Lizardmen RPG

Discussion in 'Active games' started by Craken, Mar 23, 2010.

  1. asrodrig

    asrodrig New Member

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    Ax-rodriq sniffed the air cautiously. There was no trace of his quarry in the air, but the jungle itself was a more wily opponent than any warm blood. Drawing his sword, he moved towards the sound, taking great care to not make any of his own. Slowly he proceeded through the thick undergrowth until he came upon a clearing. His eyes quickly readjusted to the change in light and rested upon a sight that few had ever seen, and still fewer had lived to speak of it: a Carnosaur nest. A deep bellow in the distance told him that the mother was not near. Ax-rodriq's reptilian ears heard the same sound again, and it was revealed to be a large Monitir lizard, half again as large as Ax-rodriq himself. Its intent was clear; the egg of a Carnosaur would be food enough to last the venomous creature the rest of the day, and nature had granted the lizard with insurance against the wrath of the mother - two pairs of long, poisonous spines mounted on the great reptile's muscular tail. Of course, Ax-rodriq knew these would be little deterrent to the Carnosaur cow's rage, for even if they could penetrate the tough hide of the livid mother, her rage would be such that death by poison would be the least of her concern. Fortunately, the Monitir was so focused on his prize, that it had not noticed it was being followed. Swift and silent as a shadow, Ax-rodriq stole up behind the great reptile. He thrust his sword into the tail of the great lizard, pinning its only weapon uselessly to the ground. With a hiss of surprise and rage, the Monitir spun its head around, baring its long fangs. Anticipating this, Ax-rodriq seized the beasts jaws in his arms and did a twisting somersault, snapping the Monitir's neck. Hearing another bellow from the mother, closer this time, he took one of the great eggs and disappeared into the jungle with it.
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  2. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    You only carry over one set of points.

    Yes it uses magic points to cast spells, simple ones like this will lose less, I'd say only one for that last post. But for bigger spells it will lose more points we'll do it on a case by case basis. Things like comet of cassandra and the like will need a lot of points like 20 or so, small things will be 1-5 ish, depending on the effect.
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  3. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    Hey asrodrig was kinda hoping you met up with them there, so I could put you in the group, maybe your could run into them afterwards?
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  4. asrodrig

    asrodrig New Member

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    For sure. How about I run into them on the way back?
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  5. speedygeko
    Cold One

    speedygeko New Member

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    OOC ive made an awesome model for my character and its not to shabby ill post up some pics later tonight or tommorow, we should all try and make one, just an idea

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  6. asrodrig

    asrodrig New Member

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    OOC Good idea. I'll get right on that as well.
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  7. Xlcontiqu

    Xlcontiqu New Member

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    Seeing that the creature was confused by Ilok's spell, Hexec seized the moment. He moved towards the lizard, making soft hushing sounds. As he approached the beast, its eyes drew to him, though in confusion from both the spell and from such a gutsy Skink. Hexec gently rested a hand upon the brow of the creature, thinking soothing thoughts. Slowly, the beast's eyes drooped and its head hit the ground with a soft thud. It was asleep. Hexec knew his work with this beast was done and looked around, seeing if their was anything else he could help with.

    ((OOC: How many beast-handling points would that use?))
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  8. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    That's awesome, Xa remove one battle point for the combat.

    We'll say with the spell combo, 1 point
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  9. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    Hzutli lose 1 battle point as well.
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  10. speedygeko
    Cold One

    speedygeko New Member

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    Ok thi is Xa and his great weapon

    the model is almost completley a temple gaurd but the shaft of the weapon is a spear and the main bit is part of a banner with added spikes, i had to do alot of repositioning with the hands and arms though

    Hope you like it Geko

    Attached Files:

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  11. Cuauhtémoc

    Cuauhtémoc New Member

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    (I carry my skill points with me)

    Tzuhil quickly inspected the uninvited guests. He looked very calm, although the vicious predators were drooling by the mere sight of him.
    After all, spending most of your life tending to a Stegadon does make one a bit relaxed towards wild creatures.
    In a heart-bit, Tzuhil drew a large chunk of fresh vile-ratman meat and started flopping it around, drawing the remaining predator's attention.
    When he was sure the starved beast's eyes were fixed upon the bleeding meat, he launched it forwards as far and high as he could, the chunk flying above the predator's head leaving a trail of blood. He then backed off quietly. The creature shrieked and span around, running for his lost meal away and into the jungle. Tzuhil chuckled.

