Avengers: Endgame

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by NIGHTBRINGER, Apr 20, 2019.


    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Captain Marvel :vomit:. The only positive was that she only had 15 minutes of screen time
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    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Personally I liked Infinity War much more. Thanos was more interesting in that film

    As for your spoilered comment... I had the exact same though as I watched the movie. You are absolutely correct!
    Killer Angel likes this.
  3. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    so true. She's too much strong.

    i liked so much when Thanos outsmarted her, picking the stone of power from the gauntlet do deliver her a staggering blow… :D
    NIGHTBRINGER likes this.
  4. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    I thought the consequences of the Thanos snap were pretty mild.

    That did not happen.

    I think they bypassed the plant and animal death completely. No food or supply shortages. No riots. No major problems with governmental power vaccuums.

    No one on Earth questioned the explanation given by the Avengers that "Some big purple guy snapped his fingers, it's not the end of the world don't panic."

    Undoing the snap without rewinding time (so you know, you don't erase Morgan Stark from existance) still leaves a ton of damage. Undoing the snap doesn't bring back the people who died because they were on a plane that crash, a bus that drove off a bridge, or they were on the operating table when their doctor disappeared.

    If a young child lost all his/her adult guardians they would likely die without a surrogate parent and with the government and media hamstrung in the immediate aftermath, relatively few adults would be out seeking lost children. Babies are truly helpless.

    If there were riots, murders, or wars, those deaths wouldn't come back. I guarantee there would be suicides. You know some weird doomsday cults would emerge.

    The five year age differential with their loved ones would be weird for unsnapped people, especially if you are young. Imagine a 10th grader reuniting with his best friend from gradeschool, still grade school age.

    In five years a lot of people would move on and get new spouses or girlfriends. There might be a baby boom as some people would want to repopulate the planet. It'd be really awkward if you come back from the re-snap and find your spouse is remarried with two kids not by you.

    There is no real possibility for all's well that ends well. We basically have to ignore continuity to be able to enjoy followup movies, though I wasn't super eager to watch post-Endgame Marvel movies anyway.
  5. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    I completely agree with your points, except for one thing:

    wasn't that kinda the point of the snapping? remove the people that consume plants, food, resources?
    it would have been weird to snap away also those.
  6. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    I don't think these are spoilers per se, but I'm going to apply caution.

    I know that comic books continue forever, they will keep building up big challenges even after major events are settled but there is a problem of scale and context. If you just cheered on heroes beat Satan, it's hard to go back to cheering on heroes beating Snidely Whiplash.

    Brie Larson I believe has a contract for a least three more movies not that I'm planning to watch any of them. There are rumors influenced primarily by hope (or Brie Larson spite) that Marvel is planning to have Monica Rambeu take over the mantle of Captain Marvel from Carol Danvers. The Captain Marvel movie did introduce a Monica Rambeu character as a child in the nineties, so it's plausible. Fun fact, according to comic book reviewers I've seen, Captain Marvel is rude and snarky to more established MCU characters in her comic books so Brie Larson is actually brilliant casting.

    With proper handling, Captain Marvel may be able to be course corrected to not be a polarizing figure. Not likely but possible. Captain Marvel will never be the face of a successful franchise. If the MCU doesn't crash and burn, Spiderman will be the face of the MCU. Spiderman Homecoming was a mediocre movie because the writing was bad but Tom Holland is a great actor. At least as good as Tobey McGuire in my opinion. I am cautiously optimistic about Spiderman's immediate fuure.

    Captain Marvel passes the shield on in End Game to Falcon just like he did in the comics. Does anyone know if he's getting a movie. I'd be willing to watch it. Sam Wilson is a very good actor.

    It does not seem like we will ever get a Black Widow movie. That is sad. I like high action, espionage movies. Disney is too cowardly to try a movie that deviates from the classic Marvel formula which a Black Widow movie would be forced to do.

    I don't see the mantle of Hulk being taken up again since the Hulk only got one standalone movie and it was starring Edward Norton. The logical successor is Jennifer Walters as the She-Hulk. I don't know much about She-Hulk other than that unlike Bruce Banner/Hulk, She Hulk only has a very brief rage phase. Unlike her cousin Bruce, Jennifer has full control over her powers and emotional state.

    I don't know much about her though besides that she is a lawyer and really strong.

