I've actually developed a technique to achieve smooth gradients in one single pass from Baharroth Blue to Ulthuan but it's not something I can explain or make you do, it does require practice, time to get that brush control and have the feel for the exact amount of dilution on the paint as a bit less will.cover too much and a bit more will make the Ulthuan separate and give a horrible results, that's is why I suggested a couple of stages mixing both colours. But anyway my painting method sadly requires time, no where to hide from that. Lahmian Medium is MY DRUG!!! I drink that stuff by the gallons. Hope GW made a 250ml bottle of the stuff. ..
Indeed. It will take time for me to get passable results. Let me just say that the tutorial is still VERY helpful. The beginning stages all look much better than how I normally paint. It's just those darn layer stages (the first Baharroth and the Ulthuan) that I can't make look "right". Maybe I'm inspecting the mini too closely, but they just look too stark/cartoony.
You also have to be careful not to overload the brush. That is one of the larger skill sets for creating smooth glaze blends. If you overload the brush with a glaze you will lose control over the fetters and blends.
Yes, that is correct. I usually discharge the excess paint on a tissue or paper towel before glazing. And even then I first test it on my thumb or the Base
Here are my first attempts at painting @Itepixcauh style. Not that neat Plus, they look a little pale to me in person. I know the photo isn't great either, from my phone with a couple of fluorescent desk lamps for light. The leader with the sword has (poorly) painted grey highlights, while the other has just a Baharroth Blue layer. I'm not sure which I like better. Anyway, at least I've made some tentative progress.
I agree, they look fine to me. Go ahead and add the details to them and then judge again if you want another highlight or not.
Okay, cool. Sorry, it's tough for me to separate how I paint from the really good, clean work I see on the forums. Thanks for the encouragement.
Each and everyone one of my models I'm happy with but also see every imperfection, they are all kinda shit in my eyes..... I feel like most of us feel that way. If you think they're a bit pale options for a next skink would be narrow the highlights and leave more midtones or a mixed tone of moderate colour. You can also try the old lahmia media + shade step to try to take the edge off the highlights and darken the depths. Your skinks look great There's a certain stage where a model comes together just by doing all the details, if you have gold bangles, jewlery and weapons your eyes will be drawn away from any imperfections in the skin . Infantry like this are also meant to be seen as a blob on the table and from that perspective top they will look perfect. Just keep working on your painting for so your next hero or monster will be the next step better.
UPDATE 9/22/19 I wasn't totally happy with my previous painting attempts. So, here are some updated minis, with which I'm a bit happier. I tried to combine Contrast paint for basing/shades (with mixed results) and I tried to put into practice some of the great advice I've gotten on this site. I'm still not totally happy with my palette, but I was challenged/encouraged by a friend (who is MUCH better at mini painting) to actually paint one mini completely. So, I just used the colors I have. Only part unpainted is the eyes of both (I have no yellow paint). Also apologies for the washed out camera phone photos. I really like using Baharroth Blue as a base for both skink and saurus. I use Aethermatic Blue Contrast for skink skin and Akhelian Green w/Contrast medium (approx. 1:2) for the scales. The saurus is washed in Akhelian Green & Contrast medium (1:2) for the skin and Leviadon Blue & Contrast medium (1:2 again) for the scales. Let me know what you think.
No actual painting to update, but I did get a Slann proxy and I thought I'd share. It is a model from Artisan Guild Miniatures that I bought on Etsy. I think it looks pretty cool. Since I don't have an actual Slann mini, it might be a little smaller. But I think the size is close.
These Skinks look fantastic mate! As a fellow fledgling painter, I can appreciate all of the frustrations that you've gone through. Don't try to compare yourself to other painters you see on the forum or online, just always try to do a better job than last time. I think that if you just did the bases on these skinks and then painted the sides of the base black they'd look pretty awesome!
Thank you for the encouragement. I'm REALLY slack when it comes to painting, but I'm trying to break out of that. I like the progress you're making in your "Blog of Renown".
+1 I think you'd be surprised the amount of people in this category. Thanks for the comment on my own painting! I have to get back to that!
Thank you. Sadly, that will likely be a LONG time coming. I am easily discouraged and distracted by not being a good painter. Plus, virtually all of my friends have stopped playing Warhammer for various reasons (but mostly b/c one of them plays SBGL and the others got tired of getting beat). So my motivation to paint is at a low ebb. Sorry