    (By the way, that model looks fantastic! Did you complete it in those few hours? Nice work)
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  12. superskink3000

    superskink3000 New Member

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    OOC: so do we have the ability to kill these sort of things right off the bat? I know Xa killed one immediately and I only swatted it, but we both lost the same amount of points. Would I have been able to kill it and still use only 1 battle point? By the way, that is a sweet model, I like the way you positioned his arms to hold the weapon across in a more defensive stance.
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  13. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    That's a cool model love the gw.
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  14. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    Oh sorry superskink must of miss read a post or something Xa loses 3, you lose 1. Sorry kinda sick today.
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  15. superskink3000

    superskink3000 New Member

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    OOC: ya no worries, I know how you feel. Just wanted to be sure, cus he absolutely raped a giant lizard while I just gave it some bloody knuckles. Also I'm still getting used to the way the game works. This is the first time I've ever played an RPG with enthusiastic people. Most of my attempts last only like one sitting.
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  16. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    Remember to update your points guys.

    After dispatching the lizards, the group notice a dart embedded in the eye of on of the beasts, but no-one in the party, saw nor heard to shot. Figuring they were aided, they decided that the one who shot the dart was skilled and were thankful for his aid, and decided that if he wished to show himself he would. Continuing onward they made their way through the mud traps of the forest with no casualties.

    Their walk was long and when they came to a clearing in the woods, they decided it may be best to rest here for a while. Hunger had also hit them, and a hunt was set up. The brave skinks and saurus, went out and hunted. On their return they brought with them, two large boars, no poison was used so the meal wold be refreshing and invigorating. They divided the pigs evenly, giving the hearts to Ilok as he was the highest ranking of them all.

    Okay I know this is a small post, but this is where you can intereact with each other, get to know each others characters. When you carry over points today you can also add 1 to anything else cause of the good eating
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  17. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    JohnMaverick - Hey dude forgot to post your stats

    Huaroc, Chameleon Skink. 4 skill/1 Battle/1 Blend
    Stats are M6 WS2 BS3 S2 T2 W1 I4 A1 Ld5
    or you can chose this stat block instead
    M6 WS1 BS4 S2 T2 W1 I4 A1 Ld5

    The blend ability can be used as an extra skill point, but it also will allow you to hide in plain sight, usually it will cost only 1 blend point to do that, but somethings will have better senses so it will cost more. When hiding in plain sight anything that is considered sneaking and uses skill points uses 1 point less the whole encounter.
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  18. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    OOC (( I again carry my magic points with me. And use the good food for an extra point in skill. Which means for the moment I have: 4 skill, 1 battle and 6 magic.))

    Ilok was tired after a long walk. He was not used to marching at all. The strong Saurus, and more muscular skinks faired pretty well. But Ilok wished he could propell himself in another way than his feet. He pondered.

    The hearts did Ilok good. It gave him new thoughts, but more importantly; new power.

    He asked to the group in general:
    "What are your names to begin with, I can only remember them vaguely?"
    Ilok regretted that he'd forgotten some of the names, he should have paid more attention when he met everybody.
    Quickly after that, he asked;
    "Why do you think you are here? It must have a higher purpose...
    We all have our own skill sets. How to combine them?"

    With that, Ilok waited for some answers.
    He could not ask his new friends everything. For they did now knew how to weave magic. A shame, he thought. As magic was so much fun.

    The Hunted
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  19. speedygeko
    Cold One

    speedygeko New Member

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    ((OOC i took the point off for savaging the beast and the added them on again for daily points and got +1 guard with food))

    Xa stood gaurd while his companions talked about themselves and about what they did. He stood gaurd watching over the others, motionless but ready for anything he kept hit weapon at his side all night, he didnot move he did not rest, only watching and gaurding. What he did best.

    The others knew betterthan to distract a temple gaurd from his duty so after they got his name they left him alone to do his "thing" they respected his choice to gaurd and it make resting in the jungle alot more comfortable

    ((OOC itd be cool if in the morning they found a big heap of predators or somthing but thats just an idea
    and i spent about a day doing the model, i did it when this thing started))

    Cheers Geko/Xa
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  20. Xlcontiqu

    Xlcontiqu New Member

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    ((OOC: I have another question on bringing over points. Say hypothetically I bring over my battle points. I now have two. Next day, I bring over my skill points. Now does the one battle point I brought over stay with me or is it lost? Bringing over skill points))

    When Ilok speaks, Hexec looks up and chitters his name. "I am Hexec, and I believe that this divine quest will allow me to finally become worthy to ride the Terradon that I lost a few years ago. This quest will allow me to be ready to fly the skies once more, and to become the greatest Master of the Sky in all history." With that he said, he bowed his head, feeling sad for the loss of his Terradon. Looking up he examined the rest of the group, wanting to hear their stories.
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