AoS Third place in Australian Championships

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by Blitzkriyg, May 6, 2019.

  1. Blitzkriyg
    Temple Guard

    Blitzkriyg Well-Known Member

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    On the weekend of May 4-5, I placed 3rd in the Australian Championships with my seraphon and I thought I'd do a little write up and some thoughts of my list.

    My list was the following

    ++ **Pitched Battle** 2,000 (Order - Seraphon) [1980pts] ++

    + Leader +

    Engine of the Gods [220pts]: 4. Light of Dracothian

    Saurus Astrolith Bearer [160pts]

    Slann Starmaster [260pts]: 3. Great Rememberer, General

    + Battleline +

    Skinks [60pts]: 10 Skinks, Boltspitters and Star-bucklers

    Skinks [60pts]: 10 Skinks, Boltspitters and Star-bucklers

    Skinks [60pts]: 10 Skinks, Boltspitters and Star-bucklers

    + Battalion +

    Battalion: Thunderquake Starhost [1060pts]
    . Bastiladon: Solar Engine
    . Bastiladon: Solar Engine
    . Engine of the Gods: 2. Ethereal Amulet
    . Hunting Pack
    . . Razordons: 3x Razordons
    . . Skink Handlers: 3 Skink Handlers

    + Allegiance +

    Allegiance: Allegiance: Seraphon

    + Game Options +

    Game Type: 2000 Points - Battlehost

    + Realm of Origin +

    Realm of Origin: Origin: Shyish

    + Malign Sorcery +

    Endless Spells [100pts]: Balewind Vortex, Chronomatic Cogs

    ++ Total: [1980pts] ++

    I played 1 stormcast player, 1 sylvaneth player and all 3 FEC players. My only loses were to the FEC players that came 1st and 2nd.

    Why I went Thunderquake

    I believe Thunderquake is out most competitive battalion. Shadowstrike is good to get the alphastrike, but you will quickly lose models, while Thunderquake has the staying power you need to remain on the board. Because of thunderquake, I managed to win one of my games that I lost my slann turn 1 and didn't summon all game.

    Thunderquake is also ideal because you can castle up a bit (ideally in the middle of your deployment zone) with skinks flanking and taking objectives and you can get the full re-rolls from your Astro bearers, while also re-rolling wounds and saves from being savage.

    General Strategy

    With 2 EOTG, I had double the chance to summon/D6 MW laser my opponents. This really paid off in my last game where I got my first ever 18, and although I lost the game due to being double turned, it really put the panic in my opponent when I killed her Zombie Dragon and got her general on terrorgeist down to 2 wounds left before she even went.

    I learned the hard way you can only cast 1 endless spell per wizard per turn. I usually run with a skink starpriest casting cogs so it's never come up, but getting both of these endless spells off nets a minimum 16 CCP per turn. For summoning, I usually save my points. I am a fan of summoning an Old Blood on Carno, Eternal Warden and Sunblood on foot, popping the carnos command ability and going in with those 3 will end any unit. I also spend CCP on razordons or resummoning bastilidons that get killed.

    Shooting. Whew boy, shooting. As we all know, razordon shooting is amazing, and teamed up with bastilidon shooting, in my 3rd game, I managed to kill my opponents general on terrorgeist on turn 2 and both of his other characters on terrorgeist in turn 3.

    Razordons. This guys won me my games. The amount of firepower is staggering.I never kept the handlers nearby as I was teleporting my razordons all over the field, so the handlers were just used as bodies on objectives. I don't think they are necessary and if you can get the re-rolls to hit from the astro and wound from savage, theres not a lot that can survive them.


    There are a few things I am going to change in my list after this weekend

    Light of Dracothian. It's good in theory, but I never had the opportunity to use it. I am conisdering coronal shield on the non battalion EOTG to give him a bit more survivability. I really don't like retrecies, things that go into my big bois are usually overkilling him to the point the heal wouldn't matter and I believe the possible -1 to hit is going to be better.

    Balewind vortex. While I like having 2 endless spells to give me more CCP, the 2nd wont be affecting the game until turn 3 and by that time, it might not matter as much. I am getting rid of the balewind because I believe the re-rolling saves is much more valuable than +1, especially when you can put him in cover and have the 3+ rerolling. Keeping cogs also means if there is ever a crucial point where I need to charge onto an objective (which did come up in my last game, which an unfortunate failed charge contributed in my loss), I have the option of speeding up time. That said, dropping cogs instead will open me up to spend more points, but I think the benefits of cogs over balewind outweighs the extra points.

    1 more razordon. Dropping balewind opens me up to getting another razordon for my hunting pack. These good bois were the MVP of the entire weekend and I don't think I would have done nearly as much without them. Teleporting them around the field and and especially being able to move them into rend range is what did the most damage all weekend, getting another 2d6 shots in will be amazing.

    With the 20 points left, I think I will take the soulsnare shackles. I believe I would have had a much better chance at winning my lost games if I could have slowed the terrorgeist charges in turn 1

    That's my write up, any questions I am happy to answer. I had a great weekend and everyone, including myself was shocked to see how well the lizard bois wents. I am aiming to have the top seraphon in Australia badge, then take on the world!
    Last edited: May 6, 2019
  2. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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  3. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    LizardWizard likes this.
    Skink Chief

    ILKAIN Well-Known Member

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    OH NO, we won Adepticon and now Third place in Australia.... GW will never update our book now!

    Just kidding, Congrats mate. and thanks for the run down, its always interesting to see the inner workings of the more competitive players.
    Imrahil and LizardWizard like this.
  5. Vexcor

    Vexcor Well-Known Member

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    what exactly do you mean with Hunting Pack? Do you call your razordons Hunting pacck?
    LizardWizard likes this.
  6. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    The term comes from the Thunderquake starhost bataillon warscroll, you can choose between the hunting pack or Kroxigors.
    The hunting pack consists of the Razordons/Salamanders and their Skink handlers.
    Last edited: May 7, 2019
    LizardWizard and Blitzkriyg like this.
  7. Vexcor

    Vexcor Well-Known Member

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    Ah i see, sry i forgot that
    LizardWizard likes this.
  8. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Wow, congratulations!

    another option i like, is the quicksilver swords.
    20 pts, and if you're pitched against chaos it a spell that rolls 12 dices, delivering a MW for each 5+. At most, you don't face chaos and it's 20 unused pts.

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