    They didn't mention if Ant Man is retiring or not. I legitimately enjoyed the two Antman movies but I think they sit comfortable rest in the bottom tier of Marvel movies. I am not champing at the bit for more.

    Thor passed the torch to Valkyerie. Tessa Thompson is much more charismatic than Brie Larson, but I just don't know anything about Valkyerie. WIth Asgard literally destroyed, how many exciting Asgardian stories can we have.

    I liked Black Panther and would be willing to watch a Black Panther sequel. I'm a little hesitant because of sequilitus. Thor 2, Iron Man 3 were considerably crappier than their predecessors, but Antman 2 was okay and Captain America 2 was fantastic. Black Panther was a good movie largely because they had a great villain. A sequel would hinge on a good villain. Another reason I liked Black Panther as a character is because he is the only MCU character that doesn't constantly quip and snark besides straightman Drax. He is a leader that seems to understand the gravity of being a leader. He feels more real than the others.

    I don't see anyone picking up the Iron Man mantle. In story terms almost anyone could put on a suit of power armor but it would be foolish to try to follow Robert Downey Junior. You want to follow failure, rather than follow success. (That's why I think Captain Marvel is salvageable if Monica Rambeu picks up the mantle).

    Disney owns Fox now. That means that the X-Men, Deadpool, and the Fantastic Four can now play in the same sand box with the Avengers. Spiderman and Venom are still property of Sony but Sony and Disney have worked together to co-produce Spiderman several times. The Dark Phoenix movie that's coming out soon was created by Fox before the merger.

    I'm not 100% I want these guys playing together. Now it's really cool to see Wolverine and Captain America fighting Nazis in WWII but for the most part X-Men is so wedded to the 1960s Civil Rights movements (the previous movies were time warps to the 60s and 70s even) I'm not sure how to mix it thematically with the Avenger's cast.
  7. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Depends how literally you take "half of all living things." No one said Thanos' plan had to make sense, he is insane.

    ASSASSIN_NR_1 Well-Known Member

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    I'm not sure I would call Thanos 'insane' actually, I'd rather call him a fanatic.

    Regarding the future of the MCU, I think they will keep the movies quite separate for a good while, so basically having no team ups like with the avengers movies and civil war.

    I don't see them merging the franchises, maybe if they remake the X-Men, otherwise I agree that they don't fit, and certainly not Deadpool.

    Don't remember where I heard it, or if it's legit, but there should be a black widow movie planned.

    Unrelated: How do you hide the text?
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    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    • highlight whatever you want to put behind a spoiler tag
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    • a dialogue box will pop up allowing you to add more information into the tag or leave it blank (in which case it will just read "spoiler")
    • click continue


    Alternatively, you can click the insert icon and insert a spoiler and then enter you text between the spoiler tags...

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  10. Scolenex

    Scolenex Well-Known Member

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    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Some of those ideas are better than the woke shit poop they'll likely introduce. :D
  12. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    I saw Captain Marvel and Avengers Endgame, I enjoyed both :D

    Considering how huge the franchise is, I am amazed this epic arc of the franchise ended so well.

    Captain Marvel, she was a little stiff, but the movie followed the "Marvel super-hero" formula to a tea and was pretty good. Certainly better than some of the other earlier marvel movies (looking at you Thor...). Also my cat was in the movie :joyful:

    Endgame did its best. Considering how many characters they had in the movie, I am glad they focused on the original Avengers the most. Granted you can't think about the snap or the time travel shenanigans too much or the whole plot falls apart, but it was good for what it was: a super hero adventure where they finally beat the big bad after two pretty epic movies. I think the directors were channeling a bit too much Lord of the Rings at the end of endgame, but I was also glad that they gave Iron Man a decent ending.

    My biggest gripe was with Captain America's ending. They sent him back to return all the stones, which he succeeded in, and then decided to stay in the past and live out his life. Fortunately for him this didn't alter the timeline (again) too much, but I find it hard to believe that he wouldn't have ripped SHIELD out from the inside while he took down Hydra in the past.

    Also why didn't he take Bucky with him??? Bucky was his best bud, and was another man-out-of-time in the future, I felt that he would have been hurt that Cap didn't take him too. Aaaaand it would have made more sense for Cap to give Bucky the shield; handing it off to Falcon seemed a bit rushed with no actual buildup throughout the movie to lead you to think giving Falcon the shield was merited.

    At the end of the day, I think the original Iron Man was still my favorite of the Marvel franchise.


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