To be honest I was thinking what @NIGHTBRINGER was thinking - the worst looking model candidates are slightly less obvious than the worst models gamewise and I just wanted to hear everyone's opinions on that subject. As I expected
Alright, expect some more stuff tomorrow, I did some more work and now I need to figure out how to stick it down.
Alright then, I have pretty good news. I was demonstrating the technique of dismembering a stormcast to the guy who runs my GW, and I was going to leave it to him BUT he told me small kids come here. After a brief “OH DANG!” He let me take it, and now I have another one. However I got some more inspiration for this guy. As the Chaplin for the fire department lives literally across the street, he told me a pretty gruesome story involving a train. Lone behold in inspiration I took off half the model’s head, and pretty soon some brain will be oozing out. I started getting a friend into warhammer, but this is something she won’t want to see...
Alright, as I’m dismembering another guy, I might as well describe the process for my fellow lizards. Here is the comprehensive guide by Lizerd on horrific injuries, from getting inspiration to carrying it out. Part one: planning things out So really you need to start with identifying what is being dismembered and by what, in this case a human stormcast eternal being ripped apart by a carnosaur. So what this means a few things need to be done, we look for long and deep slash marks, severe dismemberment, and general appearance of being chomped down. This means clipping the shield, slashing in with a knife and other things. Part two: dismemberment So you got things planned out, and now it is time. A few good places to work on are around the chest, limbs, and areas in combat that are prone to damage. For both of my stormcast the shields are broken, bitten into implying a struggle happened. Using a bite pattern is very helpful, and a carnosaur can assumed to probably attack like a T.rex with heavy and powerful bites before violently shaking prey apart. So deep puncture marks and nasty rips, hence both models having their chests separated in two. For claws they would naturally slash into a victim, so severing an arm is very likely. Part three: adding gore So with a paint job you want to now add guts and blood. Obviously use green stuff and blood for the blood god. Now with the blood, humans have a lot of it, so don’t be concerned with having to little. You want thick and splattered blood, and if your lacking inspiration you can observe a few things like roadkill or talk with an emergency responder, they probably have something good. Good luck and if you enjoy this, you may need to see a doctor
I still need to work on the new guy, especially because he is going to have some brain leaking out, but it should be pretty interesting to see finished.
If I get the time and motivation I will try and get in a pic or two of the second guy, he is pretty bloody.