Hzutli continued on to his barracks near the dome of Huanchi where he and his brethren would resharpen their swords and get the much needed rest after their two weeks long patrol.


    Hzutli awoke to find some of his brethren nudging him. They growled that some priest wished to look upon him. Hzutli thought to himself: "Why would they want me?". Nevertheless, he rose to his staggering 9 foot height and approached the small skink at the door and stood at attention. The skink said his name was Ilok and that the skann had ordered him to find Hzutli and a few others to travel to the vampire coast. He didn't know the exact reason for the journey, but dared not disobey the slann's orders. With a nod, Hzutli grabbed his hand and a half sword and joined the group in their search.
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  9. Cuauhtémoc

    Cuauhtémoc New Member

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    Tzuhil sat at the corner of Tlaxtlan training compound, sharpening a strange object made of an unrecognizable material. No one approached him. They all knew he was brooding over the death of his beloved Piluque, the one and only Stegadon he has ever ridden to battle. Piluque was slain by a vile host of filthy ratmen accompanied by some other warm blood mercenaries. As Tzuhil swore his revenge on the warm blooded races he finished carving the object he was working on. The sword, made of Piluque's horn, shimmered in the sunlight.
    Tzuhil now recognized a priest he was seeing around a lot lately approaching him. The priest, whose name Tzuhil remembered was Ilok, told him he was chosen for a mission by the revered Slann mage-priests, and that the group was leaving as soon as it will gather.
    Tzuhil sheathed his new forged weapon alongside his dagger, checked to see if his blowpipe was seating nicely on his shoulder, and followed Ilok out of the compound, a hint of a wiry grin showing on his face; There are warm bloods to be slain, and a revenge to be taken.
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  10. asrodrig

    asrodrig New Member

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    Cool, cool. Here's my character summary:
    Ax-rodriq the Saurus Warrior was spawned nearly a century ago near the Tomb of Gold in the Grey Guardian Mountains. A thick white stripe running from his chest and down his back, like a vein of purest marble in his turquoise hide, immediately set him apart from all other Saurus Warriors. Indeed, here was a Warrior touched by the Old Ones themselves. Unfortunately, his fighting prowess would be put to the test almost immediately when a raiding band of Dark Elves came across the Tomb of Gold. The ensuing battle was fierce and long, with Ax-rodriq as the sole survivor, every inch of his hide covered in deep bleeding wounds. Every inch, that is, save for the pearly white streak, which glistened like a comet against a ragged and torn sky. Alone, Ax-rodriq began rebuilding the defenses for the Tomb of Gold, lest another raiding party strike. Luckily, the second raid never came, and soon, the battle was just a bitter memory. By chance, a scouting party of Skinks came across an invaluable, yet dangerous treasure in the jungle: a Carnosaur egg. Quickly, they made off with it and brought it back to the corrals within the newly rebuilt city. The hatchling, when it finally burst from its shell, was fierce beyond all compare, and the Skinks tending to the egg were the first to feel its bloody wrath. They were quick to notice, however, that a familiar porcelain-colored streak ran from its chest and down its back. Seeing this as an omen, they immediately summoned their chief. Ax-rodriq had but to gaze upon the young reptile with his cold eyes and it knelt in obeisance. Truly, this was the work of the Old Ones themselves. The vehement creature was given a name: Bor-xotl, the Bloody Fanged. As soon as the Carnosaur was strong enough to bear the weight of its mighty master, Ax-rodriq ordered his armor to be fitted, his swords to be honed, for he alone remembered the brutal attack those long years ago, and he was thirsty for vengeance. With a mighty bellow from both rider and mount and a salute from Ax-rodriq's twin swords, they disappeared into the jungle, not to return until justice had been dealt.
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  11. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    asrodrig - Cool story only one problem, um you can't start with the carnosaur you have to get it later. So to reign on that but, you will get it eventually but not quite yet. We could always start him as a little guy for right now...not sure where you wanna go with it, but lemme know before then, either here or as a pm.
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  12. asrodrig

    asrodrig New Member

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    K, how 'bout we leave the story, but I'll start at right before they find the Carnosaur?
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  13. JohnMavrick

    JohnMavrick New Member

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    I unfortunately have been tasked with taking a trip to Little Rock, AR for some good ol' training. I'm not sure of the internet access there but with luck I'll still be able to get online. As of right now I'd like to be put on leave of absense unitl I know more.
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  14. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    Sounds good, I was actually going to suggest that. I'll do my best to work it into the story line in the future.

    No worries, let me know if your ready to start later on
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  15. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    Before you start posting guys, be sure to store one of your stats for yesterday's inaction. So for example a character that gets 4 skill/1 Battle/I beast, can have now 8 Skill/1 Battle/1 Beast or 4 Skill/ 2 Battle/1 Beast or 4 Skill/ 1 Battle/2 Beast

    After gathering the warriors mentioned on the tablet, Ilok and his new party begin to make their way out of the temple city, and into the jungle for their unknown mission. As they exited the city the eyes of the Great Statue of Tlazcotl looked over them, the statue returned to its regular positon, lucking it saw no evil in them. They continued through the front gates and past the Guardian, and into the great Lustrian Jungle.


    Elsewhere, Ax-rodriq the Saurus Warrior walks the jungle, his body has log recovered from his wounds but his mind has not recovered from the loss of his war party. Recently he had been tracking a party of Druchii, however their trail went cold, it cold be that the jungle had claimed them, or perhaps even other lizardmen, but they where lost to him. The tracking had taken him much further out of his intended area, closer to Tlaxtlan, he began to turn back when a sound caught his attention. He decided to investigate that before he headed back.


    Nearly as soon as they left the city the jungle became overgrown and unattended, still in the sky above the jungle canopy the two moons could be seen. The Chaos moon was fainter in the sky than the other, this was a good omen as it showed, to anyone who knew of the moons, that the forces of chaos where currently weaker than those of good. Still the jungles of Lustria had ways of adding its own natural chaos, and only a fool enters it without caution. So the party moved slowly, noting everything they could see, hear or even smell.

    The night air was thick, and had the party been human they would have been very uncomfortable, however their cold blood was meant for this climate, and helped make their movements quicker and easier.

    Large mosquitoes as large as a human's fist, fluttered around the party looking for warm blood to drain, finding none they flew away toward tastier morsels. The night birds were squawking from unseen perches far up in the trees. Frogs croaked to each other from ponds further of the warband's intended path. As they continue on they come to a large patch of unstable ground in the direction they needed to be going. Examining it the determined that there are patches of quick mud making passage extremely difficult.

    As they contemplate their passage suddenly movement is heard from the right, then the crashing of the jungle floor, something was coming right towards them. Through the brush comes a large lizard, it looks much like a raptor but has much more bulk. It roars at the party, its tongue tasting the air, then its large eyes move towards the smallest of the group.

    Asrodrig, you can come in here, for everyone, just post what your character is doing and I will deduct points as I see fit (based on difficulty) only thing you can't do here is take the creature as a mount. Have fun, also remember you can post as many times as you want till the day is done, so that give you time to make plans with each other and such. Anyways again have fun
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  16. JohnMavrick

    JohnMavrick New Member

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    ((My school got canceled so I'm in the fight!))

    Huaroc, a Chamelion Skink had been skulking at the fringes of the party. As soon as he'd heard the noise of the Carnosaur he'd skittered to a near by tree and skurried up it's trunk. Utilizing his shark and pointed nails and his agility born to his kind me was able to skitter to a point on the tree which he believed would likely be taller than the approaching thunder lizard.

    When the beast came into view Huaroc pulled out his blow pipe which was already loaded with a poisoned dart. Huaroc knew that the amount of poison wouldn't be enough to take down the beast, only paralize it for a time, but his main concern was that if the dart would be able to find a spot where it could enact it's payload.

    The eyes...more like, the tear duct. Huaroc didn't like killing creatures of the jungle, especially one so grand a predator as this one. He also didn't want to blind it by puncturing it's eye with a dart. As the beast stood still and roared it's challenge to the Lizardmen party he took carefull aim, putting all his skill and knowledge into the one shot. ((expending all skill and attack at once for the shot))

    With a powerful pump of his lungs he puffed through the blow pipe with as much force as he could muster. He didn't even see the dart leave his pipe though he knew it had by the sound it made. Huaroc prayed to all the Gods that his shot would be enough.
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  17. speedygeko
    Cold One

    speedygeko New Member

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    As Xa heard the aproaching beast crashing throught the Jungle towards them, he instinctivley put him self between the skinks and the beast. When he saw the size of the creature he knew hw was out matched and took up a defensive position the beast lunged for Xa's neck and as he quickly side stepped it bit a small chunk out of his arm. Then the beast, hungry with the taste of blood lunged for him, this time Xa jumped up and swung his huge blade in to the neck of the beast, with a low growl the beast fell to the floor and stopped breathing. but this was not the end, these beasts travel in packs and 2 more of the dinosaurs shot out of the jungle shortly after, with out his axe Xa was not going to be able to take on the beasts
    its up to the others..........

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  18. superskink3000

    superskink3000 New Member

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    At the instant Hzutli heard the pair of roars he knew there was trouble on this night. With all of his experience during the many patrols he was in, he began a flanking maneuver towards the right of the left creature at a wide angle. Then with a great heave of his legs, Hzutli leaped and rolled out just to the near left side of it.
    The creature seeing the threat struck out with its giant maw which Hzutli barely ducked. Quickly after its arms swing out to attempt to grapple Hzutli. Realizing the point of the attack, Hzutli then side steps a swipe and performs a fierce one-handed counter-chop down onto the knuckles of the lizard, than with his other arm, he grabs one of the fingers and bites hard. Feeling the ferocity of this one, the beast backs away. Using this to his advantage, Hzutli then returns back to the hard pressed Xa.
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  19. Xlcontiqu

    Xlcontiqu New Member

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    ((OOC: Do we only carry over one set of points, i.e. only carry over Skill or Beast-handling or Battle, or do we carry all of them over? In any case, I am carrying my Beast-handling point.))

    As a lizard rushes towards, he chatters quickly to Ilok. Will you use your magic to help make my beast-handling skills more effective? He faces the best again, hoping that Ilok will aid him.
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  20. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    OOC: ((I took my 2 magic points with me))

    Ilok gazed straight into the eyes of the beast.
    His cold blood stopped only for a moment. Then, Ilok knew his task. He gazed upon the sky to find the right method.

    It struck him.

    Hexec had asked for help, and only Ilok knew why. He made sure he had distance between him and the beast, before casting a spell.
    Bright white lights started to apear everywhere. First, there were a few. Which quickly turned into a few dozen. And moments later, there were thousands little bright lights flying around the beast.
    They moved in mysterious patterns, which the beast could not understand. Thousands of possible prey, yet the beast could only choose so many.

    As Ilok spoke the last words of the spell; All the lights moved faster and faster. Confusing the beast even more. At the last word, they all exploded into a bright white flash, and for just a moment. The beast was blinded.

    Hexec realised his advantage, and went to use it. Well.

    The Hunted

    OOC: ((Does casting a spell cost any magic points? Small spells? big spells? Do we have to 'guess' how much points we use? Do we use any at all?))
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.

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